
chāo shōu
  • overcharge
超收[chāo shōu]
  1. 我国财政超收收入研究

    The Research for the Excess Revenue of China

  2. 在国家每年数以万亿的财政收入中,存在着大量的超收收入。

    In the annual trillions finance funds , there are a great deal income of extra finance budget .

  3. 三是合理安排中央财政超收收入。

    Three , we will spend the excess revenue in the central government budget in an appropriate way .

  4. 财政超收收入产生的原因是什么,应该如何有效使用超收收入,这些问题成为人们最为关注的话题。

    The reasons for the increasing of the excess revenue and the use of the excess revenue have become the hottest topics .

  5. 对我国的财政超收与财政超支之间的关系进行了定性和定量的分析,认为财政超支是导致财政超收的重要原因。

    By quantitative or qualitative analysis on excess revenue and excess expenditure of China 's finance , this article concludes that the excess expenditure is the main cause of excess revenue .

  6. 而且现在我不只对女人比较吃香,和别人的互动也更加融洽,从和我房东的相处,到处理信用卡超收。

    And I 'm not just more successful with women now , I 'm more successful in every other human interaction , from dealing with my landlord to handling credit card overcharges .

  7. 近几年,由于实际经济增长高于预期目标,加上一些政策性增收因素,中央财政超收较多。

    Because of the fact that actual economic growth exceeded targets plus some policy factors that increased revenue , the central government revenue has exceeded the targets in recent years by a fair amount .

  8. A股上市首日超额收益影响因素的实证研究凡公司以高于普通股或特别股面额之价格发行股票,其所超收部份之金额皆属之。

    An Empirical Study of Determinants of Abnormal Returns of A-Shares on the First Listed Day ; The excess amount over the par value of common or prefer stock issued , which is received by a corporation .

  9. 1994年以来,我国财政收入增长率计划指标与实际指标差距即财政超收收入数额逐渐增大,引起了社会各界的关注和争议。

    The gap between the planned growth rate of revenue and the actual growth rate of it the excess revenue has been increasingly enlarged in China since 1994 , which has aroused the attention and dispute of general public .

  10. 为控制药品费用的不合理增长,克服卫生资源浪费,国家对医院实行药品分开核算、分别管理、超收上缴的管理办法。

    To control unreasonable increase of pharmaceutical cost and overcome waste of health resources , a nwe management method was conducted in hospital , which was that pharmaceutical was accounted and managed respectively and that over income was turned over .

  11. 违反本法第四章第四节关于佣金比例的规定收取佣金的,拍卖人应当将超收部分返还委托人、买受人。

    By accepting commissions in violation of the stipulation of section four of chapter four of this Law concerning the ratio of commissions , an auctioneer shall return that part in excess of the reasonable amount to the trustee and the buyer .