
" executive " is an Americanism now firmly implanted in the British vocabulary , having triumphed there in the course of the nineteen-fifties .
In the1980s there are more investigative reporters than ever before .
In this chapter we 'll review several philosophers of the20th century .
There his weekly broadcasts were aired from the1920s until he was silenced by the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic church .
Of course these practical , insightful designers have determined the course of late twentieth-century fashion .
Of course , much of this argument in the 1930s-40s was advanced because there was little or no experience in justifying apparel on the basis of utility .
We realized in the mid-1970s that it was missing , says Effie Kapsalis , head of the Smithsonian Insitution Archives .
Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s , says Kapsalis , " and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don 't even have access to . "
Overwhelmingly , the results show that today , the idea of the American dream — and what it takes to achieve it — looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century .
In the early twentieth century , however , gardening became a hobby .
Bimbo is a derogatory term that emerged in popular English language usage in the early 20th century to describe an often physically attractive , unintelligent woman .
The first on-off air guitar competitions were organized in the early 1980s in Sweden and in the United States .
No , today 's calamities2 don 't compare to the Great Depression or even to the agricultural troubles of the 1980s .
The shoes became a fad1 in the mid2 1980s , when a pair could frequently be purchased for less than one US dollar .
Antihypertensive non-peptide angiotensin II receptor antagonists have been paid much attention since it was found in 1980 ' s.
Global Positioning System , i.e. GPS , has been utilized at the beginning of the nineties of the twenties century .
Because it violates one of the Gricean Maxims , that 's a set of rules or maxims a philosopher name H.P.Grice came up with in 1970s .
MEMS technology which has been developed during 1990s provides a new direction for the lightening of air communication equipments .
RFID ( Radio frequency Identification ) system is an automatic identification technology that has been developed since 1990s.It can be widely used in all kinds of fields .
And that step is important to the research of both F. Scott Fitzgerald 's literature ideas and his style from late 1920s to 1930s .
Supply Chain Management has become a hotspot for scholars since the 21st century , and Bullwhip Effect is just a crucial obstacle to actualize Supply Chain Management .
The iPhone , to everyone but an Apple lover , is merely a girlie gadget with all the technological sophistication of a 1980s Barbie .
As scientific concept of development , known as the " twentieth century , one of the greatest inventions " of the GDP , once again become a hot topic in academic circles .
The methodology of teaching by giving a demonstration and practice , based on modern cognitive psychology , was proposed by H · A · Simon , the famous psychologist , in 1980s .
In the late 1990 's , by studying the cognitive process of children with learning disabilities , an advanced theory called PASS was developed , which make it possible to understand the mentality of children with learning disabilities better .
Tencel fiber that was researched by Courtaulds company in the 1980 's is a new regenerated cellulose fiber .
In the mid 1980s developed Workflow technology , and in recent years gradually mature and extensive application of Business Process Management ( BPM ) technology can well meet the demands .
In 1980s , Hopfield and Tank proposed a novel artificial neural network for solving linear programming problems . From then on , more and more attentions have been paid in research and application of such area .
Cellular Automata ( CA ), introduced by the founder of the modern computer science John von Neumann in the 1940s-1950s in the research of self-replication of the life system , are a class of spatially , temporally and state discrete mathematical models .
Nevanlinna introduced the characteristic functions of meromorphic functions and gave the famous Nevanlinna theory which is one of the greatest achievements in mathematics in the 20th century .