
  • 网络dusit
  1. 经济全球化已成为不可阻挡的世界性潮流,不管我们喜欢它也好,不喜欢它也好,它都实实在在地影响和改变着我们的生活,任何国家、民族都无法独立于经济全球化之外。

    Whether we like it or not , global economic tendency is there and is actually influencing and changing the life of all nations .

  2. 你在任何情况下都实实在在的希望加入我们的行列,那样我们就可以一起开始更大的旅程,共同荣耀光的密度。

    You are in any event intended to join us so that we may continue the journey together , into the glorious dimensions of Light .

  3. 这非常悲惨,但是这种情况在我国以致在世界各地都实实在在地发生了,如何才能制止呢?

    It 's very tragic but it 's the reality happening not just in our country but all over the world how can we stop this ?

  4. 每一个方案都实实在在地证明了识字对生活环境迥异(从乡村环境到移民城市社区)的妇女产生的深远而积极的影响。

    Each is tangible proof of literacy 's profound and positive influence on women living in very different circumstances – from rural environments to immigrant urban communities .

  5. 长裙、开司米披肩、首饰,一下子都实完了,快得令人难以置信,可是没有一件东西是我用得着的,我一直在等待。

    Dresses , Indian shawls , jewels , came under the hammer at an unbelievable rate . None of it took my fancy , and I waited on .

  6. 小朋友最爱卡通片,开场曲就算唔知讲乜但系个个都实识唱!想睇返请到讨论坛要求。

    Cartoons are kids favourite , even iftheydon 't know what the words are , _every kid knows how to-sing the theme songs ! Request to see_itagain on the forum .

  7. △x,△y△z,都是实实在在的数量,这当然也是数量了。

    Delta x , delta y and delta z are actual numbers , and this becomes a number .

  8. 所有这些书和报纸都是实实在在的火灾隐患。

    All these books and papers are a real fire risk .

  9. 遗憾的是,你说的都是实实在在的事。

    Unfortunately what you say is only too true .

  10. 我们知道这些都是实实在在的道理。

    We know these things to be true .

  11. 它们都是实实在在的公司,拥有实实在在的商业模式和庞大的用户群。

    They are very real companies with very real business models and massive user bases .

  12. 这些都是实实在在地摆在那里的。

    All this is very real progress .

  13. 这确实是件非常令人遗憾的事情。遗憾的是,你说的都是实实在在的事。

    This is indeed a regrettable thing . Unfortunately what you say is only too true .

  14. 作为他们的老师,我晓得他们每一个别来到这里都是实至名回的,固然其中理由各不一样。

    As their teacher I could see that they all deserved to be there for different reasons .

  15. 上述都是实实在在的利益,这些利益将展现发达国家和主要新兴国家通过妥协实现系统性共同利益的能力。

    These are real gains and would demonstrate the capability of developed and major emerging economies to compromise to achieve a mutual and systemic interest .

  16. 为使不同层次的学生英语学习都有实实在在的提高和收获,要时机选择慎重,考虑学生的心理承受力,英语分层教学值得提倡。

    In order to make students of different levels improve their English , the teaching of English according to different levels should be carried out .

  17. 但若这些人所控告我的,都是实无其事,那麽谁也不能将我交与他们;我向凯撒上诉。

    But if there be none of these things whereof they accuse me , no man may deliver me to them : I appeal to Caesar .

  18. 思想政治教育本质上是关于人的思想政治工作,其主体和客体都是实实在在的人,它的出发点和落脚点都是人。

    The ideological and political education is essentially the ideological and political work on people , of which subject and object being real people , starting and ending points targeting man .

  19. 有些人认为这些项目只是装点门面,但在统计中钱就是钱(而且,我反而认为这些项目大多数都是实实在在的)。

    Some folks discount these programs as cynical window-dressing , but money is money within this particular argument ( and I happen to think most of the programs are legit ) .

  20. 11我若行了不义的事,犯了甚么该死的罪,就是死,我也不辞。他们所告我的事若都不实,就没有人可以把我交给他们。

    For if I be an offender , or have committed any thing worthy of death , I refuse not to die : but if there be none of these things whereof these accuse me , no man may deliver me unto them .

  21. 他说的都是实情实理。

    What he says is perfectly true and reasonable .

  22. 至于他们能走多远、会把缅甸引向何方,都是还是实实在在的疑问,美国缅甸特使德里克米切尔(DerekMitchell)上周在华盛顿对记者们表示。

    There are still real questions about how far they are going to go and where this is going to lead , Derek Mitchell , the US special envoy for Burma , told journalists in Washington this week .

  23. 每个人都是自己实相的主人。

    Every human being is the master of his own reality .

  24. 所有的小细胞癌都表现为实性细胞癌。

    All of the small cell cancers presented as solid nodules .

  25. 过去一年,中国证明伊甸园时期的数个神话都是不实的。

    China last year gave the lie to several myths of the prelapsarian era .

  26. 这都是以实玛利的儿子。

    These are the sons of Ishmael .

  27. 如果我们都了解如此实修,我们都将很快达到证悟。

    If we all know to practice in this way , we will all soon attain enlightenment .

  28. 如果所有的根都有负实部,那么系统就渐近稳定。

    If all the roots of the characteristic equation have negative real parts , then the system is asymptotically stable .

  29. 经济上,中拉务实合作硕果累累,给双方人民都带来了实实在在的利益。

    Economically , the practical cooperation between the two sides has borne rich fruits , delivering tangible benefits to both peoples .

  30. 我们现在承认这些都是不实的报道,对于这些主张被刊登在出版物之上所造成的恶劣后果与影响,我们向舍甫琴轲道歉。

    We now accept that these allegations are untrue and we apologise to Andriy Shevchenko for any distress caused by their publication .