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  1. 基于ASP的生产经营单位人员安全生产培训考核管理系统的设计

    Design and Implementation of the Safety Work Training and Examination Management System for the Personnel of Enterprises Based on ASP

  2. 1999年3月~2002年3月,通过对集贸市场等有关生产经营单位进行随机取样计2766份,作酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)、气相色谱-质谱联用法(GC/MS)检测。

    2766 samples were collected randomly at farm product trade markets and monitered by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay ( ELISA ) and GC / MS.

  3. 林业生产经营单位安全管理创新的几点思考

    A Few Thoughts about Safety Management Innovation in Forest Production and Operation Units

  4. 广州市生产经营单位化学品调查与分析

    A chemicals survey and analysis in Guangzhou factories

  5. 生产经营单位安全培训规定

    Safety Training Regulations in Production Management Units

  6. 生产经营单位安全生产管理的要点

    The Key Points of the Management of the Safety in Production of the Production-operation Units

  7. 关于生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员安全生产培训考核工作的意见

    Suggestions on evaluation of training in production safety for directors , safety-control managers and other workers employed in enterprises

  8. 方法随机抽取蚌埠铁路分局辖区的45户食品生产经营单位进行索证情况调查。

    Methods Situations of demanding certificates for food of 45 manufacturing and operating food units were randomly sampled and investigated .

  9. 安全文化建设是生产经营单位建立安全生产长效机制的基础,是实现建设小康社会发展目标的保证。

    The construction of safety culture is the foundation for the businesses to build the long-term mechanism of safe production .

  10. 集团公司定位为战略决策和管理控制中心,子公司定位为集团的利润中心和生产经营单位。

    The general company is the decision and management center . The subsidiary companies in the produce and profit center .

  11. 生产经营单位主要负责人对本单位安全生产应负法律责任的研究安全生产违法行为行政处罚办法

    Study on Legal Responsibility Taken by Directors of Enterprises for Production Safety Work Administrative Disciplinary Measures against Illegal Activities in Production Safety

  12. 林业会计是国民经济部门会计的一种,是林业生产经营单位经济管理的一个重要组成部分。

    Forestry accounting is the Civilian economic departments accountant 's one kind , is a forestry production operation unit management of economy important component .

  13. 给他人造成损害的,与生产经营单位承担连带赔偿责任。

    If injuries have been caused to other people , it shall take several and joint liabilities with the production and business operation entity .

  14. 法律法规和职业安全健康标准也对承包商管理提出了明确的要求。因此,承包商管理,已成为生产经营单位职业安全健康管理中的重要环节。

    So contractor management has become an important link in implementation of OHSMS and in maintaining good safety performance of production and business units .

  15. [方法]选择本市14家食品生产经营单位进行卫生学调直,并随机抽取肉类、水产类、乳品类、蔬菜类等四类145件样品。

    [ Methods ] 145 random samples from four sorts of meat , fish , dairy and vegetable were collected from 14 hotels and supermarkets .

  16. 对生产经营单位进行安全评价可以有效地预防事故发生,减少财产损失和人员伤亡及伤害,安全评价是安全生产管理的一个重要组成部分。

    Safety evaluation for enterprises could effectively prevent the occurrence of accidents and reduce the loss of properties and lives , which is the important composite of safety management .

  17. 生产经营单位不得使用国家明令淘汰、止使用的危及生产安全的工艺、备。

    No production and business operation entity may use any technique or equipment that endangers production safety and that has been explicitly announced for elimination or prevent from use .

  18. 生产经营单位必须摆正安全与效益关系,创建企业安全文化,提高全员安全素质;

    The enterprise must properly handle the association between the cost-benefit and the production . The safety culture must be established in enterprises , the safety quality of whole staff must be raised .

  19. 以工资性收入为主要经济来源的贫困地区农户已不再是传统意义上的家庭生产经营单位,而是劳动力的供给者。

    Most rural households in depressed area whose income is mainly made up of wage no longer essentially play the role of production and management units in the traditional sense , but labor suppliers .

  20. 生产经营单位主要负责人对生产安全事故隐瞒不报、谎报或者拖延不报的,依照前款规定处罚。

    The major person-in-charge of any production and business operation entity who conceals any production safety accident or submits deceitful reports or delays reports shall be punished according to the provisions as mentioned in the preceding paragraph .

  21. 结论:加强宣传力度,使食品生产经营单位和每一个食品从业人员为了自己和人民群众的身体健康,重视并坚持每年进行的健康检查。

    Conclusion : Strengthening propaganda strength , making sure every food production company and employee in food , we must pay attention to and insist in the health examination that is carried on annually for the health of oneself and the people .

  22. 随着经济的高速发展和生产经营单位产权、经营模式的多样化,我国安全生产情况日益复杂,安全生产数据信息急剧增加,使得我国安全生产监督工作面临更大的挑战。

    With the rapid economic development and the production units of property rights , business model diversification , the increasing complexity of safety , and sharp increase in the production data , making the work safety in China is facing greater challenges .

  23. 由生产经营性单位控制的上市公司比非生产经营性单位控制的上市公司的资产替代行为更为严重。

    The extent of asset substitution is more serious in firms controlled by producing and operating institutions than by non-producing and operating institutions .

  24. 在计划经济向市场经济过渡时期,国有企业是依法自主经营,自负盈亏,独立核算的商品生产和经营单位,企业的财产属国家所有并授予企业经营管理。

    In the transitional period from planned economy to market economy , the state-owned enterprises are their own masters hi running them and accounting business , which are responsible for their gain or loss according to the law .

  25. 第三部分是指出了当前生产经营类事业单位转企改制中国有资产处置的内在困境。

    The third part points out the inherent difficulties about the current productive and operational public utilities transforming into enterprises .

  26. 第一部分阐释制度衔接对生产经营类事业单位转企改制的意义。

    The first part explains the significance of system converging in the conversion and reformation of the productive and operational public utilities .

  27. 最后一部分结合国有资产处置的基本原则,阐明生产经营类事业单位转企改制中国有资产处置的路径优化,为生产经营类事业单位转企改制中国有资产处置问题研究提供参考。

    The last part states the path optimization for the productive and operational public utilities transforming into enterprises combined with the basic principles of the disposal of state-owned assets , providing a reference for this issue .

  28. 作为社区生产经营的基层单位,物业站的日常工作具有各种基础资料收集多、管理和考核单位多、临时性事务多等特点。

    As the basic unit of a community , the property management station has a variety of characteristics of daily work , there are so many data to collect , to be managed and assessed , and other temporary affairs .

  29. 系统实现了医疗器械生产经营和使用单位、监管机构等多方互动的网络平台,为医疗器械监管人员、委托监管人员和生产经营使用单位提供了高效快捷、方便的信息服务。

    System realizes the operation and use of medical equipment production units , regulators and other interactive multi-network platform for the medical device regulators , entrusted with supervisory staff and production units to provide a quick and efficient and convenient information services .

  30. 因此,转企改制中生产经营类事业单位的国有资产处置合理与否直接关系到国家和集体以及广大改制单位职工的利益得失,关系到生产经营类事业单位转企改制的成功与否。

    Therefore , whether we can dispose the state-owned asset properly when transforming the productive and operational utilities into enterprises directly relate to the interests of the majority of the pros and cons as well as the success or failure of the reformation .