
  • 网络vietnam airline
  1. 阮轩平说,5月之前,岘港中国人入境旅游市场的增长,主要和2012年以来包机航班的急剧增多有关,经营这些航班的有越南航空公司(VietnamAirlines)、中国东方航空公司和中国南方航空公司。

    Mr. Binh , the Da Nang tourism official , said growth in the city 's inbound Chinese tourism market before May was mainly related to a sharp rise since 2012 in charter flights operated by Vietnam Airlines , China Eastern Airlines and China Southern Airlines .

  2. 所以,要赢得更长久的经济利益,并致力于更长远的发展,越南航空公业一定不能忽视对客户满意度的重视和提高。

    Therefore , to win longer-term economic interests and development , Vietnam Airlines ( VNA ) must not overlook the importance of customer satisfaction .

  3. 越南航空公司来回香港至胡志明市经济客位机票(电子机票)。

    Roundtrip Economy class air ticket for Hong Kong and Ho Chi Minh City on VN ( E-Ticket ) .

  4. 国营越南航空公司的一位女发言人拒绝对中国人入境旅游市场的衰退进行置评,她在一份电子邮件中说,这是因为该公司仍在收集和评估相关信息。

    A spokeswoman for the state-owned Vietnam Airlines declined to comment on the Chinese tourism slump , saying in an email that the company was still collecting and evaluating related information .

  5. 国营越南航空公司的一位女发言人拒绝对中国人入境旅游市场的衰退进行置评,她在一份电子邮件中说,这是因为该公司仍在“收集和评估”相关信息。

    A spokeswoman for the state-owned Vietnam Airlines declined to comment on the Chinese tourism slump , saying in an email that the company was still " collecting and evaluating " related information .

  6. 对于越南航空公司而言,近几年的发展主要体现在全球的航线越来越密集,并承担这越来越重要的运输任务,成为了一种发展迅速的新型运输方式。

    For Vietnam Airlines , in recent years , the main development concentrates on global routes is more and more with high density , undertake other tasks of transportation , and becomes a new mode of transport development .

  7. 越南航空北京办公室的一名雇员接到记者的询问电话后称,周末以来预定中国飞越南航班的乘客数量减少了多达90%,该公司已经取消了部分飞往越南的定期航班。

    Reached by phone , an employee at the Beijing office of Vietnam Airlines said the airline was canceling some of its regularly scheduled flights to Vietnam , as such bookings from China have dropped by up to 90 % since the weekend .

  8. 越南各家航空公司停飞了前往该地区的航班,成百上千名旅客滞留,电力供应也出现中断。

    Airlines in Vietnam suspended flights to the area , stranding hundreds if not thousands of passengers , and electricity supplies were also knocked out .

  9. 同时结合越南经济状况以及越南航空公司的服务产品的特点,从而建立一个研究越南航空公司客户满意度的模型。

    At the same time , by combing the specific economic status of Viet Nam and the unique service the Vietnam Airlines provides , the article tries to build up a model to investigate the customer satisfaction index for Vietnam Airlines .