
yán ɡé zé rèn yuán zé
  • principle of strict liability
  1. 严格责任原则也并非是合理选择。

    The principle of strict liability also is not a reasonable choice .

  2. 《公约》采纳严格责任原则,与英美法相同。

    CISG adopts the principle of strict liability as the common law system dose .

  3. 兴奋剂处罚的严格责任原则

    On the Meaning of Strict Liability in the Discipline for Doping

  4. 严格责任原则在对环境犯罪追究刑事责任时具有实用价值。

    Furthermore , strict liability has practical value in charging criminal liability .

  5. 论我国合同法严格责任原则的合理性

    On the rationality of strict responsibility by the law of contract in China

  6. 对合同法严格责任原则的质疑

    Give A Call in Question to Make Responsibility Principle Rigidly in Contract Law

  7. 论合同法上的严格责任原则

    On the Principle of strict liablity in contract law

  8. 第二、确立对股东抽逃出资民事责任的严格责任原则。

    Second , establish strict responsibility principle to civil responsibility to the withdrawer .

  9. 从严格责任原则看美国产品责任法的发展趋势

    The Development of the U.S. Product Liability Law Viewed from the Strict Liability

  10. 论环境犯罪严格责任原则之有限适用

    On the Application of the Prince of the Strict Liability of the Environmental Crime

  11. 论严格责任原则在产品责任中的适用与完善&三鹿奶粉事件的启示

    On both Application and Improvement of Strict Responsibility Principle in Product Responsibility-Inspired by Sanlu Milk Food Scandal

  12. 环境犯罪应以过错责任原则为主,辅之以严格责任原则。

    Treated this crime , fault liability should be applied to firstly , auxiliary the strict liability .

  13. 主观方面只能是过失,不能适用严格责任原则;

    Subjective respect can only be negligent , can 't be suitable to " rigorous responsibility principle ";

  14. 严格责任原则应为环境污染侵权责任之基本归责原则。

    Strict duty principle is the basic to retun the duty principle of the Pollution of the environment infringement duty .

  15. 英美法系的严格责任原则属于无过错责任原则的范畴,基本上等同于无过错责任原则。

    The principle of strict liability in Anglo-American law belongs to and nearly equals to the category of no fault liability .

  16. 严格责任原则在英美法系的大多数国家环境犯罪领域中已经得到了广泛适用。

    Principle of strict liability has been widely applied in the common law of most countries in the field of environmental crime .

  17. 严格责任原则作为归责原则的一种既有其效率优势同时也存在着效率损失,有着自己的适用范围。

    Strict liability , as one kind of tort liability principles , has not only efficiency superiority , but the efficiency loss .

  18. 从对严格责任原则适用于环境刑法的整个法价值体系分析可知,环境刑法适用严格责任原则是符合法价值理念的。

    The application of the principle of strict liability criminal law in environmental analysis shows that the value system of the law value .

  19. 为此,文章抛弃了传统的归责原则如过错责任原则、严格责任原则之类的概念,统一使用归责依据概念。

    Therefore , this article replaced traditional duty principle such as fault liability principle and strict liability principle by " imputation principle " .

  20. 归责原则从过错推定责任原则逐步向严格责任原则演化,而与之相伴随的是责任限额不断提高。

    As the principle of criterion of liability evolves from presumption of fault into strict liability , the liability limits is being raised up .

  21. 近年来,国际社会中存在以严格责任原则处理涉及国家责任案件的倾向。

    Abstract In recent years , it has been a tendency using strict liability principle to deal with the cases concerning state responsibility in international society .

  22. 新合同法确立的严格责任原则是我国合同责任归责原则的一个重大变化。

    The new " Law of Contract " defines the rule of the strict responsibility , which brings an important change in judging what responsibility the participant should take .

  23. 过错推定不是一项独立的归责原则,严格责任原则也不能等同于过错责任原则,衡平责任原则超越了公平原则,体现了要求社会分配正义的政治伦理价值取向。

    The strict liability do not equate with fault liability , the balance liability principle transcendes fair liability and embodies a values of social political ethic of distributing justice ;

  24. 完善产品召回责任制度,包括确立严格责任原则、产品召回责任主体的扩大以及惩罚性赔偿制度的建立。

    Improve the product recall system , including the establishment of the principle of strict liability , product recall responsibility main body expands and the construction of punitive damages system .

  25. 笔者认为旅游包价合同应当适用严格责任原则,而旅游代办合同则应适用过错责任原则。

    I believe that the contract price of travel packages should apply the principle of strict liability , and travel agent contract shall apply the principle of the responsibility fault .

  26. 尤以债务不履行之归责原则,大陆合同法率先采用英美法无过错责任原则(即严格责任原则),此与台湾地区民法仍抱持大陆法系传统的过错责任原则,此乃最大差异之处。

    As to imputation principle of liabilities for breach of contract , the major difference is Mainland contract law has taken the lead in adopting no-fault liability ( strict liability ) .

  27. 在环境犯罪中以过错责任原则为主,辅之以严格责任原则,并对其适用范围、条件等作出了严格限制。

    So in the environmental crimes , it should be practiced with fault responsibility principle as main principle , assisted with strict responsibility with strict definition of its applied scope and conditions .

  28. 其次,本章运用法经济学分析范式中的边际分析方法勘察了合理的可替代设计标准的内涵与外延,并以此为基础分析了过错责任原则与严格责任原则的各自的激励效果。

    Secondly , this chapter expounds the intension and extension of the standard of reasonable-alternative-design by marginal analysis method and by this expounding analyzes the incentive effect of the strict liability doctrine and negligence doctrine .

  29. 第二章运用博弈论分析了四种责任原则,认为双重过失为抗辩的严格责任原则是适合道路交通事故侵权的最优责任原则。

    Secondly , we use the complete information and static game theory to analyze four liability rules : strict liability , simple negligence , contributory negligence , strict liability with the defense of contributory negligence .

  30. 无论是缺陷产品的生产者还是销售者,对直接责任的承担适用严格责任原则,在最终责任上,生产者实行严格责任,销售者适用过错责任。

    Both the producer and the seller should undertake direct responsibility , which applies to strict liability . As to the final liability , the former should take strict liability and the latter undertake fault liability .