
  • 网络moral psychology
  1. 儒家与弗洛伊德的道德心理之简略比较

    The Comparative Research on Moral Psychology Between Confucianism and S.Freud 's Psycho-analysis Theory

  2. 城镇弱势群体道德心理状况分析

    Analysis of the Moral Psychology of Underprivileged Town Residents

  3. 关于大学生道德心理的调查分析

    On the Investigation and Analysis of University Students ' Morals and Psychology

  4. 青少年道德心理要素发展的不平衡性凸现;

    The double-tendency of moral psychological elements development of adolescents becomes apparent ;

  5. 青少年网络德育新视角:网络道德心理教育

    New Vision for Juvenile Internet Moral Education : Internet Moral Mental Education

  6. 中学生道德心理调查的启示

    The Enlightenment from the Middle School Student 's Morality and Psychology Investigation

  7. 这种将伦理、道德心理化的作法,最终将会导致道德虚无主义。

    This psychological treatment of ethics is bound to lead to moral nihilism .

  8. 论社会道德心理及其形成与发展

    On the Development and Transform of Social Moral Psychology

  9. 二要处理好思想政治教育与道德心理教育的关系;

    The relation between the ideological and political education and the moral psychological education ;

  10. 如此,这种道德心理转化才成为可能。

    So man 's moral mentality can change .

  11. 论时尚的道德心理过滤

    On the Moral Psychological Filtering of Fashions

  12. 道德心理过程和道德个性心理构成一个完整的道德内化心理结构。

    Moral mental process and moral mental characteristics of individual constitute integral inner metal structure .

  13. 高校违纪学生的道德心理教育

    On the Psychological Education of the Students Who Break the School Rules in Colleges and Universities

  14. 道德心理发展与素质教育

    Morals and Quality Education

  15. 浅析青少年道德心理健康教育

    Psychological Education About Teenagers

  16. 正是基于这样的一种期望,本文试图论证校园文化对大学生道德心理影响的存在及其作用机制。

    The influence of campus culture to undergraduate moral and psychology and run mechanism of the influence were argued .

  17. 有助于健全大学生的网络道德心理,形成正确的网络道德意识;

    It provides the college students a healthy psychology of cyber ethics and a righteous awareness of cyber ethics .

  18. 德育的直接效果是影响学生个体思想、道德心理等方面的发展。

    The direct effect of moral education is to impact students on the develop of individual ideology , morality , psychology and other aspects .

  19. 大学生道德心理受大学生自身心理冲突和学校德育不足两方面因素的影响,存在着道德认知和情感上的障碍。

    Affected by their own mental conflict and defect of school moral education , university students ' moral psychology have cognitive and emotional handicap .

  20. 学会分梨更加符合当代儿童的道德心理特点与社会现实对儿童成长的要求。

    Secondly ," learning to share the pears " much more accords with the moral pursuit of children and the need of social reality .

  21. 现代高科技战争呈现出的新模式和新特点引发了新的伦理问题,从而对参战医护人员的道德心理构建提出了更高要求。

    The new pattern and new characteristics of high-tech war cause new ethical problems , thus setting higher requirements on the moral psychology construction of the medical staff who enter a war .

  22. 当前大学生的道德心理的矛盾性特征集中表现为道德认识自身的矛盾性,道德行为和道德认识之间的矛盾性,道德行为自身的矛盾性。

    The contradictory features of the present university students ' morals and psychology primarily lie in the contradiction of moral cognition itself . moral behavior , among moral cognition and moral behavior itself .

  23. 接着,从道德心理发展学的角度出发,分别在道德运算的阶段,道德运算的特征,道德运算的实证等几个方面作了较为深刻的探析。

    Then , from the angle of the science of moral psychology development , we make respective analyses and inquires into the stage , the character , and the authentic proofs of moral operation .

  24. 应对网络化带来的冲击,成为当前青少年德育工作的重要内容,在网络化背景下,青少年的道德心理在认知、情感、意志和行为各方面出现了许多新问题。

    Coping with the strike of Internet is an important task for current juvenile moral education . In the background of Internet , juveniles have problems in psychological cognition , emotion , will and behavior .

  25. 从社会心理学的角度看,大学生在网络中存在四种心理问题:道德心理失范、恋爱心理失衡,人格心理失真,文化心理失根等。

    Take the point of view from social psychology , students have four mental problems in the internet : moral mentality unbalance , personality unbalance , love psychology unbalance , the root of civilization loss .

  26. 评价标准运用的方法与技术包括基本方法和评价活动在三个环节的具体方法与技术,还要注重评价活动中的道德心理因素的调控和形成性评价思想的运用。

    The methods and technique of educational ethic evaluation includes the basic method and three applying steps . Emphasis should laid on the control of moral psychological factors and the application of fully grown evaluation thoughts .

  27. 为此,必须开展生活教育、集体教育、个性教育,从道德心理过程角度探索培育道德心理的方法,优化道德心理培育环境。

    For that , it must have life education , collective education and personal education , exploring ways to bring up university students ' moral psychology from the sight of moral mental process , improving its environment .

  28. 道德心理的整合机制。需要的体认机制涉及到对人性、人生的价值、人的使命等问题,它是道德信仰形成的主体基础;

    The acknowledgement mechanism of needs touches the problems of the humanity , the value of life and the aim of the human being , etc , which are the subjective basis of the formative mechanism of moral belief .

  29. 当代美德伦理学并不赞成规则伦理学将行为者本来丰富的道德心理仅仅归结为一种单调的义务感,用一条所谓的普遍的道德规则来解释所有的伦理学问题。

    Contemporary virtue ethics does not agree with that the original diversified moral psychology is came down to a kind of monotonous sense of duty by normative ethics , that a so-called moral rule can demonstrate all the ethical problems .

  30. 社会道德心理是社会成员对社会道德规范的反映,是上层建筑的组成部分,随社会物质生活方式的变化而变化。

    Social moral psychology , as a reflection of the members of a society on social moral canons , as well as a constituent of superstructure of a society , changes with the shift of the way of the social material life .