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  • 网络cranial;cranialis
  1. 颅侧和头为可互换使用的形容词,意为向脑或头颅的一侧。

    Cranial and cephalic are interchangeable adjectives which mean proceeding toward the brain and cranium .

  2. 上(头侧,颅侧,上方)指向头或身体上部的方位。

    Superior ( Cephalic , Cranial , Above ) Toward the head or upper part of the body .

  3. 方法:对18~76岁正常成年人103名(男67人,女36人)的X线颅侧位片进行了上颌窦前后径(X1)、高径(X2)和侧面积(y)的测量。

    Methods : The anteroposterior diameter ( X1 ), height ( X2 ) and lateral area ( y ) of the maxillary sinus on lateral radiograph were measured in 103 normal adults ( 36 female , 67 male ) .

  4. 通过同一后正中切口(18cm)游离皮瓣行两侧减压及工作通道向尾侧或颅侧倾斜行2~3个节段减压;

    Bilateral nerve root decompression through free skin flap , two and three levels decompression through moving the tubular retractor in cranial or caudal direction were performed with the same small skin incision ;

  5. 颅侧进路切除颅底肿瘤15例报告

    Lateral Approach for Removal of Tumor in Base of Skull . A Report of 15 Cases

  6. 缝匠肌的颅侧部主要由Ⅱ型肌纤维组成,尾侧部主要由Ⅰ型肌纤维组成。

    The muscular bridge from cranial portion was mainly made of ⅱ type of muscle fiber .

  7. 在T5颅侧与T6尾侧边缘之间。几乎20%有起源上变异,起源于其它血管;

    Approximately 70 % arise from the descending thoracic aorta between the cranial margin of T5 and the caudal margin of T6 . Up to 20 % have an aberrant origin from various other vessels .

  8. 方法床边锥颅侧脑室前角穿刺置管,复达欣灌注,结合腰穿脑脊液引流法。

    Methods Puncture was operated and tube was placed in former cornu of ventricles of brain . Fu Daxin was perfused into ventricles of brain which associated with brain of cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture .

  9. 蓝斑投射到颈髓的神经元主要位于蓝斑的尾侧部,而投射到骶髓的神经元主要位于颅侧部,两者有一定的重叠。

    The neurons projecting to the cervical cord from the LC were mainly located in the caudal part of the LC and the neurons projecting to the sacral cord were mainly located in the rostral part of the LC , but some overlapping existed .

  10. 模型和X线颅颌侧位片测量磨牙远移值的对比分析

    A comparative analysis on distal movement of molar measured on mode and cephalometric radiograph

  11. 方法对取材于犬的缝匠肌颅、尾侧部的肌桥进行了组化分型及桥接缺损神经的实验观察。

    Method We observed the distribution of types of muscle fiber in the muscular bridge from Sartorius of dogs and made the experiment that the muscular bridge from Sartorius was sewed to defect nerve .

  12. LeFortⅠ型截骨入路处理颅颈连接腹侧区病变的解剖研究

    Applied anatomy of Le Fort ⅰ osteotomy approach to ventral lesion in skull-cervical junction region

  13. 内镜下经鼻颅颈交界腹侧区手术的应用解剖

    Applied Anatomy of the Endoscopic Endonasal Approach to the Ventral Cranio-cervical Junction

  14. 中颅窝底及侧裂内血肿的手术治疗

    The surgical therapy of middle fossa and sylvian sulcus hematoma

  15. 斜坡及颅颈交界腹侧区肿瘤的内镜手术治疗

    Endoscopic Surgery on Tumors in the Region of Clivus and Ventral Region of Cranio-neck Junctional Zone The treatment of overy Junctional Epithelioma

  16. 其中在尸颅标本采用经侧脑室额角、枕角和三脑室后部入路观察脑室;

    In cadaver heads , the third ventricles were observed via the frontal horns and occipital horns approaches , and the posterior part of the third ventricle approach .

  17. 方法36侧经福尔马林固定的成人尸颅标本和50侧干颅骨标本在手术显微镜下,解剖、观察、测量和记录岩段颈内动脉(PSICA)与周围结构的关系。

    Methods Samples taken from 18 adult cadaver heads fixed by formalin and 50 dry skulls were studied under operative microscope to observe the relationship between the parameters obtained from the petrous segments of internal carotid arteries ( ICA ) and its surrounding structures .

  18. 8例接受硬膜外血肿清除后颅减压术,1例行小脑血肿清除后颅减压加侧脑室外引流术;

    ? Eight patients underwent evacuation of epidural hematoma and decompression of the posterior fossa . One patient underwent evacuation of intracerebellar hematoma with decompression of the posterior fossa and external ventricular drainage .