
  1. 这些男男女女远离家乡来这里挑起军旅生活的重担。

    These men and women are carrying the burdens of military life far from home .

  2. 成熟的女人会选择生活的重担。

    Mature woman would choose the burden 。

  3. 有一个词能够使我们摆脱生活的重担和痛苦,那就是爱。

    One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life-that word is love .

  4. 亲爱的大哥从十三岁起就担起了家庭生活的重担;

    The dear eldest brother had been shouldering the heavy burden of family life since thirteen ;

  5. 不成熟的女人在面对生命的尊严与生活的重担时,选择生命的尊严;

    Immature woman chooses the dignity of life in front of life , dignity and the burden ;

  6. 一般而言,寡妇要独自承担家庭生活的重担,承受来自社会各方面的压力。

    Generally speaking , widows had to bear the heavy burdens from family life and the various pressures from society , acting various social roles alone .

  7. 足部每天承受着日常生活的重担,对于许多要长久站立的劳动者来说,不合脚的鞋,特别是高跟鞋是危险之源。

    Feet bear the brunt of daily life , and for many workers prolonged standing , badly fitted footwear , and in particular high heels can be a hazard .

  8. 在这无尽嘈杂的世界中,我们将生活的重担关在门外,完全投入想象世界、松之地的时间屈指可数。

    In a world filled with constant " noise ," moments where we can leave stress at the door and be completely carried away into imagination and relaxation , are limited .

  9. 当命运的暴风雨袭来时,他横竖不说一句话,生活的重担压在肩膀上,他的头却从没有低下!

    4th , Xie Yanxin When the destiny storm raids , he did not speak a few words in any case , the life heavy burden presses on the shoulder , his head actually from not low !

  10. 新时代,高校图书馆即承担提高学校整体文化品位活跃校园文化生活的重担,又负责提供极其专业的科研服务。

    In new period , the university library will take not only the whole school commitment to improve the cultural quality and active the cultural life on campus , but also provide a very professional research services .

  11. 请记住,把你压垮的不是生活中的重担,而是你的态度。

    Remember , it is not the burdens of life that weigh us down , it is how we handle them .

  12. 在穷国,女性则背负着提供基本生活必需品的重担:收集水和柴火,以及耕种用作口粮的农作物。

    In poor countries , women bear the burden of providing the basic necessities of life : hauling water and firewood , and farming subsistence crops .