
rén kǒu tǒnɡ jì
  • population statistics;demography
  1. MATLAB在中国人口统计上的应用

    The application of MATLAB on the population statistics of China

  2. 基于数据仓库及OLAP的人口统计预测系统

    Design and implementation of population statistics and forecasting system based on data warehousing and OLAP techniques

  3. 根据人口统计数据重新分配了国会议席。

    Congressional seats are reapportioned based on census data .

  4. 各种政府机构免费发布关于US经济健康状况和更改社会人口统计资料的数据。

    Various government agencies freely distribute data related to US economic health and changing social demographics .

  5. 基于GIS人口统计信息分析研究

    Analyzing and Researching on the Population Statistical Data Based on the GIS

  6. 美国人口统计局(uscensusbureau)数据显示,届时26%的埃及人将超过50岁。

    According to the US Census Bureau , 26 per cent of the population will be over 50 .

  7. 本文利用GIS软件,以城市土地利用和人口统计数据为主要辅助数据,提出了模拟城市人口空间分布的新思路和方法。

    An approach of simulating spatial distribution urban population is proposed using urban land use and census data through the GIS .

  8. 采用人口统计监测系统对南非农村计划参加公共部门抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)群体的成人死亡率趋势进行研究。

    To investigate trends in adult mortality in a population serviced by a public-sector antiretroviral therapy ( ART ) programme in rural South Africa using a demographic surveillance system .

  9. 地理上和人口统计分布上的特色与H镇相类似的镇,但却没有受到污染的,并没有跟H镇一样有著高的的发病率。表示真的事水污染导致才会这样,支持。

    Towns with geographic and demographic characteristics similar to those of Harborville but without polluted water do not have as high a rate of the disease as does Harborville .

  10. 我们评估了来自人口统计和健康调查(DHS)的数据。

    We reviewed data from Demographic and Health Surveys ( DHS ) .

  11. 将人口统计数据与遥感数据相结合,借助GIS手段来空间化人口统计数据,模拟人口空间分布。

    In combination of population statistics with RS data , this paper analyzed the spatial distribution in population statistics and a pattern of population distribution was obtained by using GIS .

  12. ANOVA分析进一步揭示,中国老年消费者的购物决策风格因子在人口统计特征上具有统计显著性。

    Factors for measuring the Chinese older consumers ' decision-making styles are provided with statistical significance also revealed by One-way ANOVA analysis .

  13. 低收入是对每个人而言的。StevenGreenhouse在纽约时报的经济专栏中发表了一篇文章,文章对比了1979年和2013年低收入工作者的人口统计资料。

    They are for everybody . Steven Greenhouse wrote a piece for the Economy section of The New York Timesthat compared the demographics of low-wage workers in 1979 and 2013 .

  14. Brewer和他的同事分析了未从事性行为、性行为活跃的青少年和成年人的数据,这些数据是由美国国际开发署的人口统计和健康调查计划收集的。

    Brewer and colleagues analysed data on virgins and sexually active adolescents and adults collected by USAID 's Demographic and Health Surveys project .

  15. 其他新来者还包括皮德蒙特媒体研究公司(PiedmontMediaResearch),它提供人口统计数据,在电影处于概念阶段就开始对其进行研究;此外还有C4公司,由经验丰富的好莱坞研究者文森特·布拉奇兹(VincentBruzzese)领导。

    Other newcomers include Piedmont Media Research , which provides demographic data and looks at films when they are still just concepts , and C4 , a firm led by the experienced Hollywood researcher Vincent Bruzzese .

  16. 基于相关性的分析,以GIS软件与SPSS统计软件为工具,运用多源数据融合技术对福建人口统计数据进行空间化处理和分析。

    Based on the analysis above , taking GIS software and SPSS statistical software as tools , this paper gives population distribution weights to influence factors through comparatively objective way . The multiple sources data fusion technology is applied to the specialization of population .

  17. 主要用到的数据包括数字高程模型文件(DEM文件)、土壤数据、土地利用/覆盖数据、块数据、区域规划边界数据、人口统计数据、交通网络相关数据等。

    Further model implementation requires both GIS and additional data , including digital elevation model files , soil data , land use / cover data , parcel data , zoning boundaries data , census data , and transportation network skim files .

  18. 大量的研究探讨了高层管理团队(TMT)对团队和组织的影响,其中大部分聚焦于TMT的人口统计特征或构成。

    A lot of researches have demonstrated the influence of Top Management Team ( TMT ) on team and organizational outcomes , with the majority of which focusing on demographic features or compositions of TMT .

  19. 本研究探讨以行销4P理论为基础,探讨价格、产品、通路、推广对可携门号使用意愿之关系,并验证人口统计变项差异。

    This paper , based on4P Theory of Marketing , investigates the impacts of product , price , place , promotion on mobile number portability ( MNP ), and to test Demographics significance difference .

  20. 在PucGIS的实现过程中,以充分提供人口统计信息为重要目标,详细设计了人口指标体系;

    The detailed demographic index was designed in the system for exploring more information from census database .

  21. 运用逐步回归法筛选出与RFM相关的人口统计变量,建立回归方程测算人口统计变量潜在价值系数。

    Moreover , regression is built to calculate customer potential Rank on the demographic variables which having the correlations with RFM variables are screened with the method of the stepwise linear regression .

  22. 投资者正尝试着解析亚洲纸尿裤市场的人口统计特征、套利窗口、瓶颈以及扭曲状况。据里昂证券(CLSA)预计,到2030年亚洲纸尿裤市场的年销售额将从目前的120亿美元上涨至450亿美元。

    Investors are trying to parse the demographics , arbitrage windows , bottlenecks and distortions of an Asian nappy market with annual sales of about $ 12bn , forecast by CLSA to reach $ 45bn by 2030 .

  23. 在控制社会人口统计因素、产前情况及习惯因素后,用对数回归模型评估不同睡眠情况的SPPWR优势比。

    Logistic regression models estimated odds ratios of SPPWR for sleep categories , controlling for sociodemographic , prenatal , and behavioral attributes .

  24. 国家的人口统计是通过人口普查的方式来完成的。

    The population of a country is counted using a census .

  25. 功能可被分为行为类或人口统计类。

    The features can be categorized as either behavioral or demographic .

  26. 从人口统计数据来看,中国已完成人口转变;

    The demographic statistics show that China has completed the population transformation ;

  27. 婚姻、年龄等人口统计变量对员工心理契约没有显著影响。

    That vital statistics has no significant influence on employer psychology contract ;

  28. 社会和人口统计制度专家小组

    Expert Group on a System of Social and Demographic Statistics

  29. 看看美国的人口统计数字,我们的社会正在迅速变化。

    With the demographics in our country , we 're changing rapidly .

  30. 民国人口统计调查和资料的研究与评价

    Demographic Survey and Data in the Republic of China : An Assessment