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yīn yì
  • with luxuriant foliage
  • be shaded (or hidden) by foliage
阴翳 [yīn yì]
  • [thriving;hide] 见荫翳

  • 阴翳蔽日。--清. 徐珂《清稗类钞.战事类》

阴翳[yīn yì]
  1. 在它阴翳,在基督,主,因罪孽而变苦之前

    Before it cloud , Christ , lord , and sour with sinning ,

  2. 从谷崎润一郎(JunichiroTanizaki)1933年的一篇美学文章《阴翳礼赞》(InPraiseofShadows)受到启发,肖托在她使用的原物料中努力保持侘寂的元素。

    Inspired by Jun'ichiro Tanizaki 's 1933 essay on aesthetics , " In Praise of Shadows , " Shorto worked to maintain the element of wabi-sabithat she encountered in the originals .

  3. 金色面容往往蒙上阴翳;

    And often is his gold complexion dimm 'd ;

  4. “幽暗为美”的“阴翳”审美心理特色和禅宗的审美情趣在建筑和园林造型上的反映,同时也揭示了日本民族审美心理与建筑特点之间的深刻的内在联系。

    The internal relation of Japanese aesthetical psychology and architectural characteristics is also exposed .

  5. 没有24黑暗、阴翳能给作孽的25藏身。

    There is no dark place , no deep shadow , where evildoers can hide .

  6. 这里的海滨酒店有着整洁优美的花园,居高临下俯瞰着绿树阴翳的亚龙湾海景。

    Its beachfront hotels have immaculate , landscaped gardens with a commanding view of the waters of sheltered Yalong Bay .

  7. 你,这多汁的绿色的剧毒胡萝卜,将你雅典投入阴翳中的是你,而不是那传说中的橄榄树!

    Thou juicy , green , poisonous hemlock , throw thy shadow over Athens-not thou , olive tree of fame !

  8. 心情好,也许只因为一束灿烂的阳光;心情差,也许只因为突然阴翳的天空。

    It 's fine maybe because of the shinning sun , it 's worse maybe because of the suddenly umbrageous sky .

  9. 这里有洁白的房屋,翻耕过的田地,缓缓流过的黄泥河水,但同时也是一个由阳光灿烂和阴翳深浓形成对比的地方。

    It was a pleasant land of white houses , peaceful plowed fields and yellow rivers , but a land of contrasts , of brightest sun and densest shade .