
  • 网络Capital Stock;stock of capital
  1. 上海市物质资本存量估算:1978~2007

    The Estimation of Shanghai 's capital stock : 1978 ~ 2007

  2. 大量FDI流入增加了江苏的资本存量,缓解了就业压力,推动了江苏省经济的快速发展。

    A large number of FDI inflowing increases the provincial capital stock and relieves employment pressure .

  3. RD强度中等地区,产业结构和人力资本存量对提高RD强度有着非常显著的影响;

    In medium R & D intensity regions , industrial structure and human resource proves to be important ;

  4. 美国BEA通过RD卫星账户的构建在RD资本存量方面积累了大量经验。

    BEA has accumulated considerable experience in R D capital stock by constructing R D satellite account .

  5. 资本存量与产出的比率日益上升意味着,中国需要越来越多的投资来保持GDP的增长。

    The rising ratio of the capital stock to output means that ever greater investment is needed to sustain GDP growth .

  6. 同样重要的,是有关资本存量(capitalstock)对产出造成影响的理论假设,这对中国来说十分重要,因为中国资本存量的增长速度远远高于总体经济的增速。

    Also important are technical assumptions about the impact of the capital stock on output , which matter for China because the capital stock grew so much faster than the economy .

  7. 中国制造业及其他部门的RD资本存量对中国TFP增长均在显著的正相关性。

    The manufacturing and the other departmental RD capital stock have both distinct promotion to China 's TFP .

  8. 资本存量对一国的GDP增长起着显著的促进作用,而FDI引起的技术溢出对经济的促进作用是不明显的。

    Through analysis we get those conclusions : ① The R & D capital stock has a distinct relativity with GDP , but the FDI has not .

  9. 在这一过程中,FDI对中国制造业的发展,尤其是资本存量的增加,技术的进步,产品国际竞争力的增强等方面都产生了重要的影响。

    In this progression , FDI has played a great role in increasing the stock of capital , improving the technology and the ability of international competition .

  10. 通过基础设施与经济增长的Granger因果关系检验,说明了基础设施资本存量是促进经济增长的更为积极的原因;

    Infrastructure capital stock is the more positive reason for promoting economic growth than the other by Granger cause and effect test ;

  11. 本文通过我国经济增长因素分析,劳动力、人力资本存量及其变动与GDP产业结构的变动率分析;

    The article analyzes the factors affecting China 's economic growth , the stock of and change in laborer and human capital , and the change rate of GDP industrial structure .

  12. 本文在一个简单的动态一般均衡模型中,通过分析利息税冲击的两种效应&提高边际消费倾向和降低资本存量,发现利息税冲击对稳态(steadystate)消费的瞬时是正的;

    By analyzing two effects of interest-tax shock , under a simple model of general equilibrium dynamics-the increasing marginal propensity to consumption and reducing capital stock-we find the effect of interest-tax shock on steady-state consumption and steady-state income in long-run .

  13. 造成我国FDI技术溢出效果不佳的原因,主要是人力资本存量不足、金融压制以及地方政府在吸引FDI方面的恶性竞争等。

    The main reason to make FDI technology spill ineffectiveness in our country is the scarcity of human capital , the financial suppress and the malignant competition of attracting FDI between local governments .

  14. RD强度较低地区,GDP增长、产业结构升级和人力资本存量增加都能提高RD强度。

    And in the low RD intensity regions , GDP growth , the upgrading of industrial structure and the increase of human resource stock can improve the RD intensity .

  15. 对投资流量、资本存量、GDP等时间序列数据建立模型测算、回归分析,得出重庆市资本存量较多、整体投资使用效率较高的结论;

    The research establishes the regression model on the data of the investment flow , the investment stock and GDP , and finds the investment stock is sufficient and the investment efficiency is high .

  16. 大量的相关实证结果表明,在开放的经济条件下,一国全要素生产率的提高不仅依赖于本国自身的RD资本存量,而且还依赖于其贸易伙伴的RD资本存量。

    Many empirical studies show that under the open economy , one country 's TFP ( Total Factor Productivity ) is dependent not only on domestic R D capital stock but also on spilled R D capital stock through trade from other countries .

  17. 文章结合中国实际,对收入法进行修正和简化,估算出了中国1952~2003年以货币计量的人力资本存量数据,并将之与物质资本、GDP等进行比较。

    In this paper , we modified and simplified the income-based measure of human capital stock to corporate the China 's reality , and estimate the money value of human capital stock in 1952-2003 , and compare it with physical capital and GDP .

  18. RD资本存量与创新产出之间存在理想的正线形关系;空间外部性主要通过误差冲击的空间传递来实现;RD外部性、人力资本流动以及市场的竞争和合作是导致创新溢出的主要原因。

    There is perfect positive linear relationship between innovative output and R D capital stock . Spatial externalities are transferred spatially by error shocking . The externalities of R D , human capital flow , competition and corporation of market are the major reasons for innovative spillovers .

  19. 行业层面上,FDI与国内投资的关系主要取决于生产函数的选择。而FDI对任一个行业内的国内资本存量的影响,主要取决于外商投资的动机和外资所来源的行业的特征。

    The relationship of FDI and domestic investment on the industrial level mainly depends on the choice of production function , but the impact of FDI on domestic capital stock in any industry depends on the motive of FDI and characteristics of souring industries .

  20. 本文搜集了我国1978年以来的GDP、就业人口、固定资产投资、居民受教育水平、职工实际工资等数据,并采用流行的测算方法,估算出我国的资本存量和人力资本存量。

    To tie into the use of the above models , the author collected the GDP , employment , fixed asset investment , resident education , actual payroll and other data since 1978 and estimated Chinese capital stock and human capital stock using popular measurement methods .

  21. 本文运用中国大中型工业企业行业的面板数据,在测算RD资本存量的基础上,构建了知识生产函数模型,进而研究了知识生产的性质及其影响因素。

    This paper investigates the properties of the knowledge production function and the determinants of RD efficiency using a panel dataset of large and medium sized Chinese industrial firms . One innovation of the paper is the construction of the firm-level RD stock .

  22. 论文给出了企业智力资本存量开发的基本模式。

    The thesis establishes the basic mode of IC stock development .

  23. 中国目前的资本存量,有近三分之二是在2003年以后积累的。

    Nearly two-thirds of capital stock has been created since 2003 .

  24. 中国西部人力资本存量的比较分析

    The Comparative Analysis on the Human Capital Storge in the West China

  25. 中国国有经济固定资本存量初步测算

    The Preliminary Measurement of Fixed Capital Stocks of State-owned Economy of China

  26. 基于代际交叠模型的养老保险对资本存量和福利的影响

    Capital Accumulation and Welfare influenced by Pension Systems on Overlapping Generations Model

  27. 资本存量核算的国际进展及其对中国的启示

    The International Developments of Capital Stock Accounting and Its Inspiration to China

  28. 带动了相关配套投资,间接促进了中国资本存量的增加;

    It also accelerates relative investment and the amount of capital indirectly .

  29. 永续盘存法是资本存量核算的基本工具。

    Perpetual Inventory Method is the basic tool for capital stock accounting .

  30. 中国省际物质资本存量估算:1952&2000

    The Estimation of China 's provincial capital stock : 1952 & 2000