
  • Triangle;delta;triangular form
  1. 以SRI技术为基础的不同栽培方式,三角型栽培可获较高的产量。

    Triangle culture in the different culture methods based on SRI techniques can obtain high yield .

  2. 研究了采用三角型隶属度函数的模糊系统的插值特性。

    The interpolation mechanism of SISO fuzzy systems that use triangle MFs is discussed in this paper .

  3. 三角型模糊数空间中两种Hausdorff度量的等价性

    Topological equivalence between two Hausdorff metrics on triangular fuzzy number spaces

  4. 在Fe-C合金中,本文观察到正三角型、交叉型、N型和蝴蝶型类马氏体形貌贝氏体。

    Some martensite-like bainites , such as regular triangular , crossed ," N " - and butterfly-type , were observed in the alloys . The crossed bainite may be further divided into 4 types , i.

  5. 并通过HgS二聚形成双三角型簇合物。

    A double pyramidal cluster was formed by dipolymerization of HgS .

  6. 因此,经典的Hausdorff度量的有关结果及其研究方法可完全应用到三角型模糊数空间的研究当中。

    Thus , the classical method to study Hausdorff distance can be fully used in the study of triangular fuzzy numbers .

  7. 再向下至L5,又通过蛤形逐渐过渡为三角型(L5占99%)。

    The circular type became triangular again and assumed the shape of a clam at L_5 ( 99 % ) .

  8. 有人说它像一枚三角型的曲别针,更无节操者甚至说它像是女性的某个器官。但是Airbnb公司仍然支持这个logo,该公司把它称做Bélo,并称它象征着归属感。

    Some likened it to a triangular paperclip or , even more crudely , to certain female anatomy.But the company still stands by the logo , which it calls B é lo and says represents belonging .

  9. 与现有算法相比,本文提出的方法以较少的计算工作量得到与原多项式组(PS)等价的格鲁布纳基(GS)或便于求解的三角型组(TS)。

    By using the method in this paper , a Groebner basis ( GS ) which is equivalent to original polynomial set ( PS ) or a triangle form polynomial set ( TS ) conveniently to be solved can easily be gotten .

  10. 合肥光源二分割三角型光位置检测器的研制

    Development of a Split Photon Beam Position Monitor for HLS

  11. 分成三角形或给出一个三角型。

    Divide into triangles or give a triangular form to .

  12. 三角型化的磁共振脑表面在图中用黄色画出。

    The triangulated MR brain surface is drawn in yellow .

  13. 凶器应该是三角型的。

    Weapon appears to have a triangular shape .

  14. 三角型模糊数空间的均匀性

    Homogenous properties of the triangular fuzzy number space

  15. 画一个小三角型做为鼻子。

    Draw a small triangle for the nose .

  16. 所考虑的系统具有三角型结构。

    The system has a triangular structure .

  17. 三角型模糊数空间的可分性、局部紧性和完备性

    The Space T of Triangular Fuzzy Numbers is Complete , Separable , and Locally Compact

  18. 你的头发剪齐,眼上抹着战斗的红色三角型。

    Your hair was cut , your eye tattooed with the red triangle of war .

  19. 这个三角型模型是事情的框架,三角型是意识成长的过程。

    This triangle model is frame of everything , triangle is our growth process of humanity consciousness .

  20. 男士们则要选择是椭圆型、三角型、圆柱型、宽型还是肌肉型。

    For men , the choice is between oval , triangle , column , broad or muscular .

  21. 正三角型结构三光纤出射光场干涉理论模型及其实验

    The Optical Output Field Interference Theoretical Model and Experimental Results of Three Fibers End Arranged in Right Triangle

  22. 最后是三角型的学问之路,通向橄榄园和主入口。

    Finally the Path of Learning completes a triangular path back toward the Olive Court and main entry .

  23. 螺旋沟槽的轴向法向截面形状可以是U型、梯型、弧型或三角型。

    The axial normal sections of the spiral grooves can present U shape , trapezoid , arc or triangle .

  24. 采用三角型隶属度函数、最小值推理法和加权平均法简化了模糊推理过程。

    Adopts the triangle membership function , minimum inference method and weighted average method to simplify the fuzzy inference process .

  25. 一块三角型的布可以用来固定手臂的位置,绷带也可以把纱布固定住。

    A triangular cloth is used to fix the arm in position . The bandage also holds the dressing in place .

  26. 根据上述结论设计的多路分波器,选择银三角型微结构,设置七路通道。

    According to the above conclusions design of multi-channel divide wave implement , choice silver triangular microstructure , set seven channels .

  27. 他补充称:“我希望,新加坡分校将有利于推动这种三角型的人才流动。”

    He added : " the Singapore Campus will , I hope , help to spur this triangular flow of talent . "

  28. 根据图表而理论上教导我们的、有著各种形状与变异种的三角型全都模糊了,导向同样一个基底。

    The colours and countless combinations that the chart had provided in theory all seemed to blur into the one fundamental shape .

  29. 技术上,日图显示,美指呈现等腰三角型整理,上方阻力见72.60,下方支持见71.80。

    Technically , the chart below shows , that the United States has isosceles triangle collating , Upside see72.60,71.80 , see the bottom of support .

  30. 膨化食品、虾条、花生、爆米花、麦片、瓜子、果冻、白糖、盐等颗粒状,短条状,液体食品的三角型的包装。

    Extruded food , melon , peanut , popcorn , detergent powder , white sugger , salted which shape is roll , grain , liquid food .