
shēng ri
  • birthday
生日 [shēng rì]
  • [birthday]人出生的那一天,每年满周岁的那一天也叫生日

  • 祝你生日快乐

生日[shēng ri]
  1. 要是他忘了你的生日,那可太差劲了。

    It 's a poor show if he forgets your birthday .

  2. 蛋糕上裱了“生日快乐”的字样。

    The cake had ' Happy Birthday ' piped on it .

  3. 我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。

    I cut a piece of birthday cake for them all .

  4. 我给他们每个人都切了一块生日蛋糕。

    I cut them all a piece of birthday cake .

  5. 你打算送给你父亲什么生日礼物?

    What are you giving your father for his birthday ?

  6. 他在五十岁生日那天心脏病发作。

    He was stricken by a heart attack on his fiftieth birthday .

  7. 我给他送点什么生日礼物呢?

    What can I get him for a birthday present ?

  8. 今天不是一般的日子——是我的生日!

    It isn 't just any day ─ it 's my birthday !

  9. 我们正在筹备她的生日聚会。

    We 're getting up a party for her birthday .

  10. 你打算举行大型生日宴会吗?

    Are you having a big do for your birthday ?

  11. 这是送给你的生日小礼物。

    Here 's a little something for your birthday .

  12. 生日礼物要等到你生日那天才可打开。

    Don 't unwrap your present until your birthday .

  13. 因为忙得不可开交,我把她的生日忘得一干二净。

    I completely forgot her birthday , what with one thing and another .

  14. 她上星期把腿摔断了,而且还是在她生日那一天!

    She broke her leg last week ─ and on her birthday too !

  15. 我在给亚历克斯烤生日蛋糕。

    I 'm baking a birthday cake for Alex .

  16. 我们全都涌进她的办公室,唱“祝你生日快乐”。

    We all crowded into her office to sing ' Happy Birthday ' .

  17. 她送给我一块手表作为生日礼物。

    She gave me a watch for my birthday .

  18. 今年我的生日适逢星期一。

    My birthday falls on a Monday this year .

  19. 他辩解说因为日记本丢了才忘了她的生日。

    His excuse for forgetting her birthday was that he had lost his diary .

  20. 你收到什么生日礼物了?

    What did you get for your birthday ?

  21. 我忘了她的生日,感到很难过。

    I feel awful about forgetting her birthday .

  22. 她的生日总是过得很排场。

    She always celebrates her birthday in style .

  23. 生日贺卡晚到了三天。

    The birthday card arrived three days late .

  24. 他们的生日仅隔三日。

    Their birthdays are only three days apart .

  25. 管保约翰会把休的生日忘了!

    Trust John to forget Sue 's birthday !

  26. 他突然想到一个好主意,他要送她一条狗作为生日礼物。

    He had an inspiration : he 'd give her a dog for her birthday .

  27. 我祝她生日快乐。

    I wished her a happy birthday .

  28. 下个星期天是她的生日。

    This coming Sunday is her birthday .

  29. 今天是她的十岁生日。

    Today is her tenth birthday .

  30. 这是她五岁生日。

    It 's her fifth birthday .