
  • 网络customer lifetime value;CLV
  1. 顾客终身价值(CLV)和顾客资产概念的提出,进一步深化了顾客关系管理理论体系。

    The proposition of Customer Lifetime Value ( CLV ) and Customer Equity has further deepened the theoretical system of customer relationship management .

  2. 顾客终身价值量化模型研究述评

    Studies Review of Quantification Models of Customer Lifetime Value

  3. 从顾客终身价值获取看网络经济时代营销内核问题

    The Marketing Core by Total Customer Value Achieving in the Internet Economy Area

  4. 纵深经济理论和顾客终身价值理论对个性化服务提供了理论解释。

    Scope economy and consumer LTV theory explain the reason to carry out the service .

  5. 客户关系管理最基本的问题是量化顾客终身价值。

    The key point of customer relationship management is how to quantify customer lifetime value ( CLV ) .

  6. 分析各类客户的客户等级,并结合指标权重对各类客户进行顾客终身价值比较分析。

    Also the hierarchy of every customer group is analyzed , and the customer lifetime value of every customer group is comparatively analyzed according to the weight of RFM .

  7. 我的意思是将顾客的终身价值最大化。

    I mean to maximize the lifetime value of our customers .

  8. 每个顾客的终身价值对酒店的意义存在着差异,因此酒店要根据不同顾客的潜在终身价值来提供不同程度的个性化服务,以最大化顾客的终身价值。

    Every hotel must consider the relationship between the cost and benefit with its limited resource and each customer varies to hotel because of his LTV by which the hotel provides the characteristic service .

  9. 超竞争环境下,企业强调识别高价值顾客和提升顾客终身价值,以增强企业的竞争优势。

    Under super competition environment , in order to enhance its competitive advantages , the business emphasizes the recognition of the high value customer and increasing customer lifetime value .

  10. 本部分在对顾客价值与顾客终身价值的相关性,以及顾客终身价值与企业利润的统一性等进行分析的基础上,建立了基于顾客价值的企业利润驱动模型。

    On the basis of analysis of the relation between customer value and enterprise profit and the unity between customer lifetime value and enterprise profit , this part sets up a driven model basing on customer value .

  11. 运用顾客盈利能力、顾客终身价值、顾客资产来制定战略,它将对财务管理乃至企业管理产生重要的影响。

    It will produce important impact on the financial management and the enterprise management through applying the customer 's profitable ability , the customer 's life-long value and customer 's assets to lay out the strategy .

  12. 在顾客资产日益重要的情况下,顾客终身价值(LTV)概念为企业重新认识与顾客的关系提供了新的视角。

    As customer assets become more and more important , the concept of customer lifetime value ( LTV ) provides a new angle for enterprises to better understand the relationship between themselves and their customers .

  13. 本文的目的是帮助企业改变不断追求新顾客的营销理念,转向保留老顾客,关注顾客终身价值,并与他们建立强势关系的关系营销理念。

    This paper aims to change the enterprises ' marketing idea from pursuing new customers to keep old customers , makes them pay close attention to old customers ' life value and establish strong relations with them .

  14. 第三章为顾客价值管理,探讨了顾客价值管理的内涵和顾客终身价值的含义,分析了如何创造顾客价值,给出了顾客价值战略实施的支持体系。

    Customer value management are discussed in chapter 3.We explore the meaning of customer value management and customer life value , analyze how to create customer value , and present the support implementary system .

  15. 企业向顾客传递更多、更符合需求的价值,可以驱动顾客不断重复购买,从而保持彼此间的长期友好关系,进而使企业能够获得顾客的终身价值,形成持续不断的盈利和发展能力。

    Enterprise transfer more and more in line with the value of demand to customers can drive customers to repeat purchase , and thus maintain their long-term friendly relations , thus enabling enterprises to obtain the lifetime value of customers , which forming a continuous profitability and development capacity .