
  • 网络Customer Desired Value;cev
  1. 企业应对顾客期望价值转变的对策。

    Corporations ' reaction to the change of customer desired value .

  2. 研究分为两部分,第一部分测量了大学生手机顾客期望价值的构成,第二部分测量了大学生手机期望价值的转变。

    The research includes two parts of which the first is to measure the structure of customer desired value in university and the second part is to measure the change of customer desired value .

  3. 最后阐述了顾客期望价值与顾客购买决策以及顾客满意的关系。

    And we also introduce the relationship between customer value , purchase decision and satisfaction .

  4. 该实证研究不仅验证了顾客期望价值转变概念模型,其研究方法还为企业的顾客价值营销实践提供了生动的借鉴。

    The research confirms the concept model and can be use as reference for the following study of customer value .

  5. 顾客期望价值转变的形式和强度;

    And we also introduce the relationship between customer value , purchase decision and satisfaction . form and intensity of the change ;

  6. 然后阐述了顾客价值与顾客期望价值的基本理论。这是本文研究的理论基础。

    Second , we introduce the basic theories of customer value and customer desired value which are the theory fundamental of this paper .

  7. 顾客满意是顾客期望价值与顾客感知价值的函数,顾客忠诚则可以区分为理想忠诚和约束忠诚;

    Customer satisfaction is the function of customer expected value and customer perceived value . Customer loyalty can be divided into ideal loyalty and restraining loyalty .

  8. 从顾客的感知价值和顾客期望价值内涵入手,设计出一套顾客满意评价指标体系。

    This paper proposes a CS evaluation indicator system according to the meaning of Customer Perceived Value ( CPV ) and Customer Expected Value ( CEV ) .

  9. 这部分先是重点介绍了顾客价值的内涵与特征,接着界定了顾客期望价值的概念,然后介绍了顾客期望价值的类型、动态性特征及构成。

    We mainly introduce the meaning and characteristics of customer value as well as the types , dynamic characteristics and structure of customer value .

  10. 在前人有关顾客价值研究的基础上,本文补充提出顾客期望价值、设计价值和顾客决策价值三个新概念;

    Based on former research relating to Customer Value , this article first proposes three new concepts , i.e. Customer Expecting Value ( CEV ), Designed Value ( DV ), Decisive Customer Value ( DCV ) .

  11. 为了保持关键顾客,企业不得不研究顾客价值的转变,尤其是顾客期望价值的转变。

    They also have to study the conversion of customer value , especially the customer desired value .