
bù xiè
  • unremitting;untiring;persisting;indefatigable;unrelenting;steady
不懈 [bù xiè]
  • (1)

  • [persisting;steady;untiring]∶不倦的或不知疲倦的

  • 不懈的努力

  • (2)

  • [unremitting]∶不间断的

  • 坚持不懈

  • (3)

  • [unrelenting]∶速度、精力或步调不减弱的或不松懈的

  • 正在进行一场紧张不懈的斗争

不懈[bù xiè]
  1. 他靠着坚毅顽强和勤劳不懈发达起来了。

    With great perseverance and untiring industry , he prospered .

  2. 总之,在他所冒的不可避免的危险中,他除了自己那训练有素的机警和不懈的谨慎以外是一无所恃的。

    In a word , the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on , amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran .

  3. 我们目睹了我队为赢回奖杯所作的不懈努力。

    We watched our team 's heroic struggle to win back the cup .

  4. 多年来,他为了那片土地,同当局进行了不懈的斗争。

    For years he had fought a running battle with the authorities over the land .

  5. 加德纳一直不懈地追求古典音乐演奏的高水准。

    Gardiner has pursued relentlessly high standards in performing classical music

  6. 在消磨反对派的意志方面,没有人能比得上你那惊人的意志力和不懈的坚持。

    None can match your sheer willpower and persistence in wearing down the opposition

  7. 我以音乐为生,对音乐的不懈探索已经成为我生活的动力。

    My life has been music , and a constant search for it has been the mainspring of my life

  8. 奥博(AOBO)愿以不懈的努力,与你共同演绎美好的未来

    AOBO-willing to create a beautiful future by working indefatigably with you !

  9. 切记一夜成名通常需要付出15年的不懈努力。

    Remember that overnight success usually takes 15 years .

  10. 他的不懈的努力是富有成果的

    The earth that he fructified .

  11. 教育引导学生树立高远志向,历练敢于担当、不懈奋斗的精神。教育引导学生培养综合能力,培养创新思维。帮助学生在体育锻炼中享受乐趣,提高学生审美和人文素养,在学生中弘扬劳动精神。

    Efforts should be made to educate and guide the students to set their sights high , foster their sense of responsibility , striving spirit , comprehensive capability taste and hard-working spirit .

  12. 只要有坚定的理想信念、不懈的奋斗精神,脚踏实地把每件平凡的事做好,一切平凡的人都可以获得不平凡的人生,一切平凡的工作都可以创造不平凡的成就。

    Adhering to firm ideals and convictions and working tirelessly to have their jobs done , every ordinary person can have an extraordinary life and every ordinary job can produce extraordinary achievements .

  13. 我们也认识到,中国依然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国发展仍面临着不少困难和挑战,要使全体中国人民都过上美好生活,还需要付出长期不懈的努力。

    On the other hand , we are aware that China remains the world 's largest developing country , and it faces many difficulties and challenges on its road to progress . We need to make relentless efforts in the years ahead to deliver a better life to all our people .

  14. 《成功人士共有的8个特征》(The8TraitsSuccessfulPeopleHaveinCommon)一书的作者理查德•约翰说,对进步的不懈追求是获得成功、保持成功的重要因素。

    A relentless pursuit of progress is typical of people who become and stay successful , says Richard St. John , author of The 8 Traits Successful People Have in Common .

  15. 不变的一点是Rational帮助客户(他们的业务依赖于开发和部署软件)取得成功的长期不懈的努力。

    The one thing that won 't change is the long-standing Rational commitment to helping the success of customers whose businesses depend on developing and deploying software .

  16. 很多公司不懈地开发基于Linux的应用程序;他们用Linux操作系统去开发应用程序,为企业创造的价值将成指数增长。

    Organizations are constantly creating new Linux-based applications ; when they use a Linux operating system to deploy these applications , their value to the enterprise increases exponentially .

  17. 经过多年的不懈努力,大学生篮球联赛(CUBA)已取得崭新的发展,在中国篮坛上取到了辉煌的名声和成就。

    Through years of unremitting efforts , CUBA has made new development , and it also gain reputation and get brilliant achievements .

  18. 经过众多研究人员的不懈努力,微带天线的相对带宽已经从最初的7%扩展到60%-70%,许多UWB天线的相对带宽已经可以超过100%。

    Through the efforts of many researchers , the bandwidth of the microstrip antenna has been expanded from 7 % to 60 % or 70 % .

  19. 公司经过数十年不懈的努力,致力于对塑胶染料、颜料、辅助材料行业的研究,开发应用于橡胶高浓度色母胶,EVA发泡用高档色母粒。

    Over the past decades , this company has spared no efforts in the study of plastic paint , supplementary materials and developed mother color materials for rubber , EVA foaming .

  20. 在屋顶不懈地追击Mannix。

    Relentlessly pursue Mannix over the rooftops .

  21. NESV希望再次表达对董事会的感激之情,感谢他们肩负俱乐部和广大球迷利益的重任,在整个谈判过程中所付出的不懈努力。

    NESV wishes to extend its appreciation to the Board for their diligence and their efforts on behalf of Liverpool FC and its supporters .

  22. 同时,我们欢迎诺基亚对Qt继续的投入,以及它作为我们年度大会的主顾和赞助人,对KDE社区的不懈支持。

    In the meantime , we welcome Nokia 's ongoing commitment to Qt , as well as their continued support of KDE , as a Patron and as a sponsor of our annual conference .

  23. 曾几何时,他曾强烈地抨击保时捷的多元化举措,即从跑车转向SUV()和四门轿跑领域,然而如今,他却对这家公司“不懈的关注”和“无与伦比”的执行表示赞许。

    At one time a ferocious opponent of Porsche 's diversification away from sports cars into SUVs and four-doors , he now praises the company for being " relentlessly focused " and " peerless " in its execution .

  24. “DECOLOR”提倡科学健康的性行为,所有DECOLOR人立志为全人类健康、安全、快乐的性生活而不懈努力。

    " DECOLOR " To promote healthy sexual practices of science , people all determined to DECOLOR Of all mankind health , safety , and happy sex life and make unremitting efforts .

  25. 自然骨是由纳米羟基磷灰石(Ca(10)(PO4)6(OH)2,HAp)晶体和胶原蛋白组成的复合材料,制备与自然骨性能接近的纳米生物材料是人们不懈努力的目标。

    Natural bone is a composite material made of nano hydroxyapatite ( Ca10 ( P04 ) 6 ( OH ) 2 . HAp ) crystals and collagen fibers . Great attempts have been made to prepare the biomaterials with similar composition , structure and properties to the natural bone .

  26. 1995年,在爱因斯坦理论预言70年之后,经过几代物理学家的不懈努力,首次在实验上实现了碱金属原子稀化气体的玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(BEC),使原子处于与激光对等的地位。

    In 1995 , seventy years after Einstein theory , Bose-Einstein condensate ( BEC ) of alkali metals ' atoms was made in experiment for the first time in the world with physicists ' effort , which made atoms equal to laser in some extent .

  27. 由于DBMD不懈的前进方向及其对多器官系统的影响,我们认为可以从病人的治疗干预造福于疾病的各个阶段。

    Given the relentlessly progressive course of DBMD and its impact on multiple organ systems , we believe patients could benefit from therapeutic interventions at all stages of the disease .

  28. 第三,批判创新的不懈创造精神。

    Third , tireless creative spirit that is critical and innovative .

  29. 不懈的、不知疲倦的在追求或者好像是在追求。

    Relentless and indefatigable in pursuit or as if in pursuit .

  30. 终于,通过不懈的努力,取得了最后的胜利。

    Finally , through the unremitting efforts and achieved final victory .