
yùn dònɡ qì cái
  • Sports equipment;sports supplies/equipment/goods
  1. 奖牌背面为一架象征着奥运会文化项目的竖琴,以及各式各样的冬、夏体育运动器材拼成的拱形图。

    On the reverse , a harp4 as a symbol of the cultural programme of the Games and the different sports equipment , winter as well as summer , forming an arch .

  2. 同样,像PlayItAgainSports这样的商店也为那些八成新的运动器材提供现金和购物积分奖励。

    Similarly , stores like Play It Again Sports provide cash and store credits for gently used sports equipment .

  3. 在世界铁人公司于2009年推出自己的高管项目后,肯尼迪离职,CEOChallenges最终被总部位于芝加哥的运动器材制造商LifeTimeFitness收购,后者也是耐力赛的赞助商。

    After the Ironman organisation offered its own executive programme in 2009 , Mr Kennedy went his own way and CEO Challenges was eventually acquired by Life Time Fitness , a Chicago-based maker of sporting goods that also sponsors endurance races .

  4. 科森蒂诺非常看重外观,他之前曾做过各种各样的设计:有服装类的(Chef牛仔裤和MeatFeat袜),有运动器材类的(一款限量版的滑板),还有厨房用品类的(一系列的刀具)。

    Looks are important to Mr. Cosentino , who has done a certain amount of designing : of clothing ( Chef jeans and Meat Feat socks ) , sporting equipment ( a limited-edition skateboard ) and kitchenware ( a line of knives ) .

  5. 一个家伙在运动器材店自杀了

    Where a guy blow himself in a sporting goods store .

  6. 优化高校体育运动器材管理的对策研究

    Optimizing the Management of Sports Facilitates in Universities and Colleges

  7. 我们的产品包括野营,划船和运动器材。

    Our product line includes camping , boating , and sports equipment .

  8. 你是否已猜中我所说的就是运动器材?

    Have you guessed already that I 'm talking about exercise equipment ?

  9. 不过,我们最强的项目仍然是运动器材;

    Our strongest item is still sports equipment , though ;

  10. 运动器材及场地设置有些院校还不够完善。

    Sports equipment and venues perfect also some institutions .

  11. 使用锻炼心肺功能的运动器材,如跑步机或自行车。

    Use any cardio equipment , such as a treadmill or a cycle .

  12. 家具之于起居室犹如运动器材之于运动场。

    Furniture is to the living room while playground equipment is to the playground .

  13. 兹随函另寄上我们的运动器材目录,请查收。

    Under separate cover , we have send you our catalogue of sporting goods .

  14. 运动器材会耗损,因此比图书馆的资源更需要经常更换。

    Equipment wears out and needs to be replaced more often than library resources .

  15. 贝:我是在培勒斯公司的照相器材和运动器材部工作。

    Betty : I work in the camera and sporting goods department at payless .

  16. 大部分的健身俱乐部具有许多运动器材、减重方法和课程供会员选择。

    Most health clubs have a lot of exercise machines , weights and classes for members .

  17. 有一天,哈里参观了洛杉矶,他注意到了当地运动器材商店的兴起。

    Harv was visiting Los Angeles one day and noticed the emergence of exercise equipment stores .

  18. 他们主要出售体育运动器材。

    They mainly sell sports equipment .

  19. 我们的健身房缺少运动器材。

    Our gymnasium lacks sports facilities .

  20. 你不需要买这种鞋来踩运动器材,那只是浪费钱罢了。

    IVY : My sister has New Balance running shoes . I want shoes just like hers .

  21. 也别忽视那些看起来更家常的物品,比如书籍和运动器材。

    Don 't overlook some of the more mundane items , such as books and sports equipment .

  22. 同样这些国家对减肥训练班、健身、家庭运动器材最感兴趣。

    They were also the most interested in weight-loss courses , gym memberships and home exercise equipment .

  23. 我们相信我们的运动器材产品品质优越,价钱公道!

    We assure that our sport-equipment is of high quality and the price is fair and reasonable .

  24. 毕竟,在选择运动器材时重要的一点是让锻炼充满乐趣。

    After all , it is important to choose exercise fitness equipment that will make the session fun .

  25. 本实用新型涉及体育运动器材领域,尤其是一种助滑鞋。

    The utility model relates to the field of an athletic sports apparatus , particularly a slide facilitating shoe .

  26. 质量是关键。因为存在一些类型的运动器材的价格根本与质量不符。

    Quality is key in that some types of exercise fitness equipment are simply not worth the price tag .

  27. 男:嗯,有了运动器材,形象就很重要了,因为竞争太激烈了。

    Man : Well , with sports equipment , image is all important , because there 's so much competition .

  28. 现在岂不是时候把那旧运动器材擦干净,加润滑油,准备就绪进入状态吗?

    Isn 't it time to dust that old equipment off , grease it up , and get it in gear ?

  29. 因为这些活动也是教育很重要的一部分,所以良好的运动器材的重要性是不容忽视的。

    Since these activities are also an important part of their education , the importance of good equipment cannot be ignored .

  30. 对了,你说如果你想用的运动器材都被别人占了,健身房会不会退你一些钱?

    The gym is always trying to get more of your money , so there 's a fat chance of that happening .