
  • 网络Cincinnati;Cincinnati university;University of Cincinnati-Main Campus;the University of Cincinnati
  1. 他随后辞职,去辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)任教。

    He resigned and went on to teach at the University of Cincinnati .

  2. 罗杰•丹尼尔斯(RogerDaniels)是辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)历史学系荣誉退休教授,也是16部书的作者和约90部书的编辑。

    Roger Daniels is a professor emeritus of history at the University of Cincinnati .

  3. 该研究的另一作者CalebAdler医生说,他是辛辛那提大学医学院的一名精神病学和神经科学的副教授。

    Caleb Adler , an assistant professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine .

  4. 在美国辛辛那提大学(UniversityofCincinnati)获得生物化学博士学位后,杜莹加入了辉瑞担任研究科学家,最终做到主管该公司部分药物在全球的授权工作。

    After a PhD in biochemistry at the University of Cincinnati , Ms Du joined Pfizer as a research scientist and ended up in charge of licensing some of the US group 's drugs around the world .

  5. 辛辛那提大学医学博士MichaelReed和他的同事发现,关闭肺癌细胞的RB通路会导致该细胞对化疗药物的反应发生改变以及更多癌细胞的死亡。

    Michael Reed , MD , and his UC colleagues found that " turning off " the RB pathway in lung cancer cells resulted in an altered response to chemotherapy agents and more cancer cell death .

  6. 辛辛那提大学精神病学教授RandySeeley介绍,按照常规,我们的身体习惯于每天定时摄入早餐、午餐和晚餐。

    Through routine , we condition our bodies to expect breakfast , lunch and dinner at the same time each day , says Randy Seeley , a professor of psychiatry at the University of Cincinnati .

  7. 1970年,VA医院和辛辛那提大学医学院的研究者米尔顿·克莱默和托马斯·罗斯,分别提出了这个问题:我们早晨的情绪与我们前一天夜里的睡眠和做梦有某种关系吗?

    In 1970 Milton Kramer and Thomas Roth , researchers at the VA Hospital and the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine , respectively , raised this question : Do our moods in the morning relate in any way to our sleep and dreams the previous night ?

  8. 以镓做为铁的替代物治疗感染的想法是由BradleyBritigan带领的团队首先提出的,BradleyBritigan是辛辛那提大学的科研人员,文章的共同作者。

    The idea of using gallium as a substitute for iron was developed by a group led by Bradley Britigan , a researcher at the University of Cincinnati and a co-author on this study .

  9. 欢迎您浏览辛辛那提大学主校园的视频介绍。

    Welcome to the student-created video tour of the University of Cincinnati .

  10. 而今天辛辛那提大学的凯瑟琳?林奇要说的,是古希腊的聚会。

    Here 's the University of Cincinnati 's Kathleen Lynch , on the ancient Greek

  11. 俄勒冈大学和辛辛那提大学的研究者给消费者一些已知品牌颜色的虚构商标。

    University of Oregon and University of Cincinnati gave shoppers a fictitious logo with a color of a known brand .

  12. 2008年研究人员在辛辛那提大学称早上病发的风险是一天中的其他时间的4倍。

    In2008 researchers in Cincinnati claimed the risk was four times as high compared with other times of the day .

  13. 来自辛辛那提大学的科学家模拟人类眼部基因突变在小鼠上引进了异常眼角膜。

    The scientists from the University of Cincinnati induced corneal abnormalities in the mice that mimicked human genetic eye mutations .

  14. 吉蒂西卡伯斯,其实是一位32岁的男子,原名戴维海兰德,毕业于辛辛那提大学音乐学院。

    Kitty hiccups , also known as 32-year-old David Hyland , graduated from College-Conservatory of music in the University of Cincinnati .

  15. 据辛辛那提大学的艾里逊·埃默森表示,当时的庞培垃圾被看作是与人们生活非常密切的一部分。

    According to Allison Emmerson of the University of Cincinnati , trash was regarded as just a fact of life in Pompeii .

  16. 而辛辛那提大学的心理学家们发现,女老板们才不会鼓励那些野心勃勃的女下属,反而更倾向于打压她们。

    Far from encouraging other ambitious women , psychologists at the University of Cincinnati found female bosses are more inclined to obstruct them .

  17. 按照他的遗嘱,其遗体捐献给了辛辛那提大学医学院解剖学系。

    Under the terms of his will , his body was donated to the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine s Department of Anatomy .

  18. 利用美国辛辛那提大学医学院提供的核磁共振脊柱图像数据库进行实验,证明了上述算法准确有效。

    The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is demonstrated by experiments using real MR images provided by College of Medicine , University of Cincinnati .

  19. 来自辛辛那提大学及其他中心的研究人员指出,到目前为止,大部分调查对象都还是学生。

    The researchers , from the University of Cincinnati and other centres , point out that , until now , most studies have been on students .

  20. 每个油漆样本置于单层木板,干燥后移出并在辛辛那提大学实验室分析铅含量。

    Each paint sample was applied in a single layer to a wood block , left to dry and then removed and analyzed in UC laboratories for lead content .

  21. 与他的一些宇航员队友不一样(其中有两人成为参议员),阿姆斯特朗选择选择了一种相对沉静的退役方式:在辛辛那提大学教授工程学。

    Unlike some of his fellow astronauts ( two of whom became senators ) , Armstrong chose a comparatively quiet retirement , teaching engineering at the University of Cincinnati .

  22. 这篇研究受国家健康研究所、辛辛那提大学的医学院长发现基金和辛辛那提大学癌症研究计划三者资助。

    This study was funded by a grant from the National Institutes of Health and UC College of Medicine Dean 's Discovery Fund and the UC cancer research program .

  23. ScottClark是俄亥俄州辛辛那提医科大学的环境卫生教授。

    Scott Clark is a professor of environmental health at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine in Ohio .