
  • 网络exit interview
  1. 辞职面试的目的是收集员工工作经历的反馈信息,由此改善工作环境并留住员工。

    The purpose of an exit interview is to gather employees ' feedback on the work experience in order to improve working conditions and retain employees .

  2. 辞职面试(exitinterview)指雇主对即将离职的员工进行的面试。

    An exit interview is an interview conducted by an employer of a departing employee .

  3. 有些公司会选择请第三方来进行辞职面试,然后提供反馈信息。

    Some companies opt to employ a third party to conduct the interviews and provide feedback .

  4. 辞职面试中常见的问题有:辞职原因,工作满意度,对公司政策或工作流程的不满和反馈等。

    Common questions include reasons for leaving , job satisfaction , frustrations and feedback concerning company policies or procedures .

  5. 波士顿领导力咨询公司StybelPeabodyLincolnshire联合创始人劳伦斯•斯泰贝尔(LaurenceStybel)说,在闪电辞职之后的面试中,“你应当承认自己在接受上一个职位前没事先做好功课,而不要去怪罪上家公司的任何人”。

    In job interviews following a rapid resignation , ' you should admit that you didn 't do enough homework before accepting your last position without blaming anyone there , ' says Laurence Stybel , co-founder of Stybel Peabody Lincolnshire , a Boston leadership consultancy .