
  • 网络Employee Benefit
  1. 福利管理公司雇员福利计划的执行和管理,包括公积金、保险、奖金、津贴等。

    Benefits AdministrationThe implementation and management of a company 's employee benefits plan including welfare , insurance , bonuses , allowances , etc.

  2. 这项政策整体意向是保证没有雇员福利亲自从他们的与我们的顾客、供应商、贩卖者,或其他事项伙伴的关系。

    The overall intent of this policy is to ensure that no employee benefits personally from his or her relationship with our customers , suppliers , vendors , or other business partners .

  3. 据独立智库雇员福利研究中心(EmployeeBenefitResearchInstitute)最新的调查显示,有相当一部分的劳动者几乎没有任何存款或投资。

    According to the latest survey by the Employee Benefit Research Institute , an independent think tank , ' a sizable percentage of workers have virtually no money in savings and investments . '

  4. 其他调查也有类似发现:工人预计与实际退休年龄之间存在显著差距。2014年雇员福利研究所(EBRI)调查发现,33%的工人表示65岁后才退休,但真正做到的只有16%。

    Other surveys have similarly found a significant gap between the age workers anticipate retiring and when they actually leave their jobs . A 2014 Employee Benefit Research Institute survey found that 33 percent of workers expect to retire after age 65 , but only 16 percent of retirees report staying on the job that long .

  5. 《雇佣条例》订明与雇佣有关的各种雇员福利和权益。

    The Employment Ordinance provides for various employment-related benefits and entitlements for employees .

  6. 与雇佣有关的雇员福利和其它权益

    Employment-related benefits and entitlements

  7. 其他三位则对削减政府雇员福利的结果不满意,亲自动手限制各个工会。

    The other three , not content with cutting employees'benefits , have all pushed for curbs on the unions themselves .

  8. 还有一件事,有一小笔用于雇员福利的预算,我们收到了五份建议。

    One more thing , there is a small budget for employees ' welfare , and we 've had 5 proposals put forward .

  9. 他们当中的很多人将很难找到原先那种工资和雇员福利水平的工作。

    A lot of people are going to struggle to find jobs at the kind of salary rates and employment benefits they have been used to .

  10. 他也同意,顾客满意度、雇员福利、乃至社会的认可,可以被视为衡量企业价值创造方面中肯而有用的标准。

    And he agreed that customer satisfaction , employee welfare and even social legitimacy could be seen as relevant and useful indicators of how well value was being created by the business .

  11. NSF不能够阻止雇员对福利的贡献?因此,减免所得税的储蓄计划在NSF工作期间不能继续。

    NSF cannot withhold the employee 's contributions to benefits , therefore , tax-sheltered savings plans cannot continue while at NSF .

  12. 这么做丝毫不会损害到现有雇员的福利。

    This would take nothing away from the existing benefits of current employees .

  13. 关于你提供给你的雇员的福利你最喜欢的什么。

    What do you like best about the fringe benefits you provide your employees ?

  14. 无(未备)基金雇员社会福利

    Unfunded employee social benefits

  15. 我曾在一家有300人的公司负责雇员与福利提供者之间的联络。

    I have experience with a 300-employee organization , where I served as liaison between employees and benefits providers .

  16. 雇员退休福利之成本于员工提供服务之期间作为费用确认入账。

    Costs of employee retirement benefits are recognized as an expense in the period in which the employee 's services are rendered .

  17. 你们对雇员提供哪些福利?

    Do you offer any benefit for your employees ?

  18. 现在一些大公司把他们的同性恋雇员的医疗福利扩大到他们的生活伴侣。

    Some large companies now extend health-care benefits to the life partners of their gay employees .

  19. 他向他们简单介绍了公司的情况,并告诉他们公司提供给雇员的各种福利待遇。

    In a brief talk about the company he tells them of the various welfare services offered to the employees ;

  20. 万福玛利亚共同基金的另一个筛选条件是,排除那些给雇员未婚伴侣提供福利的公司。

    Another screen Ave Maria uses excludes companies that provide benefits for the non-married partners of employees .

  21. 这些人说,政府规模庞大,造成了当前的经济衰退,政府雇员工资高,福利好,远远超过私人企业劳工。

    They say government workers enjoy expensive salaries and benefits that outstrip those enjoyed by the corporate labor force .

  22. 我还会看看其它三家当地的庭院行业,打听一下他们的雇员的薪金和福利。

    I will look into three other local landscaping businesses and inquire about the salary and benefits of its employees .

  23. 印度航空在雇员的薪水和福利上用掉了超过四分之一的营业收益。而捷特航空,印度航空公司的一个国内竞争者,花费的比例仅为十分之一。

    Air India spends over a quarter of its operating revenue on employees ' pay and benefits ; Jet Airways , a domestic rival , spends a tenth .

  24. 有媒体报道说,接受政府救助资金的金融机构发放了超过180亿美元的奖金,还有一些银行继续为雇员提供免费度假福利。这些消息使民众感到非常愤怒。

    Public anger has been fueled by media reports that banks and institutions receiving public funds handed out more than $ 18 billion in bonuses and that some continued the practice of spending on employee retreats .

  25. 政府机构的工会近来越来越受到部分保守派人士的强烈抨击。这些人说,政府规模庞大,造成了当前的经济衰退,政府雇员工资高,福利好,远远超过私人企业劳工。

    Government unions have come under increasingly sharp criticism by some conservatives who say that big government is largely to blame for the current recession . They say government workers enjoy expensive salaries and benefits that outstrip those enjoyed by the corporate labor force .

  26. 雇员持股计划(ESOP)作为雇员福利,它是企业年金的一种重要形式。

    ESOP , regarded as employee 's welfare , is an important form of supplementary pension .

  27. 该计划是供款的,也就是说,雇员和雇主都对雇员的退休福利的供款做出了贡献。

    The scheme is contributory in the sense that both the employees and the employer contribute towards the retirement benefit of the employee .

  28. 苹果作为一家对同性恋、双性恋和变性人友好的雇主在硅谷享有盛名,这些雇员能享有异性恋婚姻雇员的所有福利。

    Apple has a reputation in Silicon Valley as a glbt-friendly employer , extending to all the benefits enjoyed by heterosexual married couples .

  29. 我个人的经验是,成功的企业十分重视良好的员工关系,雇主和雇员之间建立互信的基础,雇主会不断改善雇员的福利。

    My own experience is that successful enterprises will always place a premium on good staff relations based on mutual trust and a regard for the continued well-being of employees .