
  1. 随着近年来中国各项成本的上升,总部位于香港的服装制造商联业制衣(TALApparel)开始寄望于进一步多元化其生产分布。

    When costs started rising in China recently , TAL Apparel , the Hong Kong-based textile manufacturer , began looking to further diversify its operations .

  2. 主要简述了国内洋葱的生产分布情况及其主要品种类型与种植农艺。

    The status of onion production distribution , its main varieties and agriculture in China were introduced .

  3. 从生产分布的历史演变看珠江三角洲与资本主义世界体系的关系

    The Historical Evolution of Production Distribution and the Relationship between the Peral River Delta and the World Capitalist System

  4. 就业人口与非农生产分布不均衡问题实证研究&上海大都市经济发展的时空及功能特征

    An Empirical Analysis of the Unequilibrium Distribution of Employment Population and Non-agricultural Industry : The Time-space and Function Characters of Economic Development in Metropolitan Shanghai

  5. 本文介绍了国内灰砂砖的生产分布和质量情况;

    In this paper , an introduction to the production distribution and the quality condition of the sand - lime brick at home is given ;

  6. 机械制备方法所需的设备当中卧式搅拌磨以其能量利用率较高、可以生产分布较集中和粒度较小的粉体、操作简单等优势受到各国企业的关注。

    Due to the advantage of high energy utilization , producing particles with small and concentration size and easy operation , the horizontal stirred mill has attracted attention of the world in all equipment for mechanical preparation .

  7. 通过回顾我国胶合板发展历程,分析了胶合板用材资源、加工和使用特点以及生产分布、进出口贸易现状。

    This article reviewed the development of the plywood industry in China and analyzed the current situation of raw material resources , processing and applications as well as production distribution , foreign trade of plywood products made in China .

  8. 基于GIS的中国县域棉花生产空间分布与变异研究

    Study on the Spatial Distribution and Variation of Cotton Production in Counties of China Based on GIS

  9. 根据GCM模拟结果,分析了CO2增加对我国小麦生产地理分布的潜在影响。

    The potential CO2-induced impacts on the geographical shifts of wheat growth zones in China were analyzed based on GCM outputs .

  10. 水稻条纹叶枯病(ricestripe)由水稻条纹病毒(ricestripevirus,RSV)引起,是当前在我国水稻生产中分布广,发生重,为害大的重要病毒病。

    Rice stripe virus ( rice stripe ) from the rice stripe virus ( rice stripe virus , RSV ) causes is currently in wide distribution of rice production , the occurrence of heavy , large damage important virus disease .

  11. 中国历代冶铁生产的分布及其变迁述论

    The Distribution and Its Change of Iron Metallurgical Industry in China

  12. 中国人造板机械生产企业分布及形成与发展概况

    Chinese wood-based panel enterprises ' distribution , formation and general situation

  13. 高粱生产区分布于新南威尔士和昆士兰两州以前肥沃的土壤。

    The main production of grain sorghum is in areas of NSW and Queensland on what were originally highly fertile soils .

  14. 但我国约90%的煤炭资源和生产能力分布在西部和北部地区。

    But our country about 90 % of coal resources , the production capacity lie in the north and west regions .

  15. 根据我国卷烟生产的分布,认为总线式中央空调系统在我国卷烟厂具有很好的应用前景。

    According to the distribution of the cigarette production , the new central air conditioning system has great application prospect in cigarette factory in China .

  16. 介绍目前新疆棉花生产地区分布,回顾建国以来新疆各年度棉花生产情况、需求情况、进出口情况,预测下年度棉花需求。

    Review cotton production situation , demand and export on every year from nation established , cotton distribution at present , forecast about next year .

  17. 然后,以供应链管理和物流网络的相关理论为基础,从原材料区域分布、生产区域分布和市场需求角度对湖南省木地板产业现状进行了研究。

    Then the status of wooden floor industry in Hunan was researched from three aspects , namely raw materials area distribution , current production situation and market demand .

  18. 当前航天科技集团公司型号研制生产单位分布地域广,科研生产管理难度大,异地协同与联合制造管理需求迫切。

    The geographic distribution is wide in the Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation , and development and production is difficult . So the needs are urgent for collaborative manufacturing management .

  19. 但近年来,运输成本的降低和数字化分割了全球供应链,使产业的各个生产工序分布在多个国家,而非产业整体迁移。

    But more recently , rather than industries moving en bloc , cheaper transport and digitalisation have sliced up supply chains and distributed the various stages of production around several countries .

  20. 通过对中国社科期刊的统计分析,探讨我国社科期刊生产、分布的现状和存在的问题。

    By a statistic analysis of social science periodicals in China , this paper discusses the production and distribution of social science periodicals in China , and indicates the existing problems .

  21. 它大致可分为文献的特点、功能、类型、生产和分布、发展规律、文献整理及文献与文献学发展历史等几个部分。

    It can be divided into the literature of the features , functions , types , production and distribution , development law , literature review and history of literature and philology , and several other parts .

  22. 本文运用热轧生产线分布测量系统的基本数据库,通过产生式规则建立故障诊断专家系统对轧制力传感器进行在线故障诊断。

    This paper presents the establishment of a rolling force sensor fault diagnostic system by means of a production rule based on the real time database of a distributed measurement system for a hot rolling production line .

  23. 库尔兹集团是一家有着100多年历史的德国家族式企业,公司拥有近4000名员工,9个生产基地分布于欧洲、美国和亚太地区,19个分支机构和70个专属的经销商。

    Kurz Group is a family company with more than 100 years ' history . There are 3 , 500 employees , 9 production plants located in Europe , USA and Asian Pacific Areas , 19 subsidiaries and 70 exclusive agents .

  24. 本文概述了海南省热带牧草种子生产的分布、种植面积及总产量,主要栽培品种的产量与质量,栽培管理技术,种子销售及价格等现状。

    Distribution zone , planting area , tatol seed production , seed yeild and seed qulity of main cultivated varieties techniques of cultivation and management , market and price of seeds of tropical pastures in Hainan province are reported in this paper .

  25. 本文分析了我国报刊生产空间分布特征,划分了报刊生产的空间功能类型区;进行了报刊生产的区域发展趋势预测。

    This article analyses the feature of the space distribution of newspapers and periodicals in our country , divides type region of the space function and forecasts the developmental tendency of production of newspapers and periodicals conducting preliminary research on this problem .

  26. 首先借助于马尔可夫过程理论确定出转移概率密度,再利用分布参数系统模型来描述某个地域的粮食和经济作物的产出量在随机变化的情况下,农业生产的分布模型。

    First of all , with the aids of Markov processes theory , we obtain the transition probability density . After this , dynamic distributed models about agricultural produce system were presented using distributed parameter system when farm produces change according to stochastic diffusion processes .

  27. 比如,根据摩根士丹利(morganstanley)的计算,相对于国内生产总值,分布于新兴经济体和发达经济体的过剩流动性现已“处于创纪录高位”。

    Morgan Stanley , for example , calculates that the scale of excess liquidity sloshing around emerging and advanced economies is now " at a record high " , relative to gross domestic product .

  28. 其次,设计了基于平面铁芯和ML-PCB(多层印制电路板)绕组的变压器,该变压器使绕组布线更加灵活、精准,提高了变压器批量生产时其分布参数的一致性。

    Secondly , a transformer based on planar core and the ML-PCB ( multi-layer printed circuit board ) winding is designed , so that wiring of the transformer windings is more flexible , accurate , and improved the conformance of the distributed ( parasitic ) parameters of the transformer mass .

  29. 聚合物生产分子量分布建模与控制研究

    Modeling and Control of Molecular Weight Distribution in Polymerization Processes

  30. 黄磷生产中氟分布研究

    Research on fluorine distribution in production of elemental phosphorus