
lún chuán
  • ship;vessel;steamer;steamship;steamboat
轮船 [lún chuán]
  • [steamboat;steamer;steamship] 用蒸汽动力推进的船

轮船[lún chuán]
  1. 用探照灯引领轮船进港。

    Searchlights were used to guide the steamer into the harbour .

  2. 轮船被迷雾包围。

    The steamer is enveloped in a dense fog .

  3. 轮船剧烈地颠簸着。

    The ship was rolling heavily to and fro .

  4. 这艘轮船的排水量为58000吨。

    The ship displaces 58 000 tonnes .

  5. 轮船在横渡10个小时后停泊在了斯旺西。

    The vessel docked in Swansea after a ten-hour crossing .

  6. 轮船连同其所有的船员一起沉没了。

    The ship went under , taking with her all her crew .

  7. 90分钟之内轮船准备出发。

    Within ninety minutes the ship was ready for departure

  8. 他轻轻松开油门杆,轮船开始缓缓前行。

    He gently opened the throttle , and the ship began to ease forward

  9. 他个人已收到莱曼司令要求凿沉轮船的命令。

    He personally had received orders from Commander Lehmann to scuttle the ship .

  10. 轮船临时停靠在夏威夷。

    The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii .

  11. 那艘轮船在护航下前往一个秘密港口。

    The vessel was escorted to an undisclosed port .

  12. 他在航运事业的巅峰时期拥有将近60艘远洋轮船。

    At the height of his shipping career he owned about 60 ocean-going vessels .

  13. 我们搭轮船去美国。

    We went by ship over to America .

  14. 这艘轮船于1811年4月在利物浦靠岸。

    The vessel docked at Liverpool in April 1811

  15. 他见到了那艘要将他们运往世界另一端的轮船。

    He saw the ship that was to transport them to the other side of the world

  16. 轮船撞击到沙坝上。

    The ship hit a sandbank .

  17. 这艘轮船在海上航行没问题。

    The ship was completely seaworthy .

  18. 开始返航了,但是在这之前一架入侵的飞机曾反复在轮船上空盘旋。

    The voyage home began , but not before an intruding aeroplane had repeatedly circled the ship .

  19. 一艘轮船在码头锚地停泊。

    A steamship was moored to its berth at the pier .

  20. 他们一早就登上了开往迈阿密的轮船。

    Early in the morning they embarked the ship for Miami .

  21. 数以千计的人观看了轮船离港下水的情形。

    Thousands of people observed the ship leaving the harbour .

  22. 轮船载着大量货物驶往纽约。

    The ship sailed for New York with a lot of cargo .

  23. 这河的下游能够行驶轮船。

    The lower reaches of the river are navigable for steamers .

  24. 轮船在偷越封锁线时被截获。

    The streamer has been captured in running the blockade .

  25. 轮船上的床位可以提前多日预订。

    Berths on steamships can be booked a long while in advance .

  26. 轮船在顺风行驶,时速10海里。

    The ship was sailing before the wind , ten knots an hour .

  27. 轮船触礁沉没。

    The ship struck against the rocks and sank .

  28. 轮船掉头返航。

    The steamship veered around for the port .

  29. 轮船满载着大米。

    The ship is fully loaded with rice .

  30. 轮船上的汽笛呜呜叫。

    The ship 's whistle kept hooting .