
  • Chinese Culture;China culture;Culture China
  1. 他们花了一个月时间潜心钻研中国文化。

    They spent a month steeping themselves in Chinese culture .

  2. B:嗯,我也对中国文化感兴趣,我想学习一下。我能加入你的俱乐部吗?

    B : Well , I am also interested in Chinese culture and I want to lean it . Can I join your club ?

  3. 中国文化是世界上最古老的文化之一。

    The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world .

  4. 现在我更加了解中国文化。

    Now I have a better understanding of Chinese culture .

  5. 中医是中国文化的重要组成部分。

    TCM is an important part of Chinese culture .

  6. 书面汉语在任何地方都能传播中国文化。

    Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it goes .

  7. 它们是中国文化的发祥地。

    They are the birthplaces of Chinese culture .

  8. 在中国文化中,阴阳是自然的两部分。

    In Chinese culture , yin and yang are the two parts of nature .

  9. 今天,汉语写作系统仍然是中国文化的重要组成部分。

    Today , Chinese writing system is still an important part of Chinese culture .

  10. 热情好客一直是中国文化和传统的重要组成部分。

    Being warm and hospitable has long been an important part of Chinese culture and tradition .

  11. 在蔡伦造纸方法的助推下,中国文化在接下来的几个世纪里发展得更快了。

    With Cai Lun 's papermaking method , Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several centuries .

  12. 吴女士以艺术为工具,向对中国文化知之甚少的人展示中国文化。

    Ms Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it .

  13. 这提到了一个事实,在中国文化中,人们相信皮肤白皙的人更漂亮。

    This mentions the fact that in Chinese culture , it is believed that people who have fair skin are more beautiful .

  14. 我也想体验一些中国文化,但我的主要目标是找出哪所大学对我来说是最好的。

    I also want to experience some Chinese culture , but my main goal is to find out which university is the best for me to attend .

  15. 2.我对中国文化感兴趣。

    I am interested in Chinese Culture .

  16. B:吃真是中国文化中很重要的一部分,对吧?A:没错,或许是最重要的之一。

    B : Eating is a really important part of Chinese culture , huh ? A : Yes , perhaps one of the most important aspects .

  17. 在中国文化中,大门是庄重之地,倒着贴“福”是不敬的。

    In Chinese culture it 's a solemn place of acceptance that needs to be respected . An upside-down posting of fu on the front door is unnecessary and irreverent .

  18. 冲突是中国文化发展的持久动力;

    Second , collision is the power of Chinese cultural development ;

  19. 张岱年认为中国文化的核心是中国哲学。

    Zhangargues that the core of Chinese culture is Chinese philosophy .

  20. 早期中国文化创作了美丽的艺术、衣服和音乐。

    This early Chinese culture produced beautiful art , clothes and music .

  21. 我喜欢结交新朋友和分享中国文化。

    I like making new friends and sharing Chinese culture .

  22. 文化全球化语境下的当代中国文化建设

    Contemporary Chinese Cultural Construction in the Context of Cultural Globalization

  23. 中国文化;文化软实力;研究;

    Chinese culture ; cultural soft power ; research ;

  24. 种族差异和中国文化本位是其基本的文化观念;

    The race difference and Chinese culture standard is his basic cultural idea ;

  25. 希望他喜欢中国文化,幽默,宽容,坚强。

    Hoped he likes the Chinese culture , humorous , tolerant , strong .

  26. 文化的乡愁&美国华裔文学对中国文化传统的认同

    On Chinese cultural heritage in the American overseas writing

  27. 全球化环境下的中国文化外交

    China 's Cultural Diplomacy in the Age of Globalization

  28. 因而中国文化是一个崇老的文化。

    So our culture is a auld culture .

  29. 你很了解中国文化。

    You have an understanding of Chinese culture .

  30. 全球化时代与当代中国文化

    The Global Age and the Contemporary Chinese Culture