
  • 网络Bio Valley;bio-valley;Bioon;Alsace BioValley
  1. 生物谷报道欧洲生物学实验室(EMBL)的物理学专家发明了一种巧夺天工的显微镜,这种显微镜能使研究人员比以往更深入地观察生活着的有机体。

    Physicists at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory ( EMBL ) have developed a state-of-the-art microscope that gives scientists a much deeper look into living organisms than ever before .

  2. 2003年,马来西亚发起了一项雄心勃勃的计划,要建立一个名叫生物谷(BioValley)的生物技术园区,它要吸纳了三家新的研究机构,并且花费1.6亿美元。

    In2003 , Malaysia launched an ambitious project to build a biotechnology science park called the BioValley , incorporating three new research institutes and costing US $ 160 million .

  3. 本文从建成云南绿色经济强省战略上阐述生物谷区域经济模式对云南省生态经济可持续发展的深远意义和普遍指导作用。

    This paper , based on the strategy of establishing green economy in Yunnan , elaborates the significance of establishing Yunnan 's biological valley for ecological economy sustainable in the province in terms of universal guidance within the region .

  4. 生物技术产业是世界范围内正在兴起的高新技术产业,生物科技园区(生物谷)是其发展与集中布局的典型载体。

    Bio-tech research park is the major spatial manifestation of bio-tech industry in the present world .