
  1. 日本公司一直在生产大量富有创意的产品。

    Japanese companies have been pumping out plenty of innovative products

  2. 日本公司的投资已经开始激增。

    Investment by Japanese firms has exploded .

  3. 日本公司已经由生产型企业转而从事金融和房地产业。

    Japanese corporations have been turning away from production and have diverted into finance and real estate

  4. 日本公司的支出使得它们比其他国家的公司更具竞争力。它们将在竞争中轻而易举地取胜。

    Spending by Japanese companies has left them more competitive than companies in other nations . They will be cutting through the competition like a hot knife through butter .

  5. 在塘沽装货比较合适。中国公司一名业务员与日本公司的经理在北京饭店就装运港问题进行了洽谈。

    A manager of a Japanese Company and a staff member of a Chinese corporation hold a discussion on the loading port at Beijing Hotel .

  6. 日本公司(JapanIncorporated)的办公室和工厂里都敲响了警钟。

    Alarm bells are ringing in the offices and factories of Japan Incorporated .

  7. 尽管中国公司收益的增长速度远远高于日本公司,世界银行(worldbank)的数据显示,2006年日本经济规模仍比中国高出63%。

    Although earnings at Chinese companies are growing much faster than Japanese ones , Japan 's economy was still 63 per cent larger than China 's in 2006 , according to World Bank figures .

  8. 泡沫的破裂粉碎了关于“日本公司”(japaninc)的神话,也为采取一种全新的务实态度扫清了道路。

    The bursting of the bubble shattered the " Japan Inc " myth and cleared the way for a new , pragmatic approach .

  9. 在东京证券交易所一部上市的日本公司中,超过15%的公司已实施“毒丸计划”(poisonpills),以保护自己免遭敌意收购。

    More than 15 per cent of Japanese companies listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange have implemented " poison pills " to protect themselves against hostile takeovers .

  10. 日本公司的数据主要由SEMI的合作伙伴日本半导体设备协会(SEAJ)提供。

    Japanese headquartered companies provide inputs through SEMI 's partner , the Semiconductor Equipment Association of Japan ( SEAJ ) .

  11. 但日本公司,特别是汽车行业的日本公司,遭遇最频繁和严重的劳资问题。5月和6月,有八家本田与丰田(Toyota)的在华供应商发生工人罢工。

    But Japanese companies , particularly in the automobile industry , have suffered the most frequent and serious labour problems , with workers at eight Honda and Toyota suppliers in China striking in May and June .

  12. 宁波的奥特莱斯则是三井不动产(MitsuiFudosan)与两家中国公司和另外两家日本公司携手开发的。

    Mitsui Fudosan is jointly developing the shopping centre in Ningbo with two Chinese and two Japanese partners .

  13. 由于欧元兑日元汇率今年下滑25%,日元兑英镑等币种的汇率甚至涨幅更大,索尼(Sony)和佳能(Canon)等日本公司难以从出口到欧洲的产品中赚取利润。

    Hit by a 25 per cent decline in the euro against the yen during 2008 , and even bigger rises against currencies such as the pound , companies such as Sony and Canon are struggling to make money on imports into Europe .

  14. 这些分析师表示,日本公司有紧密的系列(keiretsu)企业关系,拥有大量交叉持股和联锁的业务联系,这使他们过于依赖少数供应商。

    The analysts say Japanese companies ' tight keiretsu relationships , with cross-shareholdings and interlocking business ties , make them over-reliant on a small number of suppliers .

  15. 金融服务公司欧力士(orix)将成为首家在香港发行所谓的“点心债券”的日本公司,由此成为涉足新生人民币市场的少数外国银行和公司之一。

    Orix , a financial services company , is poised to become the first Japanese company to issue so-called " dim sum " bonds in Hong Kong , adding to the smattering of foreign banks and companies tapping the nascent renminbi market .

  16. 正在兴起的日本公司重构及其效果分析

    Analysis of the Emerging Corporate Restructuring in Japan and Its Effect

  17. 这些日本公司认为,这种家族主义是一种力量的源泉。

    The companies think this tribalism is a source of strength .

  18. 他是许多日本公司的欧洲代理。

    He is the European agent for many Japanese companies .

  19. 美国和日本公司治理结构的比较和启示

    Inspiration from comparing the management structure of company in America and Japan

  20. 日本公司治理结构内部控制中存在的问题分析

    An Analysis of Internal Control Problems in Japanese Corporate Governance

  21. 我们的商号将与一家日本公司合并。

    Our firm will be amalgamated with a Japanese company .

  22. 这是日本公司继前两次进军海外后的第三次收购热潮。

    This wave of deals follows two previous forays overseas .

  23. 日本公司也重视忠诚和社会凝聚力。

    Japanese companies also prize loyalty and social cohesion .

  24. 日本公司已经使得机器人行走和跳舞。

    Japanese companies have made robots walk and dance .

  25. 战后日本公司治理模式研究

    A Study of Japanese Corporate Governance in Postwar Period

  26. 我们主要和欧洲以及日本公司做贸易。

    We mainly trade with European and Japanese firms .

  27. 与此同时,摩根士丹利可以在不被该日本公司整体收购的情况下得到资金。

    Meanwhile Morgan Stanley gets capital without a wholesale takeover by the Japanese .

  28. 我们正和一家日本公司筹备项目。

    We 're structuring something with a Japanese company .

  29. 日本公司有57家,减少了5家。

    Japan had 57 companies , down five .

  30. 一家日本公司宣布成功完成了一款飞行汽车的测试。

    A Japanese company has announced the successful test drive of a flying car .