
lún tāi
  • tire;tyre;shoe;tackie
轮胎 [lún tāi]
  • [tire; tyre] 环绕并装配到胎环上的连续的实心、半实心或充气的橡胶垫

轮胎[lún tāi]
  1. 注意这个轮胎的花纹磨损的程度。

    Notice how the tread on this tyre has worn down .

  2. 她教会了我换轮胎。

    She taught me how to change a tyre .

  3. 我在路上扎破了轮胎,所以迟到了。

    I had a puncture on the way and arrived late .

  4. 这些轮胎可使公共汽车在路滑时行驶得平稳一些。

    These tyres give the bus better grip in slippery conditions .

  5. 我需要给我的轮胎打些气。

    I need to put some air in my tyres .

  6. 他给自己的自行车上了油,给轮胎充了气。

    He oiled his bike and pumped up the tyres .

  7. 这些轮胎磨损得已低于胎面1.6毫米的法定厚度。

    The tyres were worn below the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread .

  8. 我们不得不停车修一下撒了气的轮胎。

    We had to stop to fix a flat .

  9. 他们仅用三分钟就换了轮胎。

    They changed the wheel in three minutes flat .

  10. 我们在回家的路上有一个轮胎漏气瘪了。

    We got a flat on the way home .

  11. 我发现轮胎上扎了一根钉子。

    I found a nail sticking in the tyre .

  12. 有人把我的汽车轮胎割破了。

    Someone had slashed the tyres on my car .

  13. 你能检查一下轮胎吗?

    Could you give the tyres a check ?

  14. 我们换轮胎耽误了二十分钟。

    We lost twenty minutes changing a tyre .

  15. 汽车废轮胎散乱地堆放着。

    Worn-out car tyres were stacked in heaps .

  16. 前后轮胎可互换。

    The front and rear tyres interchange .

  17. 那个后轮胎需要更换。

    That back tyre needs changing .

  18. 要定期检查轮胎的气压。

    Check the tyre pressure regularly .

  19. 充气过量的轮胎更容易爆裂。

    Overinflated tyres burst more easily .

  20. 他们走上街头,用点燃的轮胎设置路障。

    They took to the streets , setting up roadblocks of burning tyres

  21. 这种轮胎保证永远不会被扎破或撒气。

    The tyre is guaranteed never to puncture or go flat

  22. 别人借给我一个打气筒,又帮我补好了轮胎。

    Somebody else lent me a pump and helped me mend the puncture

  23. 为避免相撞而刹车时,他听到了轮胎与地面刺耳的摩擦声。

    He heard tires squeal as the car braked to avoid a collision

  24. 麦基突然注意到前方岸边的轮胎痕迹。

    McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead .

  25. 这种宽大的轮胎有很深的胎面花纹。

    The fat , broad tyres had a good depth of tread .

  26. 购买部分磨损轮胎时要格外当心。

    Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres

  27. 最后一圈时,他的轮胎扎破了一个。

    He punctured a tyre in the last lap .

  28. “路行者”汽车的性能、轮胎和刹车都更好。

    The Roadrunner had better power , better tyres , and better brakes .

  29. 一只轮胎被扎破后,他的车翻了个底朝天。

    His car rolled over after a tyre was punctured

  30. 汽车快速驶过拐角时,轮胎又一次发出嘎吱声。

    The car 's tires squealed again as it sped around the corner .