
shùn yán
  • postpone;put off
顺延 [shùn yán]
  • [postpone] 顺次向后延期

  • 运动会日期遇雨顺延

顺延[shùn yán]
  1. 不过期限的最后一日如果是节假日,可以顺延。

    The deadline fall in the vacation or holiday , it can be put off in turn .

  2. 大会遇雨顺延。

    In case of rain the mass meeting will be postponed till the first fine day .

  3. FIDIC施工合同条件下不完全顺延工期赶工索赔的处理

    Claim for hurry work of incomplete construction period delay under FIDIC contract conditions

  4. 中国商飞公司(C919飞机制造商,总部位于上海)周三称,飞机首飞地点定于上海浦东国际机场,但不排除受天气条件影响顺延。

    The debut flight is set to take place at Shanghai Pudong International Airport , subject to weather conditions , the C919 's Shanghai-based manufacturer , Commercial Aircraft Corp of China , said on Wednesday .

  5. 但是如果在为学校参加比赛之前被停学的话,他的资格则可以往后顺延一年。

    But withdrawing before playing could preserve that eligibility for a future year .

  6. 她把我们的购物之旅顺延到了明天晚上。

    She rescheduled our shopping trip for tomorrow night .

  7. 比赛时下起了大雨,所以入场券顺延,我们只得下次再看了。

    It started pouring during the match , so we all got rain checks .

  8. 如果进展顺利的话,你就能轻松的将约会顺延到晚上的用餐时间了。

    If things are going well it is easy to expand on your evening .

  9. 运动会开幕日期遇雨顺延。

    The opening of the sports meet is subject to postponement in case of rain .

  10. 由于发射地点天候不佳,因此发射顺延。

    Launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site .

  11. 第二个五分钟显示出顺延第一个五分钟方向上等量的推动力。

    The second five minutes shows an equal thrust in the direction of the first five-minute period .

  12. 如果您是以传真或电子邮件的形式发送信函,在签署时间时要往后顺延一天。

    If you are sending a fax or email , then type the time next to the date .

  13. 以工程变更单作为竣工结算和顺延工期的根据。

    Take the construction change order as the basis of final account for completed project and the time limit delay .

  14. 这一世界秩序理念在当代落实为美国,该秩序中的中国则顺延为当代中国。

    This idea of world order comes true in America , the China in this idea is also the modern China .

  15. 用法:早晚按摩使用,顺延胸部上方至颈部按摩。

    Usage : Apply in the morning and evening , massage from the upper part of the chest to the neck .

  16. 好的语境效果,有利于交际的顺延。综采工作面运顺延面对接工艺

    The better the effects , the more smoothly the communication goes . Conveying extending face butt technology at combined mechanization equipment mining face

  17. 若到期日为非交易日,顺延至下一个交易日。

    If the expiry date is not the trading day , the expiry date shall be correspondingly postponed to the next trading day .

  18. 我们所需要的就是保持一种强烈的想往,想往着顺延属于自己的轨道行进,想往着为此而作出必须的工作。

    All we need is a powerful intention , and a willingness to do the work necessary to moving forward on our path .

  19. 每一次你对一个功课选择捷径,它简单地顺延到新现实让你接着运作。

    Each time you choose to shortcut a lesson , it is simply deferred to the new reality for you to work on then .

  20. 会期包括开幕式在内,不得超过十六天,遇星期天或假日不进行比赛,期限可相应顺延。

    It lasts 16 days including the opening and closing ceremonies . The games may be stopped and postponed during the holi-days and Sundays .

  21. 对于居住在中国的外国人,在疫情期间,他们的停居留期限许可将自动顺延两个月。

    For foreigners living in China , they will have their stay or residence permits extended automatically for two months during the epidemic period .

  22. 古代生育择吉顺延到现代社会,有一部分做为民俗保留下来,充盈了社会文化,保留传统特色,有着积极的社会意义。

    The auspicious procreation developed from ancient to modern society , a part is reserved as folk-custom to fulfill the social culture and has positive social significant .

  23. 如果你只是简单的继承一个类而不做其他的事情,那么这个基类的方法便会顺延到衍生类中。

    If you simply inherit a class and don 't do anything else , the methods from the base-class interface come right along into the derived class .

  24. 监狱管理方告知牛玉强,他在北京这些日子将不被计入服刑期,因此余刑时间将顺延至2020年。

    Officials at the prison told him the years he spent in Beijing would not count as time served , so he would remain behind bars until 2020 .

  25. 在这些情况下,交货日期可相应顺延,但只有当这些情况严重影响到合同的履行时方可适用。

    In these circumstances the delivery date shall be extended for the period of their duration but only so far as the circumstances affected considerably the execution of the Contract .

  26. 我国农村土地承包期限无限顺延所引发的人地不均矛盾,是关系农村社会和谐与安定的重大问题。

    China 's rural land contract indefinitely postponed the deadline caused by the uneven distribution of contradiction is the relationship between rural social harmony and stability of the major problem .

  27. 发包人没有及时检查的,承包人可以顺延工程日期,并有权要求赔偿停工、工等损失。

    Where the developer fails to timely conduct inspection , the contractor may extend the relevant project milestones , and is entitled to claim damages for work stoppage or work slowdown , etc.

  28. 如果我们正讨论一篇文章,并发现需要更多时间来继续,我们通常会把讨论延长到下一次课并且顺延后面的讨论。

    If we find that we need more time for a paper once we are discussing it , then we will typically extend the discussion to the next session and delay subsequent sessions .

  29. 该报告指出,当一位奥运奖牌获得者被查出服药后,他/她获得奖牌将会被收回,并将奖牌顺延授予其他运动员。

    When an Olympic medalist is caught doping , any medals he or she has won are usually ordered to be returned and awarded to the next finisher in line , the report said .

  30. 未收到定金,设计人有权推迟设计工作的开工时问,且交付文件的时间顺延。

    The Designer shall have the right to put off the commencement date of the design work if it has not received the down payment and the time for delivery shall be extended accordingly .