
  • 网络leadership;quality of leadership;leadership traits
  1. 他想引进具有领导素质的成熟人才。

    He wanted to introduce mature people with leadership qualities

  2. 他愿意在压力下工作,并具有领导素质。

    He is willing to work under pressure with leadership quality .

  3. 加入WTO后,我国高校人才资源管理面临各种新的机遇和挑战,本文就此提出我国高校人才资源管理对策:优化领导素质,强化领导意识;做好高校人才资源规划;

    After entering into WTO , the human resource management in the university will face various chances and challenges as well .

  4. 调查结果显示,AA企业知识型员工最为关注的激励因素为:工资福利、领导素质、团队合作、公司前景、工作成就、能力发挥。

    And the incentive factors gained most attention of the employee in AA company include Salary and Benefits , Managers ' Capability , Organization Cooperation , Foreground of the Company , Accomplishment from the Work , Capability of Exertion .

  5. 领导素质评价失误的原因及对策

    Reasons and Countermeasures for Errors in Leaders ' Quality Assessment

  6. 领导素质的重要内涵&洞察力

    Insight ── the Important Connotation of Quality of Leaders

  7. 他具备了当队长所需要的领导素质。

    He 's got the qualities of leadership necessary in a team captain .

  8. 领导素质包括主体素质、客体素质和要求具有的目标素质。

    Leaders ' quality consists of subject quality , object quality and target quality .

  9. 护士长应加强的领导素质

    The leading qualities that the matron need improve

  10. 广东省三级医院领导素质的分析

    Hospital leader capacity analysis in Guangdong tertiary hospital

  11. 从布什的小纸条学习领导素质

    Bush 's Note and A Leader 's Quality

  12. 新世纪高校领导素质要求刍议

    On the Quality Requirements of the Leaders of Higher Learning Institute in the New Ara

  13. 大学生领导素质教育与培养研究&对武汉高校大学生的调查与分析

    Leadership Quality Education for Modern University Students

  14. 他有很好的领导素质。

    He has the quality of leadership .

  15. 外资企业领导素质探索

    Leader 's Quality in Foreign Enterprises

  16. 平盖开孔补强问题的讨论护士长应加强的领导素质

    Discussion of Reinforcement Calculation for Opening on FlatHead The leading qualities that the matron need improve

  17. 领导者必须不断提高领导素质

    Leaders must Improve their Characteristics Continually

  18. 现代领导素质论

    On modern Leaders ' quality

  19. 领导者应不断提升领导素质,提高运用领导艺术的水平和能力。

    One should strive to promote his proficiency and ability to exert leader 's art as well as his diathesis .

  20. 扁平化实施的难点在于如何把业务流程重组和企业战略结合起来,把权力的分解和领导素质的提高结合起来。

    Its most difficult points are how to combine recombination of business flow and enterprise strategy , power disassembling and improvement of leaders'quality .

  21. 如果你的确具备升职所需的领导素质,那也许是因为你还未找到机会证明这一点。

    If you do have the leadership qualities required for the next level up , you may not have found a way to prove it .

  22. 使命任务和专业特性要求工程兵基层指挥员兼备领导者的组织领导素质、指挥员的军事谋略素质和专家型的专业技术素质。

    Mission and professional characteristic requirement engineers grassroots commanders have both leaders organization and leadership qualities , commander of military counsel quality and professional technical quality .

  23. 他们不仅激发新的想法和领导素质的工人,但他们并不需要花时间的管理问题。

    They not only inspire the workers with new ideas and leadership qualities , but they do not need to spend time on the issue of management .

  24. 在大学教育终极价值的实现中,大学领导素质教育理念的形成与作用的发挥,主要受到其角色定位的影响。

    In the realization of ultimate value in higher education , university leaders ' positions have a direct impact on the formation and function of their quality-oriented education .

  25. 我坚信你有必要雇请那些有领导素质的人,还有那些踌躇满志想要学习和吸收任何你能教导他们的东西之人。

    I firmly believe that you need to hire people who have leadership qualities and who are ambitious enough to want to soak up and learn everything you can teach them .

  26. 为探讨新形势下医院领导素质,论述了:①提高医院领导素质是实现跨世纪宏伟目标的需要;

    In order to explore the qualities of hospital leader in new situation , the article focus on : ① im-prove the hospital leader quality is necessary for the new century ;

  27. 这意味着,当领导人的权力和安全受到挑战时,对于培养坚强而高效的领导素质而言,关键在于他们解释其周围世界的方法和所做出反应的方式如何。

    This means that the way a leader interprets the world around them and reacts when their power or safety is challenged is central to developing strong and effective leadership qualities .

  28. 大学领导素质教育理念不能完全决定大学教育终极价值的实现,但前者的水平高度决定后者的实现程度。

    The ultimate value in higher education is not completely determined by the concept of the leaders ' quality-oriented education though their aptitude of leadership may influence the realization to some extent .

  29. 现代领导者应具备良好的政治、知识、能力、心理等素质,并通过社会与自身的共同努力,不断提高领导素质,为社会作出更大的贡献。

    Therefore , a qualified leader should have good qualities in political awareness , knowledge , ability and psychology and improve them all the time so as to make greater contributions to the society .

  30. 为探讨新时期护理质量和护理专业的发展,本文阐述了新时期的护士长应具备的自身素质、领导素质和管理素质。

    To probe into the developing of the nursing quality and the nurse specialty during the new period , the nurse leader should possess oneself the diathesis , the leader diathesis and the management diathesis during the new period in the article .