
  1. 文章介绍了ETAP软件的特点和功能以及如何应用该软件对用户谐波影响进行评估。

    Characteristics and Functions of ETAP software and its application on assessing harmonic influences of customers are introduced .

  2. 配电网中的50Hz基波及5次电流谐波影响上行电流信号的检测。

    Detection of the inbound signal is easily influenced by 50 Hz fundamental wave and its 5th harmonic currents .

  3. 其研究成果主要集中于区分系统侧和用户侧在公共连接点(PCC)处的谐波影响,对单个谐波源的谐波发射水平进行评估。

    The research findings mainly focused on distinguishing the harmonic impacts of the system side and user side on the Point of Common Coupling ( PCC ), and evaluating the harmonic emission level of single harmonic source .

  4. 仿真和实验结果表明该检测方法不受谐波影响,跟踪精度较高,暂态响应时间小于20ms。

    Simulation and test results show that the proposed detection method is not impacted by harmonics and possesses higher tracing accuracy ; its transient response time is less than 20ms .

  5. EMTP仿真表明,该算法具有不受衰减直流分量和非整次谐波影响的特点,而且对高频暂态量也有很好的抑制作用。

    EMTP simulation tests associated with a simple transmission system and 500 kV transmission system in Shandong power system show that the algorithms are of high speed with simple calculation , not influenced by DC decaying component , and high frequency components are effectively restrained .

  6. 数字信号试验表明,算法精度较高,附加运算量少,受电网谐波影响小,其中以加Blackman-Harris窗的精度最高,偏差稳定。

    The computing quantity of this algorithm is fewer , and the influence of harmonic on this algorithm is smaller . The result of data signal trial proves that it has higher accuracy , especially the Blackman-Harris window .

  7. 针对某110kV变电站主变中压侧开关频繁偷跳的现象,从二次回路、谐波影响、保护装置等方面介绍了故障排查过程,井给出了解决办法。

    This paper introduces the fault finding procedure of frequently and secretly trips for circuit breaker at mid-voltage side of a 110 kV substation on the following aspects : secondary circuit , harmonic effect , protective device , etc. A treatment method is also offered as a reference .

  8. 本文主要研究了电弧炉电气系统对电网的谐波影响。

    This paper mainly studies the harmonics impaction caused by EAF .

  9. 基于谐波影响的电能计量综合技术研究

    Research on Comprehensive Technique of Energy Measurement Based on Harmonic Effect

  10. 金属化膜电容器受谐波影响的寿命模型

    Life model of metallized capacitor considering the effect of harmonics

  11. 计及谐波影响的双笼异步电机回路电磁参数计算

    Calculation of Electromagnetic Parameters of Double-cage Asynchronous Motors under Influence of Harmonics

  12. 直流大电流比较仪谐波影响问题的研究

    Research on Harmonic Influence Problem of Heavy DC Comparator

  13. 带大电容的三相整流电路对电网的谐波影响

    The Harmonic Influence of Three-phase Rectifier Circuit With Large Capacitor on Electric Network

  14. 考虑谐波影响的无功补偿控制器的设计

    Design of Reactive Power Compensation Controller with Harmonic Consideration

  15. 城市轨道交通供电主变电站接线模式分析及其谐波影响的研究

    Wiring modes of main substations for urban mass transit and their harmonic influences

  16. 石油钻机直流电驱动系统的谐波影响及其解决方案

    Harmonic influence and resolvents on DC electric drive system of oil drilling rig

  17. 计及空间各种性质谐波影响的同步电机交路模型

    Branch Circuit Model for Synchronous Machine Including the Effect of Various Space Harmonics

  18. 配电变压器接法对谐波影响的分析

    Influence of transformer winding connection on harmonic voltage

  19. 电力谐波影响的评判

    Judgement on Influence of Electric Power Harmonic

  20. 考虑永磁磁链谐波影响的直线永磁无刷直流电机矢量控制方法

    Vector Control of Linear PM Brushless DC Motor Considering Effects of PM Flux Linkage Harmonics

  21. 对谐波影响下的电能计量方式的探讨

    Discussion on the method of the electric energy measurement under the influence of the harmonics

  22. 介绍了3种抑制交流电力线路电流、电压谐波影响的方法。

    Three methods are proposed for eliminating the adverse influence of current or voltage harmonic wave .

  23. 计及空间分数次谐波影响的同步电机支路模型

    A Branch Model of the Synchronous Machines Considering the Effect of the Fractional Order Space Harmonics

  24. 本文论述在电压谐波影响下,变压器、感应电动机及其他电气设备的性能。

    The paper describes performance of transformers , induction machines and others under the effect of voltage harmonics .

  25. 对变频装置的几种典型接线方式所产生的谐波影响作了大致的定量分析,并提出推荐方案。

    The harmonic influences of frequency converters with different wiring patterns are analyzed quantitatively and the recommendable scheme is presented .

  26. 此外专门设计了低通滤波器,有效降低谐波影响,增加控制精确性。

    Furthermore , the low pass filter is designed specially , itreduce the harmonic effect and increase control accuracy effectively .

  27. 在分析电能表计量原理的基础上,通过利用MK62000-0606基波电能表在线监测电能质量的数据,对谐波影响量进行评估。

    According to the analysis on the metering principle of the electrical energy meter , present the power metering method based on power harmonic .

  28. 提出了考虑转子磁链谐波影响的直流无刷电动机的数学模型,在此基础上结合矢量控制设计了一种转矩纹波自适应控制系统。

    A model of PMSM that includes the influence of torque ripple is developed and an adaptive control feedback structure based on the vector control system is proposed .

  29. 考虑谐波影响的分布式电源准入功率计算

    Computing the Maximum Penetrating Level of Distributed Generators in Distribution Network by Taking into Account of Harmonic Constraints An Analysis on Power Harmonics and Its Solution Power Supplies

  30. 经仿真实验表明:该方案能准确地判别出变压器内部故障和励磁涌流,不受系统谐波影响,具有很高的可靠性。

    The simulation tests show that the new method can correctly judge the transformer 's inrush current and internal fault without the harmonic effect , and it has a good reliability .