
  1. 只听见两个举火把的女人在我们背后咯咯地笑。

    The torch-bearing women giggled over Romilayu and me .

  2. 举火把的那个人听从了他,尽管对主说话的口吻不太客气。

    The man with the torch complied , although not asked in the most polite terms .

  3. 爱德蒙为了装得象个死人,故意把自己挺得硬棒棒地,于是由那举火把的人引路,这一队人就开始走上楼梯。

    Edmond stiffened himself in order to play the part of a dead man , and then the party , lighted by the man with the torch , who went first , ascended the stairs .