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shēn sī
  • contemplation;consideration;meditation;think deeply about;ponder deeply over
深思 [shēn sī]
  • [think deeply about] 认真思考,深入考虑

  • 深思熟虑

深思[shēn sī]
  1. 通读它们的描述并深思你是否拥有它们。

    Read through their descriptions and think deeply about whether you possess them .

  2. 在这种时代背景下,如何做好学生党建工作是每个党务工作者应该深思的问题。

    Under such conditions , how to do well in the Party Construction of college students should be a problem that each Party worker should think deeply about .

  3. 这本书充满了深刻、新颖、令人深思的见解。

    This is a book full of profound , original and challenging insights .

  4. 她深思地凝视着远方。

    She stared thoughtfully into the distance .

  5. 那是一件需要她深思的难事。

    That is a difficult thing for her to chew on .

  6. 律师的指点值得我深思。

    The solicitor 's advice gave me food for thought .

  7. 这个问题值得我们深思。

    This matter gives us much food for thought .

  8. 他皱眉深思。

    He frowned in deep thought .

  9. 那位过路人站在那里好像深思什么。

    The man stood as if deep in thought .

  10. 这个问题可能会引你深思:你愿意生活在一个没有汽车的世界里吗?

    Here 's some food for thought – would you like to live in a world without cars ?

  11. “慢艺术”是为了鼓励人们从容观看和深思而创造或展示的艺术,是让你花长时间去欣赏的一件艺术品。

    Slow art is art created or presented in a way that encourages unhurried viewing and deep contemplation ; a work of art that unfolds over a long time .

  12. 今天收到的来自TheSimpleDollar公司的邮件让我为之深思。

    A post today at The Simple Dollar really got me thinking .

  13. 如何获取成功是每个B2C商家深思的问题。

    How to get success is a problem for B2C vendors .

  14. 尽管Web应用开发平台无需网络应用开发者费心,但在具体应用开发过程中遇到的不确定动态复杂问题,仍然需要深思。

    Although there is no need for internet application developers to think about Web applications platform , the complex and uncertain dynamic problem they meet while developing still need think thorough .

  15. 贵州黄鸡培育研究报告关于Buffon掷针问题的深思

    REPORT ON GUIZHOU - BUFF BREEDING PROJECT Deep Consideration on the Problem of Buff on 's Needle

  16. SundanceChannel的《亡者归来》是一部改编自2004年电影的法国超自然剧集,凭借其引人深思的剧情推进速度和专注于人类关系而非嗜血怪物的主题颠覆了传统僵尸片。

    And Sundance Channel 's ' The Returned , ' a French supernatural drama based on a 2004 film , upended the traditional zombie category with its meditative pacing and focus on human connections over bloodthirsty monsters .

  17. 此外,A银行的QDII事件也应引起人们的深思,如何有效提高我国金融机构的境外投资风险管理也是我国金融业急于解决的课题。

    Besides , the cases of QDII products of Bank A deserve scrutiny . It is a imperative task for the financial industry of China how to effectively enhance the risk management of domestic financial institutions investing overseas .

  18. 这是一个关于管理傲慢和过度冒险的故事,它提出了一个今年最引人深思的问题:美国政府,尤其是美国财长汉克保尔森(hankpaulson),让雷曼破产到底对不对?

    It is a story of management hubris and excessive risk-taking and it raises one of the most tantalising questions of the year : were the US authorities , notably Hank Paulson , US Treasury Secretary , right to let Lehman go under ?

  19. 在印第安纳大学-普度大学印第安纳波利斯分校(IndianaUniversity-PurdueUniversity,Indianapolis)担任沟通学教授的桑德拉•彼得罗尼奥(SandraPetronio)说,一个遭受突然袭击的人“需要更多地深思,你需要对发生在你身上的事情进行一些分析。”

    A person taken by surprise is ' required to do a lot more rumination , ' says Sandra Petronio , a professor of communication at Indiana University-Purdue University , Indianapolis . ' You need to do some type of analysis about what happened to you . '

  20. 他会对她说什么,这才是值得深思的。

    What he would say to her-that was the interesting issue .

  21. 目前大学校园道德失范现象令人忧心、使人深思。

    The loss of Ethics is a worrying phenomenon on campus .

  22. 对于行动的本质,我们还远远没有充分明确地加以深思。

    We have yet to thoroughly examine the essence of action .

  23. 都是值得我们深思和探讨的问题。

    These questions are worth our careful consideration and discussion .

  24. 如何在管理中运用它,也是值得深思的问题。

    It 's worth considering of the application in management .

  25. 3起不典型中毒案例应急救治的深思

    Pondering on the rescue of 3 cases of atypical poisoning

  26. 有时候我们需要时间来考虑和深思。

    Time is occasionally needed to think and to reflect .

  27. 低合金钢管取代普碳钢管脚手架值得深思

    Low-alloy Steel Pipe Replacing Ordinary-carbon Steel Pipe Scaffold Deserved Study

  28. 沉溺在深思中,我没听到电话声。

    Lost in deep thought , I didn 't hear the phone .

  29. 这的确是个令我深思的问题啊!

    This is a problem which makes me think deeply !

  30. 我感到似乎打断了一种深思的气氛。

    I felt as if I 'd interrupted a mood of cogitation .