
  • 网络altamira;Altamira cave;ATM
  1. 从此,索图拉与“阿尔塔米拉洞穴艺术”,共载史册。

    Since then , Suotula and " Altamira cave art ", containing annals .

  2. 但是在南欧的阿尔塔米拉洞仍然是马格德林文化最例外的证据。

    But Altamira is still the most exceptional evidence of the Magdal é nian culture in southern Europe .

  3. 阿尔塔米拉洞包括的一系列房间和塑造象像S型。

    The Altamira Cave consists of a series of rooms and passages shaped like anS.

  4. 而且是可能你已经听说过的阿尔塔米拉及拉斯科古老艺术洞穴的2倍。

    but about twice as old as the art in the caves at Altamira or Lascaux , which you may have heard of .

  5. 没有几张被兑换过有传言说装着债券的箱子当时被截获了还有一大部分仍藏在阿尔塔米拉洞窟里

    Very few have ever been redeemed . There 's speculation that entire boxes were captured and many of them are still hidden away in the caves of Altamira .