
gǔ cí
  • china
骨瓷[gǔ cí]
  1. 如果用精美的骨瓷杯享用,就连茶包喝起来都会更加美味的呢。

    Even teabags will taste better when consumed from fine bone china .

  2. 主要有骨瓷,白瓷,炻瓷产品等。

    Mainly bone china , porcelain , stoneware and other ceramic products .

  3. 略论骨瓷盘类产品器型与素烧匣钵设计的相关性SEM观察A、C、E组金属表面微观结构。采用精密车床加工制作成形器控制瓷盘厚度为1.8mm,附着长度为4mm。

    The Relationship between the Shapes of Bone China Flate Plate Products and the Design of Saggar Shapes A metal die was made with a precision machine tool to control thickness and length of the ceramic .

  4. yoshitomi女士列举了日本骨瓷制造商鸣海(narumi)的例子,在其母公司中信集团的支持下,它已经成功地在亚洲市场进行了扩张。

    MS Yoshitomi gives the example of Narumi , a Japanese maker of Bone China , which has successfully expanded in Asia under the auspices of its Chinese parent , CITIC .

  5. 婚礼纪念品是用骨瓷制成的。

    The wedding memorabilia is being made with bone china .

  6. 就在如今,骨瓷也是主人身份与地位的象征。

    At present , bone china is the master identity and status symbol .

  7. 骨瓷是当今时尚人士比较推崇的高档餐具。

    Bone China compare to those of today 's respected high-end fashion tableware .

  8. 我们点的冰淇淋与咖啡端了上来,咖啡就盛放在精美的骨瓷杯中。

    Ice-cream and coffee arrives , the latter served in fine bone china cups .

  9. 减少骨瓷斑点缺陷的研究

    Reasearch on Reducing Blemish the Bone Porcelain

  10. 骨瓷斑点缺陷的克服

    Overcoming Spot Defects of Bone China

  11. 选用印度或锡兰(现斯里兰卡)出产的茶叶放入银质茶壶内泡茶,再将茶水倒在精致的中国骨瓷茶杯中饮用。

    Tea grown in India or Ceylon is poured from silver tea pots into delicate bone china cups .

  12. 侍者悄然出现,用带有蓝色联合国标志的白色骨瓷盘子呈上了我们的第一道菜。

    Waiters silently appear and present our first courses on white bone china plates with a blue UN logo .

  13. 骨瓷的基本成分是加入骨粉(动物骨头燃烧后的粉末)的高岭土和白墩子。

    Bone china porcelain is basically made by adding bone ash ( burned animal bones ) to kaolin and petuntse .

  14. 钓鱼台宴会瓷器系专为钓鱼台国宾馆各类宴会而开发研制的无铅釉健康绿色骨瓷。

    The Diaoyutai banquet tableware is made of non-plumbic-glazed healthy bone porcelain , which is developed specially for Diaoyutai State Guesthouse .

  15. 这套骨瓷茶具,杯边有象征富饶的羊角装饰,有镀金的谷物点缀,还刷了一层红瓷漆。

    This bone china tea set is decorated with bands of cornucopias with corn in them in gilt with some red enamel .

  16. 产品介绍骨瓷材质的旅行茶具,其结构设计简洁大方,整体造型似一魔方,然分拆后则是四只精巧的茶杯和一只造型独特的茶壶。

    Product IntroductionThe travel tea set , made of bone china , is simple and clean in design , its outline resembling a Rubik 's cube .

  17. 从生产实际出发并结合作者的实践经验,提出了在骨瓷注浆泥料配制中应注意的问题。

    The problems should paid attention to in Preparation process of casting slip for the bone china were proposed by means of the production and author experiences .

  18. 年关马上就要到了,买套骨瓷餐具回去,不管是送人还是自己用,都是一个相当不错的选择。

    Of the year soon to buy sets of bone china tableware to go back , either give as gifts or own use , are a very good choice .

  19. 当然,骨瓷中的骨粉给瓷器增添了一层蒙胧感同时让瓷器更坚固,这样才能制作出这些精美的造型,就像这头小鹿。

    Of course , the bone in fine-bone china gives it its translucency and also its strength , in order to make these really fine shapes , like this deer .

  20. 咖啡杯的材质有很多种,市面上见到的如瓷器,陶器,不锈钢,骨瓷等不一而足咖啡杯。

    There are a variety of coffee cup materials available in the market to see if porcelain , pottery , stainless steel , bone china coffee cups and other numerous .

  21. 骨瓷制作工艺简单,强度高,较之硬瓷更不易摔碎,所以在很多国家骨瓷是最受欢迎的瓷器。

    Because it is easier to make , harder to chip , and stronger than hard porcelain , bone china has become the most popular type of porcelain in some countries .

  22. 上周我放弃了这一切。如今,办公室的来访者在我的桌子上再也找不到任何食物的痕迹,只有一个洗干净后放在键盘边的骨瓷杯。

    A visitor to the office would now find no trace of food on my desk , only a bone china cup , washed up and left neatly by my keyboard .

  23. 前言:结合试验探讨了骨瓷烧泡缺陷产生的原因,并指出了控制烧泡缺陷的有效途径。

    The reasons of forming the bone china defect " Pinhole " were approached in the light of experiments , and the effective ways to control defect " pinhole " were given .

  24. 我给水壶装满了水后就放到炉火上等着它烧开。我拿出了那件夕日曾用过的红色杯子,然后倒上咖啡,看着那许多咖啡碎末粒掉进骨瓷杯中。

    I filled the kettle and put it on to boil , I took out my old red mug and filled it with coffee watching as each coffee granule slipped in to the bone china .

  25. 本文简略地论述了骨瓷素烧匣钵设计与产品器型的连带关系,并给出了骨瓷匣钵尺寸的初步确定方法。

    The article is discussed on the relation ship between the design of saggar shapes and the shapes of firing products in brief , and offer a primior way to calculate the gauge of Bone China saggar .