
  • 网络transport infrastructure;Transportation Infrastructure;traffic infrastructure
  1. 交通基础设施质量、智能化与绿色化水平居世界前列。

    China should be at the global forefront in terms of the quality , intelligence and green levels of transport infrastructure .

  2. 调查显示,对新市长鲍里斯•约翰逊(BorisJohnson)而言,最需优先考虑的工作应为改善伦敦的交通基础设施。94%的受访者呼吁市长改善公共交通,减少交通拥塞。

    Improving London 's transport infrastructure should be the top priority for the new mayor , said the survey , with 94 per cent calling on Boris Johnson to improve public transport and cut congestion .

  3. 基于GIS的城市交通基础设施查询系统研究

    Research on Query System of Urban Transportation Infrastructure Based on GIS

  4. PDA在城市交通基础设施数据采集中的应用研究

    Application of PDA to City Transportation Infrastructure Management Data Collection

  5. 城市交通基础设施PPP项目产品/服务价格形成机理

    Mechanism of product / service of PPP projects for urban transportation infrastructure

  6. 交通基础设施BOT项目的界面管理

    Interface Management for Transportation Infrastructure BOT Projects

  7. 市场规模和交通基础设施都有利于吸引FDI,而高工资、过多政府干预和低市场化程度阻止了FDI的进入。

    Market scale and transportation infrastructure attract FDI , while higher wages , excessive governmental interference and lower degree of marketization deter it .

  8. 它承诺大举投资于能源、防洪和交通基础设施,听起来比英国财政部下属主要负责行政的InfrastructureUK更着眼实际。

    It is pledging an aggressive agenda of investment in energy , flood defences and transport , and sounds more substantive than the Treasury 's largely administrative arm , Infrastructure UK .

  9. 本文就城市交通基础设施融资的问题进行了分析,并提出了城市交通基础设施融资的四种途径:PPPs、BOT项目融资、民间投资、金融市场。

    This article mainly analyzes the financing problems of traffic infrastructures , and offers four channels ( PPPs 、 BOT 、 Private Investment 、 Financial Market ) to finance these huge funds .

  10. 中国长期以来一直利用其巨大的外汇储备,通过本国的政策银行(特别是中国国家开发银行(cdb)),帮助邻国进行能源和交通基础设施建设,但近月来,这种做法遭到了抨击。

    While China has long used its teeming foreign reserves and its own policy banks , particularly the China Development Bank , to help its neighbours build their energy and transport infrastructure , there has been a backlash to this approach in recent months .

  11. 西部交通基础设施影响评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Communications Infrastructure Assessment Indexes System in Western China

  12. 有中国的工程师及资金帮助,一些交通基础设施应可以得到改善。

    Some transport infrastructure should be improved with Chinese engineers and funding .

  13. 城市轨道交通基础设施项目的投融资方式研究

    The Study on Financing and Investing Method of Urban Rail Transit Project

  14. 城市交通基础设施规模及协调发展

    The Urban Traffic Infrastructure Scale and its Harmonious Development

  15. 交通基础设施投融资方式及管理创新研究

    Communication Infrastructure Investment and Finance : Style and Management

  16. 交通基础设施实施项目融资的理论分析

    Analysis on Finance Theory in Transportation Basic Construction Item

  17. 城市交通基础设施的网络分析与可持续发展

    Network Analysis and Sustainable Development of Urban Transportation Infrastructure

  18. 政府在交通基础设施建设中的作用研究

    On the Role of Government in Transportation Infrastructure Construction

  19. 公路重大交通基础设施哑铃型路网边界算法

    Boundary algorithm of dumbbell road network for pivotal infrastructure

  20. 江苏省交通基础设施运营效率及效能研究

    The Effective and Efficiency of Transport Infrastructure of Jiangsu

  21. 收费公路是重要的交通基础设施之一。

    Toll-road is one of the important transport infrastructures .

  22. 没有发达的交通基础设施就不可能有现代市场经济。

    Without developed transport infrastructure , a modern market economy would not exist .

  23. 不确定条件下对城市交通基础设施投资的研究

    Research of Investing in Urban Transportation Infrastructure under Uncertainty

  24. 本文主要解决长远期交通基础设施规划中存在的问题。

    This article settles many problems that exist in long-term traffic infrastructure planning .

  25. 而上述要素的流动又需要基础设施尤其是交通基础设施的支撑。

    The elements of the flow and infrastructure , especially the transportation infrastructure support .

  26. 基于动态分段技术的交通基础设施查询系统

    Transportation infrastructure query system based on dynamic segmentation

  27. 长三角一体化江苏交通基础设施发展对策

    Development Measures of Jiangsu Transportation Infrastructure Based on the Incorporation of Yangtze Delta Area

  28. 交通基础设施是区域赖以生存和发展的重要基础条件,是区域经济发展中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Transport infrastructure is an important basis and indispensable component for the regional development .

  29. 停车设施是城市交通基础设施的重要组成部分之一。

    Parking facility is one of the most important constituents of municipal transportation infrastructure .

  30. 中国的地区和城乡经济发展差异&从交通基础设施建设的角度来看

    China 's Economic Development Discrepancy in Different Regions and That Between City and County