
  1. 我们另外找时间再谈吧。

    Let 's talk it over again some other time .

  2. 今天没空儿,改日再谈吧。

    I 'm busy today . Let 's talk about it some other day .

  3. B:我们再谈吧。

    B : Let 's talk about it some more .

  4. 我们边吃边谈吧。请告诉我一声。

    Let 's talk over dinner . 253.Please let me know .

  5. 依莲:哦,不,现在就谈吧!

    Elaine : Oh no , let 's do it now .

  6. 你们慢慢谈吧。我先去发动车子。

    Take your time . I 'll get the car started .

  7. 爱德华.格林:那我们就具体用“大老板”来谈吧。

    EDWARD GREEN : Let 's talk specifically about Big Boss .

  8. 我很忙,所以我们就在这儿谈吧。

    I 'm busy , so iet 's just taik here .

  9. 让我送你回家,我们边走边谈吧。

    I will walk with you as far as your home .

  10. 太好了,我们一起喝咖啡谈吧。

    Fine , let 's get a coffee at the same time .

  11. 你别跟我抱怨,直接去找老板谈吧。

    Don 't be a baby ! Go talk to your boss .

  12. 你们在这里谈吧,我来给你们把门。

    You talk here . I 'll guard the door for you .

  13. 去跟弗瑞谈吧,他需要你帮忙

    Talk to Fury . He needs you on this .

  14. 边吃边谈吧,菜凉了。

    Let 's talk at the table . it 's getting cold .

  15. 等你结婚够四十年时,再来和我谈吧。

    When you 're married forty years , come talk to me .

  16. 这一点至关重要,我们还是接着谈吧。

    This point is really relevant and we had better move on .

  17. 哦,我知道了。我们出去谈吧。

    Oh , I see . Let 's go out and talk .

  18. “那好!我们是开门见山地谈吧?”费兹杰拉德对着帕格说。

    Okay , are we talking straight ? Fitzgerald said to pug .

  19. 等我打猎回来再谈吧.

    We 'll talk when I return from the hunt .

  20. 现在你和吉姆单独谈吧。

    And now I 'll leave you and Jim alone .

  21. cab:出租汽车我们上车再谈吧。

    We 'll talk about it in the cab . -

  22. 我想就从价钱方面开始谈吧!

    I 'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices .

  23. “请古费拉克来跟我谈吧。”马吕斯说。

    " Request Courfeyrac to come and talk with me ," said Marius .

  24. 你一定不愿意跟“检察官”谈吧。

    You 're gonna love talking to the inquisitor .

  25. 那你就等着和他们谈吧。

    I think you 'll be talking to them .

  26. 这事我们以后再详细谈吧。

    We 'll talk of that by and by .

  27. 这个呀,让我们下次再谈吧。

    Well let 's talk about that next time .

  28. 好吧,我们找个地方坐下来谈吧。

    All right , let 's sit down somewhere .

  29. 我们上车再谈吧。

    We 'll talk about it in the cab .

  30. 我们现在撇开美洲这个对偶制家庭的典型地区不谈吧。

    We now leave America , the classic soil of the pairing family .