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zhū xínɡ wú chánɡ
  • 熟语All composite things are ephemeral.
  1. 对于充满万物的和按他的意志支配万物的上帝,由于诸行无常意志不复存在。

    For He Who is the fullness of all things and Who possesses all that He will , wills nothing by caprice .

  2. 通过内在地无障碍地感知到万物的空无和透明,他在诸行无常、诸法无我和涅磐寂静这不可分割的“三法印”中获得内心的自由。

    Through the power intrinsic to perceiving without obstruction this emptiness and lucidity of all things , he attained inner freedom in the indivisible Trikaya .

  3. 本文从佛教的诸行无常、缘起性空和因缘果报、业感轮回三个方面论述了颜之推对佛教义理的吸收。

    Yan Zhitui 's understanding of Buddhism is anylized from three aspects of impermanence , the origin and fate of the empty spirit , and transmigration .

  4. 但是,温庭筠执著于“诸行无常”的“生灭法”,始终无法臻于“寂灭为乐”的禅理的终极境界。

    But because of his persistence in the nirvana method of impermanence , he couldn 't come to the ultimate realm of Zen thought which takes nirvana for pleasure .