
  1. 2001年先秦两汉文学研究

    The Studies of the Literature of the Qin and Han Dynasties in 2001

  2. 第四节研究了先秦两汉文学自觉意识的积淀。

    Section ⅳ discuss the accumulation of Literary self-awakening consciousness in the Qin-Han Dynasty .

  3. 两汉文学审美趣尚随政局社会思潮之类的改变,也呈一个流变的趋势,但它在总体上可以归纳出来较有普遍意义的审美格调。

    The aesthetic literature of Han Dynasty took on the trend with the changing of social thoughts .

  4. 疾病状态中的贵族形象&先秦两汉文学的一个透视点

    The Noble Image in the Disease State & A perspective of the literature in the pre-Qin and Hans period

  5. 虽然儒家与道家在隐逸方面提出的理论是独到的,但是在两汉文学思想中两者却是互补的。

    While Confucianism and Taoism in the hermit put forward the theory is unique , but both thought in the Han literature are complementary .

  6. 诗歌虽然并未成为能代表两汉文学特色的主流文体,但其在两汉四百年间的创作传统可以说是不绝如缕,从未断绝。

    Although poetry can not become the symbol literary style that stands for literature characteristic of Han Dynasty , its creational tradition can be said to be constant all the time during the nearly four hundred years .

  7. 两汉文学的各文体在最近百余年的古代文学研究史中,陆续进入学者研究的视野,并都已有较为深入的讨论。

    Scholars have studied very sorts of genres in Western Han ( xihan ) and Eastern Han ( donghan ) Dynasty during the 20th century 's ancient literature study , thanks to which , the literature of Han Dynasty has come to a further discussion .

  8. 尽管从20世纪80年代以来受到两汉文学自觉说、宋齐文学自觉说的有力挑战,并且在1996、1997形成了激烈的争论,仍然作为一种科学的判断有延续下去之必然。

    Although it has been strongly challenged since the 1980s by the " Han Dynasty literary consciously said ," and " Song-consciously literary said ", and formed a heated debate in 1996 , 1997.But it remains as a " scientific judgment " to continue as Inevitable .

  9. 两汉史传文学中的汉代女性形象研究两汉乡亭考述&以汉宣帝时期为中心

    The Study of Images of Han Women in the Historical Biography Literature Works in the Han Dynasty

  10. 文笔之分是六朝文学中的一个特殊现象,本源于两汉时的文学文章之分。

    The distinction between verse and prose was an idiosyncratic phenomenon in the literatures of the Six Dynasties .

  11. 两汉时期的文学理论从整体上来说并没有超越先秦儒家的诗学观点,相比这一时期的创作是比较保守的。

    On the whole , the literary theory of Han Dynasty that was active had not transcended the poetic idea of Confucianism in Pre-Qin times that was conservative .

  12. 先秦两汉是中国文学的源头,这一时期的文学作品,已经奠定了游仙文学的主要类型与基本表现模式。

    The Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty was the source of Chinese literature , the literature works of this times had founded the major types and the basic patterns of expression of the literature of fairyland excursion .

  13. 两汉时期赋体文学的模拟。

    Second , two Chinese period compose simulation , body of literature .

  14. 先秦两汉时期史传文学的嬗变表现在四个方面:(一)由简单的记事向复杂的写人发展;

    The article traces the development of the biography in the early Qin and Han Dynasties .

  15. 它产生于战国,兴盛于两汉,对后世文学的发展产生了深远的影响。

    It originated in the warring states period , flourished in Han Dynasty , and impacted the development of future literature .

  16. 吴、蜀两国秉承两汉文化传统,文学观念以儒家经世致用思想为重,文学创作成果也不够丰硕,但孙吴之四言诗、体物赋、应用散文以及蜀汉之应用散文尚有可观之处。

    Wu Shu , two countries adhering to traditional literary concept of culture of the Han Dynasty , Confucian Confucian thought as heavy , literary creation is not rich , but Wu of poetry , prose and Fu body , application of Shu Han prose is impressive in the application .