
zhuān lì quán rén
  • patentee
  1. 如果专利权人的不作为有正当理由,应拒绝强制许可。

    It shall be refused if the patentee justifies his inaction by legitimate reasons .

  2. 专利权人以书面声明放弃其专利权的。

    Where the patentee abandons his or its patent right by a written declaration .

  3. 在第五章中对企业专利权人h指数与企业技术强度TS两个专利计量指标进行比较,并总结h指数作为新的专利计量指标的优缺点。

    In chapter 5 , the author compared the patentees ' h-index and technological strength , summarized the advantages and disadvantages of the h-index .

  4. 任何国家的专利权人每年都必须付费。

    In any country , patentee must annually pay fees .

  5. 因此,专利权人的许可行为在本质上是一种机制设计行为。

    Thus , licensing behavior is essentially a behavior of mechanism design .

  6. 基于专利权人共被引的企业技术创新态势研究

    Exploring Technological Innovation Situation of Enterprise Based on Patent Assignee Co-citation Analysis

  7. 对专利权人许诺销售权的思考

    Pondering Over the Patent Owners'Right of the Promissory Sales

  8. 司法救济是保护专利权人利益的终极措施。

    Judicial relief is the ultimate measure to protect the interests of the patentee .

  9. 该问题关系到专利权人利益和社会公众利益的平衡。

    The problem requires a delicate balance of interests between patentee and the public .

  10. (十四)专利权人的姓名或者名称、地址的变更;

    ( 14 ) any change in the name or address of the patentee ;

  11. 申请被批准后,该发明人或者设计人为专利权人。

    After the application is approved , the inventor or creator shall be the patentee .

  12. 第三种方式是证实专利权人滥用专利。

    A third way is to establish that the patent holder has misused the patent .

  13. 竞争、外部效应与专利权人技术许可行为的扭曲

    Competition , Externality and Distorted Licensing Behavior

  14. 行为主体必须是专利权人或独占实施的被许可人;专利权人在不对称信息下的技术授权策略选择

    Performer is the patentee or the granted ; Fees versus Royalties Licensing under Asymmetric Information

  15. 一是以专利权人因侵权行为受到实际损失作为赔偿数额;

    1 , take the actual loss of the patentee as the amount of the indemnity ;

  16. 它是采用行政措施限制专利权人滥用独占权的一种形式。

    It is a patent administrative measures to limit the The patentee to abuse the paten .

  17. 当一个专利权人利用专利去非法的完成某些事时,专利滥用就发生了。

    Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally .

  18. 这种垄断作为对专利权人创造性劳动的补偿和激励,是必要的也是合法的。

    This monopoly as compensation and incentives for patent holder s creative labor is necessary and legal .

  19. 你错了,因为你侵害了他人的权益。侵犯专利权人的权利

    You are wrong because you have invaded another person 's rights . infringement of the rights of patentee

  20. 申请被批准后,申请的单位或者个人为专利权人。

    After the application is approved , the entity or individual that applied for it shall be the patentee .

  21. 要解决两者之间的冲突,标准组织在这个领域内别无选择地必须与专利权人谈判,将专利技术采集为技术标准。

    To resolve the conflict , standards organizations have no choice but to turn the negotiations with the patentee .

  22. 侵犯专利权人的权利&罪犯有在任何情况下人格不受侮辱、人身安全不受侵犯的权利。

    Criminals have the right to protection against assault on their human dignity or personal safety under all circumstances .

  23. 专利权人不返还在专利无效前获得的专利侵权赔偿金的,应当做为不当得利处理。

    The patentee does not return the damages which obtained for patent infringement , should be done as unjust enrichment .

  24. 标准垄断企业收取的垄断租将远远超过其作为专利权人本应该获得的利益界限。

    The standard monopoly charged " monopoly rent " will far exceed its interests as a patentee should have boundaries .

  25. 至于义务,专利权人每年必须缴纳专利费。

    Now , so far as obligations are concerned , the patent owner must pay an annual fee for his patent .

  26. 那么,对于专利权人而言,应如何设计一个有效率的许可机制呢?这是当前专利许可理论研究的热点之一。

    How to design an efficient licensing mechanism ? This is one hot topic for the present theoretical study of patent .

  27. 由实施单位按照国家规定向专利权人支付使用费。

    The exploiting entity shall , according to the regulations of the State , pay a fee for exploitation to the patentee .

  28. 第四十三条专利权人应当自被授予专利权的当年开始缴纳年费。

    Article 43 . The patentee shall pay an annual fee beginning with the year in which the patent right was granted .

  29. 对于外国专利权人,通过浙江省知识产权局维护其专利权的程序是什么?

    What is the procedure for a foreign owner of patent rights to enforce its patent rights through the Zhejiang IP Bureau ?

  30. 为什么有可能?因为专利权人和标准团体对这种解决方案的可行性有着一致的意见。

    Why was this possible ? Because both patent holders and the standards group had consensus about the practicability of such a solution .