
lù jūn shànɡ jiànɡ
  • army general;general of the army
  1. 1866年的今天,美国国会通过了一项批准设陆军上将军衔的立法(现在被叫作“五星上将”)。陆军中将尤利西斯·修·格兰特成为首位被授予此军衔的人。

    1866-The U.S.Congress passes legislation authorizing the rank of General of the Army ( now called " 5-star general ") . Lieutenant General Ulysses S.Grant becomes the first to have this rank .

  2. 陆军上将马丁·邓普西(MartinDempsey)取代马伦成为美国最高军事官员。

    Army General Martin Dempsey replaces him as the nation 's top military officer .

  3. 陆军上将米歇尔·约翰逊打破了军队高级将领的限制。

    Major General Michele Johnson breached the military 's Brass Ceiling .

  4. 陆军上将,很高兴听到你的声音。

    General , it 's good to hear your voice .

  5. 陆军上将,我们不得不进行一个营救任务!

    General , we have to launch a rescue mission !

  6. 当陆军上将、海军司令和空军飞行员们正就步兵、航母和战机孰优孰劣争论不休时,最重要的战略问题却被忽视了。

    While generals , admirals and aviators argue about the merits of the infantry versus carriers and jets , the prior strategic question has been sidelined .

  7. 今天,这位北约最高指挥官,美国陆军上将在联合会议上告诉盟国政府,他确实需要更多精密的攻击机。

    And today the American admiral , who is Nato supreme commander , told Nato governments in joint session he did need more precision ground-attack aircraft .

  8. 在前往阿灵顿国家公墓之前,在白宫玫瑰园的纪念仪式上,总统提名陆军上将马丁·登普西出任新的参谋长联席会议主席。

    Earlier , in a Rose Garden ceremony , he confirmed his choice of U.S. Army General Martin Dempsey as the new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff .

  9. 另一名参加过伊拉克战争的将领,陆军上将罗伊·奥迪耶诺将从现任美国联合部队司令部司令的职位上离任,转任陆军参谋长一职。

    Another Iraq water veteran , U.S. Army General Ray Odierno , moves from his current position as head of the U.S. Joint Forces Command , to become Army chief .

  10. 美国陆军上将麦基尔南对最近两起事件中造成平民意外死亡表示“深深的遗憾”,并保证继续努力避免这类平民伤亡事件。

    The commander , Army General David McKiernan , expressed " deep regret " about accidental killings in two recent incidents , and pledged to continue efforts to avoid such civilian casualties .

  11. 美国从来没设过元帅军衔,但他们有陆军五星上将,空军五星上将,海军五星上将。

    In the United States , there has never been Marshal Rank at all , but they have General of the Army , General of the Air Force and Fleet Admiral .

  12. 在中国上将指的是陆军或空军上将。

    In China , General refers to General of the Army or the Air Force .

  13. 美国陆军司令、五星上将马克·克拉克诞生于纽约麦迪逊兵营一个军人家庭。

    1869 General Mark Clark , US Army commander was born at Madison Barracks , New York of a military father .