
mí wǎnɡ de yī dài
  • lost generation
  1. 他们属于迷惘的一代,想要找寻自我。

    They are a lost generation in search of an identity .

  2. “迷惘的一代”文学体现出强烈的悲剧意识。

    The literature of the lost generation embodies great tragedy consciousness .

  3. 海明威是“迷惘的一代”的代表人物。

    Hemingway is the representative of " Lost Generation " .

  4. 迷惘的一代的产生及其小说

    The appearance of the lost generation and its novels

  5. 论迷惘的一代的实质和意义&以海明威为个案

    On Essence & Significance of the Lost Generation : Case Study of Hemingway

  6. 丢失的灵魂;迷惘的一代;丢失的船只;丢失的队伍。

    Lost souls ; a lost generation ; a lost ship ; the lost platoon .

  7. 凯瑟琳曼斯菲尔德就是战后迷惘的一代的知识分子中的一位。

    Katherine Mansfield was just among those post-war intellectuals of the " Lost Generation " .

  8. 迷惘的一代作家自我流放原因再探

    Reasons for the Self - Expatriation of the ″ Lost Generation ″ Writers : A Reconsideration

  9. 我们有迷惘的一代,就像是历史上大萧条时期的无业游民。

    We have a whole lost generation . It 's not unlike the hobos during the depression era .

  10. 他们何以成了飘零的灵魂&《太阳照常升起》中的迷惘的一代透视

    What are the reasons for their turning into wanderers ? & Multianalysis of Lost Generation in The Sun Also Rises

  11. 他开头引用了海明威的“迷惘的一代”,然后回顾了近代出现过该词的文章。

    He begins with Hemingway 's quotation of " lost generation " and then explores other references throughout recent history .

  12. 《永别了,武器》这部小说集中反映了“迷惘的一代”青年的思想特征。

    " A farewell to arms " the novel reflects the " lost generation " of the youth ideological characteristics .

  13. 美国作家菲茨杰拉德是二十世纪二十年代爵士时代的代言人和迷惘的一代代表作家之一。

    Fitzgerald is the spokesman of The Jazz Age of 1920 ' and one of representative writers of The Lost Generation .

  14. 詹米和艾德蒙这时精神上是孤儿的难兄难弟,是迷惘的一代,也是垮掉的一代。她好像精神上完全垮掉了一样。

    Jamie and Edmund who are orphans in spirit , are sons of the lost generation . She seemed to have become completely spiritless .

  15. 作为本世纪20年代风行欧美的迷惘的一代的主流作家,海明威的一生与战争联系在了一起,他经历了人类空前浩劫的一次世界大战,并参加了1936年开始的西班牙内战。

    As the spokesman of " The Lost Generation " which prevailed in Europe and America in the 1920s , Hemingway related his life with wars .

  16. 20世纪美国青年文化运动从世纪初的迷惘的一代到世纪中叶的垮掉的一代,一直在冲击着美国的主流文化。

    The youth cultural movements in the last century in American society was highlighted by the lost generation and the beat generation , which was described as counter-culture .

  17. 埃内斯特·海明威作为迷惘的一代作家中最著名的代表之一,曾以其独特的方式向世人展示他的与众不同。

    Ernest Hemingway , as one of the most important representatives in the " Lost Generation ", has already revealed his speciality throughout the world in a unique way .

  18. 政府采取的措施应重点帮助受危机打击最重的年轻人,以降低出现“迷惘的一代”的可能性。

    Measures should be focused on helping young people , who have been hardest hit by the crisis , to reduce the risk of producing a " lost generation " .

  19. 世纪二十年代被称为“迷惘的一代”的一批美国作家纷纷自我流放到法国巴黎,形成一个奇特的文化现象。

    As a unique cultural phenomenon , the self-expatriation of a group of young writers , generally termed as the " Lost Generation ", has attracted a lot of critical attention .

  20. 海明威的一战小说主要有两部,即《太阳照常升起》和《永别了,武器》。其所塑造的人物被称作迷惘的一代。

    Hemingway has two novels about the First World War , namely , The Sun Also Rises and A Farewell to Arms , and their characters are regarded as Lost Generation .

  21. 作为20世纪20年代出现在美国的一个文学流派,迷惘的一代不仅在美国、而且在世界文学史上都占据着重要地位。

    As influential trends and schools of literature emerging in the 20th century , Lost Generation occupies an important position in the history of literature both in America and in the world .

  22. 弗朗西斯·司各特·基·菲茨杰拉德是美国迷惘的一代的代表作家,是爵士乐时代美国年轻人的代言人。

    Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was the representative writer of " the Lost Generation " in America , and was the spokesman for American younger generation in " the Jazz Age " .

  23. 迷惘的一代作家、诺贝尔文学奖得主欧内斯特·海明威以他非凡的才华和真实的情感写出了一部部几乎是美国文学史上最优秀的小说。

    With his outstanding talent and real emotion , Ernest Hemingway , the writer of ' the lost generation'and the winner of the Nobel Prize of literature , has produced many excellent novels in American literary history .

  24. 仍然没有任何好转,世界需要铭记,当你前往这些难民社区,你所看到的景象真的触目惊心,因为这有可能使叙利亚人变成迷惘的一代。

    It 's not getting any better and the world needs to be reminded , when you go to any of these refugee communities , what you see is truly chilling because this has the potential to become a lost generation for Syrians .

  25. 二战以来,欧美的无赖青年、光头党、朋克、嬉皮士、雅皮士、迷惘的一代、垮掉的一代等等令人眼花缭乱的青年亚文化现象层出不穷。

    Since the World War II , so many dazzling phenomenon of youth subcultures , such as rogue youth , skinheads , punk , hippie , yuppie , th lost generation and the beaten generation , have emerged endlessly in Europe and the United States .

  26. 本文将主要探讨迷惘的一代与垮掉的一代形成的历史原因、比较两代作家的经历和人生态度、作品主题和创作手法。

    In the essay , the author mainly discusses the historic reasons causing the formations of " the Lost Generation " and " the Beat Generation ", compares the two generations of writers ' experiences and attitudes toward life , the themes of their works and their writing techniques .

  27. 作品以其浓重的迷惘和悲剧色彩而成为“迷惘的一代”文学的最高峰。

    The work reached the high point of the literature of the lost generation with the description of lost and the tragic hue .