
  1. 从法律上来说,如果老人生活不能自理,他可以指定某人为其代理事务。

    It is legally possible for an elderly person to nominate someone to act for them , should they become incapable of looking after themselves .

  2. 按GOS评分良好27例,重残、意识清晰但生活不能自理4例,植物生存3例。

    By GOS , 27 cases were normal , 4 cases were severely disable , sober but unable to care for self , and 3 cases were vegetable survival , and 2 cases were dead .

  3. 把你打得生活不能自理。

    You can not play to their own lives .

  4. 他害怕的不是死亡,而是日益衰弱,生活不能自理。

    It is not death he fears , but wasting away , becoming dependent .

  5. 针对于脑出血等生活不能自理的重患,有效地解决了原始病理床的缺陷。

    It effectively resolves disadvantages of original pathological bed aiming at bad sufferers such as cerebral hemorrhage .

  6. 研究者说这相当于死亡的风险上升40%或生活不能自理风险上升65%。

    Researchers say that translates to a40 % higher risk of death and65 % higher risk of disability .

  7. 若身体不好,生活不能自理时,通过自己对活生生的肉体的魔术般的处理。

    If they are not healthy enough to look after themselves , by a magical dealing of the living flesh .

  8. 严重的癫痫性痴呆患者变得情感呆板、行动笨拙、生活不能自理。

    Serious epileptic sex is gawkish the patient becomes affection clumsiness of inflexible , action , life cannot provide for oneself .

  9. 上海城市生活不能自理老人生活照料状况及意愿研究

    An analysis about the life status and demands for services of elder people whose activities of daily living are disable in Shanghai

  10. 其临床症状主要表现为静止性震颤、动作迟缓、运动减少、肌强直和姿势平衡障碍等而导致生活不能自理。

    Clinically , cardinal symptoms are static tremor , movement retardation , hypokinesia , rigidity and posture balance disturbance and so on .

  11. 他们的亲人走了,只留下年幼无知、生活不能自理的他们,他们的命运让我们关注。

    Their loved ones gone , leaving only young ignorance , can not take care of themselves in their life , their fate to our attention .

  12. 长期照护是指为因衰老、疾病或者身心功能障碍而导致生活不能自理的老年人提供的一种持续性照料服务。

    Long-term care is the kind of sustainable caring service which helps the people with a chronic illness , disability or senescence that cannot care for themselves .

  13. 两组重度病残,生活不能自理的病人对比,P<0.01,两组间差异显著。

    There is significant difference ( P < 0.01 ) between the two groups with the patients who can not take care of themselves with severe disability .

  14. 过分疲劳几乎使受害者瘫痪,有的断送了他们的事业,还有的甚至生活不能自理。

    Fatigue attacks almost to the point of paralysis , which have ended the careers of some victims , and rendered others barely able to take care of themselves at home .

  15. 运动功能的下降如肌肉力量,协调功能和灵活性通常与老龄相关,并常引起痴呆,潜在的生活不能自理甚至死亡。

    Motor function decline such as decreased muscle strength , coordination , and dexterity is commonly associated with aging and related to dementia , potentially disabling falls , and even death .

  16. 而抑郁情绪的发生受生活不能自理、睡眠障碍、担心病情复发及缺乏家庭社会支持等因素的影响。

    The occurrence of depression in patients was related to being unable to take care of themselves , dormancy obstruction , worrying about the disease recurrence and lacking family and social support .

  17. 由于老年人身体处于衰老过程,身体机能减弱,健康状况下降,往往容易导致失能,生活不能自理。

    The body of old people is in the aging process , body function abates and is not so healthy , which easily lead to loss , the life cannot provide for oneself .

  18. 而这个在父母同学眼中“生活不能自理”的女孩,开始独自撑起了从买家具到洗衣做饭的各种琐事。

    And the eyes of students in the parents ," life can not take care of themselves ," the girl began to hold up alone to buy furniture from a variety of cooking and cleaning chores .

  19. 他推断,保持身体运动并不一定能延长寿命,但会减少人们生活不能自理的时间。

    Keeping the body moving , he speculated , wouldn 't necessarily extend longevity , but it would compress the period at the end of life when people couldn 't carry out daily tasks on their own .

  20. 老年人长期照护是指老年人由于生理、心理受损,生活不能自理,因而在一个相对较长的时期,甚至在生命存续期内都需要他人给予的各种帮助的总称。

    Elderly long-term care is a generic term that refers to the elderly who cannot self care due to physical or psychological damage , thus need others ' help during a relatively long period , even the whole life .

  21. 本文对上海市老年护理院中病人结构及服务提供和利用现状分析如下:护理院病人平均年龄为73.7岁,四分之三的病人生活不能自理。

    This paper described patients ' structure and services providing and utilization in aging nursing home in Shanghai . The average age of inpatients was 73 . 7 years old . Three forth of inpatients could not take care of their daily life by themselves .

  22. 能否在生活不能自理的时候,得到应有的照料,是衡量老年人生活质量的一个极其重要的方面,也是衡量一个地区社会保障体系完善程度的重要标尺之一。

    It is a crucial criterion in measuring the life of quality of the aged as well as the social security system level in a region that , whether they can be given the care they deserved when they are unable to take care of themselves .

  23. 这种病症的早期症状是轻度的记忆力丧失和意识混乱,后来逐渐发展成个人生活完全不能自理,要靠别人照顾。

    It begins with mild memory loss and confusion and progresses gradually to a complete inability to care for oneself .

  24. 感到孤独和在生活上不能自理(于他们的家长对他们过于溺爱和娇惯)们会经常想家和情绪低落。

    Feeling loneliness and harding to do by themselves in livings ( cause their parents indulges and coddles them too much ), they often miss homes and turndown in emotion .

  25. 是一种严重威胁人类,特别是50岁以上中老年人健康的常见病,即使应用目前最先进、完善的治疗手段,仍可有50%以上的脑血管意外幸存者生活不能完全自理。

    Especially , it is more common in middle-aged and elderly over 50 years of age . Even for the most advanced and comprehensive treatment , there are still more than 50 % of the survivors of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease can not take care of themselves .

  26. 这样的“三无人士”也太过火点儿吧!连自己的生活都几乎不能自理。

    Have you ever seen such a NEET ? She is even not able to deal with the daily life on her own .

  27. 多数住户在生活上都不能自理,只能依靠修道院的工作人员。

    Many of the women can no longer take care of themselves and must rely on the full time staff for their daily needs .

  28. 为了照顾他,弟弟从小到大总是形影不离地跟在他的身边,他除了学会了用脚趾头写字做作业外,生活上完全不能自理。

    For the sake of taking care of him , his younger brother became his shadow , never leaving him alone for years . Except for writing with his toes , he was completely unable to do anything in his life .

  29. 结果伽玛刀治疗88例,其中正常工作21例(23.86%),生活自理20例(22.73%),生活不能自理7例(7.95%),肿瘤复发18例(20.45%),死亡22例(25.0%)。

    Results Gamma knife treatment 88 example , among them normal work 21 examples ( 23.86 % ), life oneself management 20 examples ( 22.73 % ), life can 't oneself management 7 examples ( 7.95 % ), tumor relapse 18 examples ( 20.45 % ), death 22 example .

  30. 存活者中生活自理并可参加轻体力劳动者47例,生活不能自理者37例。

    47 survivors can live independently and even participate in simple labor . Other 37 cases can not be independent in their daily life .