
lún fú
  • spoke;spoke of a wheel;wheel arm;arm of wheel;spoke rib
轮辐 [lún fú]
  • [spoke of a wheel] 插入轮毂以支撑轮圈的辐条;轮上的辐射状棒或杆

轮辐[lún fú]
  1. 他们的轮辐螺帽是从我们公司获得的。

    They sourced the spoke nuts from our company .

  2. 7.00T-20车轮轮辐结构与工艺分析及改进措施

    Analysis to Structure and Process of 7.00T-20 Wheel Spoke and Measure for Improvement

  3. 我小孙女的脚跟夹到自行车的轮辐里了,伤得很严重。

    My little granddaughter caught her heel in the spokes of her bicycle — it was a very nasty wound

  4. 它看上去十分像围绕由两班牙峰和岩脉山所构成的轮毂的轮辐。

    It is much as spokes of wheels around hubs formed by Spanish peaks and dike mountain .

  5. 结果:支架负型CAD模型为内部呈轮辐形网架结构的圆柱体,制得树脂模具及支架与设计模型一致。

    Result : The CAD model was a cylinder with 3D spoke-ring net structure . The mould and scaffold were produced in accord with the CAD model .

  6. NUM数控系统在轮辐旋压机上的应用

    Application of NUM CNC System on Spoke Spinning Lathe

  7. 强加式ESB模式(轮辐式ESB的一种更极端特例)适合所有服务都集中控制的存储/分支业务设计。

    The Imposed ESB pattern , a more extreme version of the Hub and Spokes ESB , fits a Store / Branch business design in which all services are centrally governed .

  8. 在轮辐式ESB模式(它最适合于存储/分支业务设计)中,几个分支ESB直接连接到中心ESB,而分支之间没有直连。

    In the Hub and Spokes ESB pattern , which best fits a Store / Branch business design , several branch ESBs are directly connected to a hub ESB with no direct connections between branches .

  9. 12×4J轮辐翻边变形分析及工艺改进

    Strain analysis of 12 × 4J wheel burring process and improvement of technology

  10. 所以接着在ANSYS中,以轮辋和轮辐的厚度为设计变量、车轮的重量为目标函数、镁合金的弯曲疲劳强度为约束条件,进行了优化设计。

    Therefore , magnesium alloy wheel was optimized by ANSYS based on taking the wheel weight for the object function , taking the thickness of rim and spoke for the design variables , taking the bending fatigue strength of magnesium alloy for restrictive conditions .

  11. NASTRAN中定义设计变量(分别为轮辋和轮辐的厚度),确定设计目标(使车轮重量最小),限制约束上限,进行优化设计。

    NASTRAN to define design variable , determine design object and restrict constraint upper limit to optimize design . We find that the maximal stress value in road wheel approaches its breaking point .

  12. 当女自行车手们疾驰穿过横跨台湾西部沿海最大河口的西螺大桥(Hsi-LoBridge)时,唯一能听到的就是轮辐里传来的飕飕风声。

    The whirring of the wind in the spokes is the only sound to be heard as women cyclists shoot across the Hsi-Lo Bridge that spans the biggest river mouth on Taiwan 's western seaboard .

  13. 对车轮内孔翻边极限翻边因数的主要影响因素做了讨论,在此基础上,对12×4J车轮轮辐中心孔翻边模翻边进行了工艺计算。

    The turring parameter of turring model of wheel inner hole is discussed in this paper , on th basis of this , the technology calculation of 12 × 4J wheel hole turring process is carried on in this paper .

  14. 结果表明,对车轮轮辐断面形状优化后,可较大幅度地降低其温度应力,有可能使840mm车轮在25t轴重下的应力接近甚至低于原结构在21t轴重下的应力水平。

    The result shows that temperature stress re - duce greatly after the shape optimization of wheel web , it is possible that the stress of 840 mm wheel under 25 t axle load is close to that of original structure under 21 t axle load , and even lower .

  15. 轮辐式温度自动补偿型光纤光栅测力传感器

    Spoke-Type Fiber Grating Sensor of Measuring Force with Temperature Active Compensation

  16. 关于轮辐式剪切力传感器的研制与设计

    Design of the Sensor Used for the Measure of Cut Load

  17. 车轮轮辐中心孔翻边模具设计

    Design of burring die of center hole of the wheel disc

  18. 直线轮辐应力与轮辐数的关系

    The relationship between the straight line spoke stress and spoke number

  19. 汽车轮辐自动分度冲孔模设计

    Design of Piercing Die with Auto Graduator for the Car Spoke

  20. 高速薄轮辐齿轮传动动态结构优化设计

    Optimal design of dynamic structure of high-speed and Thin-web gear train

  21. 载重汽车轮辐用钢板的应用研究

    Application Research of Steel Plate for Heavily Loaded Truck Wheel Disk

  22. 铌钛复合微合金化载重汽车轮辐钢板的研制

    Development of Niobium and Titanium Microalloyed Steel Plate for Camion Spoke

  23. 轮辐从轮毂向四周分叉出去。

    The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub .

  24. 使用水平切边模具,可以完成轮辐的水平切边加工。

    With horizontal trimming die , horizontal trimming pro-cess can be fulfilled .

  25. 介绍了一种轮式起重机轮辐自动分度冲孔模。

    An automatic dividing punch mould for wheel crane spoke is described .

  26. 轮辐栅网的动力学模态分析及二次开发

    Dynamic modal analysis of circular-radial grid and its second development

  27. 提出并设计完成了轮辐式光纤光栅压力传感器。

    A new type of spoke fiber grating pressure sensor is raised .

  28. 轮辐型催化剂孔板的结构研究

    Study of structure of spoke shape perforated plate for catalyst extruding machine

  29. 轮辐式三维加速度传感器弹性元件优化设计

    Optimum design of wheel - type structure for three - axis accelerometer

  30. 微型汽车车轮轮辐侧孔冲模设计

    Design of the Side Stamping Hole Die Miniature Automobile Wheel 's Disc