
yuè ɡuǐ xínɡ wéi
  • deviant behavior;deviance;transgression;impermissible behavior
  1. 体育越轨行为研究综述

    Study on Sport Deviance

  2. 社会“失范”必然会对学生的行为产生直接或间接的影响,容易诱发青少年学生越轨行为的发生。

    The society " anomie " is sure to influence directly or indirectly the student behaviors , and is liable to cause the juvenile deviance .

  3. 我们需要新闻自由来约束政府的越轨行为。

    We need a free press to curb government excesses .

  4. 埃米莉对于丈夫的越轨行为一无所知。

    Emily knew nothing about her husband 's misdemeanours .

  5. 论科学活动中越轨行为的界定和分类

    On the Definition and Classification of Deviant Behaviors in Scientific Activites

  6. 但是真正有越轨行为的人通常会速战速决。

    But when people do have affairs they are usually brief .

  7. 中等职业学校学生越轨行为研究

    Research on Deviance Behaviour of Students in Secondary Vocational School

  8. 这在上个世纪的英国被认为是越轨行为。

    I suppose it is one 's being so tired .

  9. 工作场所中越轨行为的定义、特性与分类体系解析

    Parsing the Definition , Peculiarities and Typology of Workplace Deviance

  10. 当代大学生越轨行为探析

    The analysis of aberrance action among college students in the new year

  11. 形成越轨行为的因素主要有主观和客观两个方面。

    The formation of the impermissible behavior has subjective and objective causes .

  12. 大学生越轨行为的原因及其控制

    Reason and Control of the Impermissible Behavior of University Students

  13. 中国文化情境下工作越轨行为结构维度的初步探索

    Explore the Dimensions of Workplace Deviant Behavior in The Chinese Culture Context

  14. 大学生网络越轨行为及其预防

    College Students ' Network Impermissible Behaviour : Its Prevention

  15. 对大学生越轨行为的社会学分析

    A Sociological Analysis of College Students ' Impermissible Behaviors

  16. 实现社会的控制(家庭有一种特殊能力去惩罚越轨行为和奖励规范模式),其社会意义远大于自然意义。

    Realizing the society control . So its society meaning is more outstanding .

  17. 在过去,对于才干超群的优秀领导人,他们的越轨行为通常会得到宽恕。

    In the past , personal transgressions were forgivable for exceptionally talented leaders .

  18. 探寻证券市场越轨行为的文化基因

    Seek cultural gene of impermissible behavior in stock market

  19. 青年农民工越轨行为的社会心理学分析

    A Sociopsychological Analysis of the Transgression of Young Migrant Workers from Rural Areas

  20. 当前青少年越轨行为的特点及成因

    The Character and Causes of Present Adolescent Deviant Behaviors

  21. 那所大学里学生的所有越轨行为都受到了处罚。

    All that misbehavior of those students should be punished in that universiry .

  22. 论越轨行为及其社会控制

    On the Behavior Off Course and Its Social Control

  23. 我们对这种越轨行为容忍得太久了。

    We have winked at these irregularities too long .

  24. 他说您有越轨行为。

    He said you got out of line .

  25. 缺乏生命关怀是造成这些越轨行为的重要因素。

    The lack of life caring is an important factor of these deviant behaviors .

  26. 应当建立和完善符合中国国情的工作场所越轨行为分类体系。

    A typology of workplace deviance with Chinese characteristics should be established and developed .

  27. 对当前青少年越轨行为的亚文化探析

    A Discussion and Analysis on the Sub - cultures of Teenager 's Transgressive Behaviors

  28. 论需要资源分配中的越轨行为

    On Impermissible Behavior in the Need Resources Allocation

  29. 权力腐败是以非法方式使公共利益受到损害的一种权力越轨行为。

    Corruption of power is an unlawful conduct which is harmful to public interest .

  30. 法律控制乏力:科学越轨行为的一种解释框架

    Weak Social Control : The Framework of an Interpretation of Deviant Behavior of Science