
  1. 总的来说,城市、纯女生班、高年级边缘性行为发生率较高。

    Overall , the incidence of marginal sex is comparatively high in the students from cities , pure girl-classes , and senior classes .

  2. 结论广西大学生对恋爱中性行为或边缘性行为的接受程度较高,对性道德持有比较合理的评判标准。

    Conclusion College students are more likely to accept the sex behavior or edge sex behavior , and they have the right standard to the sex morals .

  3. 结果大部分职业高中学生对婚前性行为等问题持中立态度,学生中有过边缘性行为及性行为经历者分别占45.63%和13.88%。

    Results The majority of the students held a neutral attitude toward the premarital sex . The percentage of the students who already had marginal sex behaviors and sex intercourse was 45.63 % and 13.88 % respectively .

  4. 55.9%~68.4%的学生对婚前性行为等问题态度不明确,约一半学生有过边缘性行为,有过性行为的占13.8%;

    55.9 % ~ 68.4 % students did not have very clear attitudes toward youngsters sex behavior ; about half of the students had had the marginal sex behavior experience , and 13.8 % had sex experience .

  5. 多因素分析结果提示,有边缘性行为经历、年龄较大、对性教育态度积极是学生发生性行为的危险因素,而性态度正确、父母婚姻和睦、父亲文化程度高则是学生发生性行为的保护因素。

    Multi factors analysis indicated that the risk factors were marginal sexual experience , elder age and strong desire for sexual health education were the risk factors while the correct sexual behaviors , harmonious family and father 's well education were the protective factors of students ' sexual behaviors .

  6. 未婚女性边缘性性行为致妊娠的原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of Pregnancy induced by Critical Sexual Activities in the Unmarried Women