
  • 网络value distribution;value allocation
  1. 应用Rubinstein-Stahl轮流出价的讨价还价模型研究了供应链的价值分配和中间产品的定价,从分配的角度探讨如何实现供应链价值分配的合理性。

    Value distribution and pricing intermediate product of supply chain are studied in this paper by using Rubinstein _Stahl bargaining model . We discuss how to reach the rationality of value distribution of supply chain .

  2. 当代社会剩余价值分配理论探析

    On the theory of surplus value distribution in the contemporary society

  3. 随着故事规模的增大,Kelly使用斐波那契数列来将相关的业务价值分配给每个故事。

    Just as with story sizing , Kelly uses a Fibonacci scale to assign relative business value to each story .

  4. 基于利益相关者视角的增加价值分配指数研究

    Research on Value-added Distribution Index from the Perspective of the Stakeholders

  5. 价值分配的对象是价值,不是财富。

    The object of value distribution is not wealth bwt value .

  6. 剩余价值分配理论课堂讲授之我见

    On the Teaching of the Theory of Surplus Value Distribution

  7. 面向供需链协同的信息共享价值分配机制

    Distribution mechanism of information sharing value for supply chain collaboration

  8. 公共政策本质上是对整个社会进行的权威性价值分配。

    Public policy is essentially on the whole social value distribution of authority .

  9. 现实中的价值分配与价值创造相关,主张价值分配与价值创造无关是不正确的;

    Value distribution is highly related with value production .

  10. 论企业价值分配与资产定价的关系&以中国企业会计分配为例

    On Relation Between Business Value Distribution and Asset Pricing

  11. 对价值分配理论依据的探讨

    A Discussion on Theoretical Basis of Value Distribution

  12. 我国移动增值业务产业链价值分配模式研究

    The Research of Distribution Mode of Mobile Value-Added Services Industry Chain in Our Country

  13. 民生问题是社会利益和价值分配不协调的表现。

    Livelihood issues is uncoordinated distribution of social benefits and value of the performance .

  14. 供应链的价值分配研究

    Study on Value - allocation of Supply Chain

  15. 论劳动者参与剩余价值分配

    On Labors ' Participation in Surplus Value Distribution

  16. 对当代社会剩余价值分配的再认识

    Reconsideration on Contemporary Distribution System of Surplus Value

  17. 国际投资的价值分配格局分析

    Analysis on Value Distribution Pattern of International Investment

  18. 地租理论是马克思剩余价值分配理论的重要组成部分,它以科学的劳动价值理论与生产价格理论为基础。

    The Land theory is an important component of surplus value 's distribution of Marx .

  19. 从马克思的价值分配理论看我国的分配制度

    A Research on China 's Distribution System from the Theory of Marx 's Value Distribution

  20. 知识产出与价值分配结构是有其新规则的。

    There are new rules for the output of knowledge and its value allocation structure .

  21. 这一新型的分配方式,第一次使知识贡献与价值分配明确地结合起来;

    It is the first time for intellectual contribution to be associated distinctively with value distribution .

  22. 研究了信息产品的价值分配,认为信息产品的价值分配具有多维性和合理性。

    Information product value allotment is multidimensional and rationality after studying the value allotment of it .

  23. 会计价值分配的内容是企业新创造的价值,即剩余收益。

    The content of accounting value allocation is new value created by corporations , namely remaining proceeds .

  24. 我们在提高知识分子的政治地位、社会地位的同时,必须完善分配制度,将知识贡献与价值分配有机地统一起来。

    We should improve and perfect the distribution system to meet the consistency of knowledge devotion and value distribution .

  25. 事后的价值分配激励是推行一套公平且完善的薪酬机制以及关注知识员工的未来发展。

    Afterwards motivation is carrying out a set of perfect compensation mechanism and attending knowledge workers ' future development .

  26. 劳动力价格决定是通过按劳分配与按劳动力价值分配的辨证统一实现的。

    Labor pricing is realized through the dialectic unity between distribution according to labor and distribution according to labor value .

  27. 按知分配使知识贡献与价值分配明确地结合起来;

    Distribution according to the contribution of knowledge has clearly combined the contribution of knowledge with the distribution of value .

  28. 公平与效率是一种对立统一的关系,分配对二者之间的关系影响很大。价值分配坚持公平优先和计划分配的制度安排。

    Fairness and efficiency is a unity of opposites , and distribution has a great impact upon the tie between them .

  29. 公平反映的是社会价值分配的合理性,效率反映了政策资源配置的有效性。

    The efficiency reflects a validity on disposition of policy resources , while equity reflects a rationality on distribution of social value .

  30. 第四,价值分配是一个重要的收入分配问题,这里的价值分配应该界定为利润的分配。

    Fourth , value-distribution is a matter of distribution of income , and it includes the distribution of use value and value .