
fēi xínɡ jì shù
  • Flight Technology;airmanship;wingmanship
  1. 随着现代武器和现代飞行技术的发展,对雷达的作用距离、分辨力和测量精度等性能指标提出了越来越高的要求。

    With modern weapon and modern wingmanship being developed , the higher performance of the radar , such as action range , resolution , measure precision and so on , are required .

  2. 首先,本文研究了QAR译码的数字特性,介绍了现在对飞行员飞行技术的评价方法。

    First of all , we study on the digital characteristics of QAR decoding , and introduce a judgment method about the airmanship of pilots .

  3. 采用弹体旋转飞行技术,虽然产生Magnus侧向力,但有效地克服了气动力的随机性。

    Although producing the Magnus side force , it can get over the random properties effectively using body revolving techniques .

  4. 传统的档案管理方式在今天的飞行技术资料管理中仍占据重要地位。

    Traditional management of flight technique files is also important today .

  5. 那家伙果然没有撒谎,他的飞行技术的确不错。

    He hadn 't been lying , he could fly well .

  6. 飞行技术的突破很大程度上源自于推进技术的革新。

    Flying largely from technological breakthroughs to promote technology innovation .

  7. 发展高超声速飞行技术具有极其重要的商业和军事应用价值。

    Developing hypersonic flight technology is extremely important for commercial and military applications .

  8. 分级管理方式可满足飞行技术资料管理的特殊要求。

    The multi-grade management suffices for the special needs of flight technique files .

  9. 教员们也会通过上面的信息进行分析,指正我们的飞行技术。

    The instructors use the information on this and give us corrections of flight .

  10. 证明你的飞行技术不凡。

    Proved that you have exceptional navigational skills .

  11. 编队飞行技术是本世纪航天技术及应用领域的前沿性、战略性课题。

    Aerospace Simulation Formatting fly technology is one of the fore-lead technologies of this century .

  12. 临近空间飞行技术的发展使临近空间激光通信的实现成为了可能。

    The development of near-space aviation technology provides the potential to realize near-space laser communications .

  13. 我很难来描述黄13的飞行技术有多好。

    It 's difficult for me to describe just how good Yellow Thirteen 's flying was .

  14. 神舟七号微小卫星伴随飞行技术试验卫星测控雷达校飞设备在飞机上的安装

    Companion Microsatellite in SZ-7 Flight Mission Installation of Aviation Test Equipment for X-type Radar in Airplane

  15. 利用新的太阳能技术,飞行员们与工程师们正在开拓飞行技术的新世界。

    With new solar technology , pilots and engineers are expanding flight into a new world of possibilities .

  16. 四维下降飞行技术的研究与仿真&定常航迹角法下降剖面解算

    The Study and Simulation of the Four-dimensional Descent and Approaching Techniques ── The Profile Computation of the Constant-Flight-Path-Angle Descent

  17. 同时,航天器编队飞行技术本身面临着巨大的技术挑战,在动力学、控制、导航与应用方面有很多问题等待研究。

    At the same time , there are a lot of challenges in dynamics , control , navigation and application .

  18. 飞快地以极快的速度或无法控制的力量地阿尔科克凭着熟练的飞行技术,迅速地使飞机恢复了平稳。

    At breakneck speed or with uncontrolled force . Swiftly , with sure flying skill , Alcock righted the plane .

  19. 对于飞行员来说,提高飞行技术和保证飞行安全是矛盾的,如超低空飞行、特技飞行。

    For the pilot , improve flight technology and ensure flight safety is contradictory , such as low-level flight , aerobatics .

  20. 随着人类对空间领域不断的发现和探索,超音速飞行技术已成为具有前瞻性、战略性的一项技术。

    As human constantly discover and explore the field of space , supersonic flight technology has become a forward-looking and strategic technology .

  21. 空中教学阶段,通过研究和改善教学员座舱交流和处境意识培养,提高了学员的飞行技术。

    Air teaching stage , through research and improve teaching students cockpit communication and situation awareness , improve the technology of flight .

  22. 怀特兄弟刻苦学习滑翔机飞行技术,以便将来能胜任驾驶飞机的工作。

    The Wright brothers took immense trouble to study the art of flying in gliders so as to be competent in flying their aeroplane .

  23. M数为0.8,0.9,1.2,1.8.结果表明:动态飞行技术是可行的,飞行极曲线与风洞极曲线的相关性较好。

    The results show that dynamic flight technique is available , the drag polar from flight test is correlated well with it from wind tunnel .

  24. 但是最可爱的还是他们的飞行技术,他们的翼梢始终极精确地与乔纳森的翼梢保持着一英寸距离。

    But most lovely of all was the skill with which they flew , their wingtips moving a precise and constant inch from his own .

  25. 随着编队飞行技术的日益成熟及其应用领域的不断拓展,椭圆轨道航天器编队飞行逐渐引起国内外航天专家的关注。

    With the development of formation flying technology and the expansion of its orbital applications , spacecraft formations in eccentric orbits attract many aerospace specialists ' attention gradually .

  26. 若某天,能出现一个可以跟他匹敌的飞行员,并改变他在飞行技术上的局限的话,他将会毫无怨悔地被那飞行员击落。

    Some day , if an equal appeared and challenged the limits of his skills in a fight , he would bear no resentment about being shot down .

  27. 民航运输机飞行员是飞机安全运行的最后一道防线,其飞行技术是保证飞行安全的重要组成部分。

    Pilots , whose airmanship is an important component of maintaining flight safety , are supposed to be the last line for the security of airline plane operation .

  28. 卫星编队飞行技术被认为是卫星应用的必然趋势,编队飞行的地面仿真是对编队飞行技术研究的基础。

    Satellite formation flying has been considered as an inevitable direction of future space application . The ground simulation is a basis of the research on its related technologies .

  29. 对于电力架线施工中跨越重要电力线的工程,采用动力伞的飞行技术展放导引绳,是一种有效的方法。

    Unreeling and setting the leading string by the aid of dynamic parachute is an effective approach to important power line crossing in the construction of overhead transmission lines .

  30. 近年来,随着高超声速飞行技术的迅猛发展,高超声速飞行器的战略意义和应用价值显得更加重要。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the hypersonic flight technology , the strategic significance and application value of hypersonic vehicle are even more and more important .