
  1. 设计了企业信息结构的评价指标;通过分析企业信息资源的沟通渠道,改进了EIS内、外结构模型。

    Renew the definition of enterprise information structure and design some evaluation norm and data-communication model and improving the inside and outside structural model of EIS ;

  2. 首先分析了制造企业信息结构变化的趋势。

    First , the trend of information structure of manufacturing firms is discussed .

  3. 在此基础上,综合运用多Agent建立基于Agent的虚拟企业信息基础结构,并对多Agent之间的通信和虚拟企业信息系统的协同运作进行讨论。

    In this foundation , the synthesis utilizes multi-agent has established based on the agent virtual enterprise information foundation structure , and carried on the discussion to between the multi-Agent correspondence and the virtual enterprise information system coordination operation .

  4. 随着三层/多层企业信息系统结构的深度发展和下一代分布式计算模型Web服务的出现,企业应用中关于平台、框架、语言的竞争也愈演愈烈。

    With the comprehensive development of the three or more layers structure of the enterprise info system and the emergence of web services , the new generation distributed computing model , there are more and more competitions lied in the platform , architecture and language of the enterprise application .

  5. 矿山企业信息体系结构的研究与探讨

    Study on the Construction of Enterprise 's Information System

  6. 企业会计信息结构重构:基于企业与市场的互动视角

    Reconstruction of Accounting Information Structure : Based on the Interaction between Enterprises and Market

  7. 在分析动态联盟企业信息系统结构的基础上,提出了该系统的抽象层次结构,并利用面向对象的方法进行了逐层描述。

    Based on analyses of the structure of VOIS , the authors present an abstract hierarchical structure of VOIS and describe it level by level using object-oriented method .

  8. 文章在研究企业经济信息结构形成机制的基础上,基于事项法提出了一个企业经济信息结构柔性模型,并给出了该模型的柔性测度方法。

    The paper brings up a flexible model of enterprise economic information structure based on events accounting and puts forward the method of flexibility measurement for the model at the foundation of researching the forming mechanism of enterprise economic information structure .

  9. 基于ERP的企业集成信息系统结构模型的研究

    Studying on the Enterprise Integration Information Systems Construct Model of ERP

  10. 根据这个信息流模型,提出了改革企业信息部门组织结构体系的设想,以确保为企业导入实施CIS提供高效的信息支持和组织保障。

    In order to provide information and organization support for CIS implementation ? the author also raised a plan of reforming the enterprise 's information department .

  11. 在系统分析目前支持敏捷制造企业的信息基础结构的基础上,建立了AMIS的体系结构。

    Based on systematic analysis of the infrastructure supporting agile manufacturing enterprises , the author establishes an architecture of AMIS .

  12. 企业信息系统体系结构(ISA)是研究企业信息系统柔性的基础,除了孤立地研究ISA各子系统的柔性外,还必须从整体的高度对企业ISA进行柔性管理。

    Enterprise Information System Architecture is the base of study on enterprise information system flexibility . Besides studying separately on the flexibility of each subsystem of Enterprise Information System Architecture , flexible management of Enterprise Information System Architecture should also be done on the level as a whole .

  13. 建立企业信息资源的结构及评价体系

    Establishment of structure and appraisal system of information resources for enterprises

  14. 复杂环境中一种新的智能企业信息系统体系结构

    A New Smart Architecture of Enterprise Information System in Complex Enviroment

  15. 谈企业管理信息系统结构

    A Talk on the Structure of Managerial Information System of Enterprises

  16. 动态联盟企业信息系统的结构及其重组方法研究

    Research on structure and reengineering of virtual organization information systems

  17. 虚拟企业的信息基础结构研究

    A Study on Information Infrastructure for Virtual Enterprise

  18. 为此,本文根据运用主成分分析法分析了港口相关物流企业的信息需求结构,并根据信息需求结构设计了信息整合平台的功能结构。

    Therefore , the information need of logistics enterprises is analyzed by the way of principal component analysis .

  19. 由于虚拟企业特殊的信息结构特征,导致盟主企业和伙伴企业之间存在严重的委托-代理问题。

    However , there are serious principal-agency problems in the development of VE due to the particular information structure .

  20. 分析比较的结果表明,业务过程管理是新一代企业信息系统体系结构的重要发展方向。

    Finally it is concluded that BPM is the development trend of enterprise information system architecture in the next generation .

  21. 该模型最终实现了航空制造企业各类信息编码结构形式的统一,实现了信息编码系统和应用系统的分离管理。

    This model realizes the unified information coding structure in the aeronautical manufacturing enterprise and the separation management of the information coding system and application system .

  22. 在该系统平台上,组织设计人员可方便的进行企业流程信息和结构信息的录入,根据各种原则、方法进行流程设计和组织结构设计,在系统中可查看完整的企业流程和组织结构图。

    In this system , designers can enter process and structural information conveniently , and design process and organizational structure according to the principles / methods .

  23. 从消费者的购买行动的决定因素来看,一类是消费者头脑中关于各个企业产品的信息结构,一类是消费者关于企业品牌的感性因素。

    From view of the decision factors on purchasing actions , there are two types of the decision factors . One type of factors is the products ' information structure in the consumer mind , the other is the consumer emotion factors about the brand .

  24. 基于ASP的虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台的结构与功能设计

    Structure and Function of Virtual Logistics Enterprise Alliance Information Platform Based on ASP

  25. 然后以对Web服务技术及其优势的研究为基础,鉴于Web服务良好的封装性、松散耦合性、可集成能力高等特点,本文提出了基于Web服务企业信息门户的体系结构模型。

    Then , based on the researches of Web Services Technology and also its advantages such as good encapsulation , loose coupling and high integration capacity , this paper proposes an architecture , namely , Web Service-based EIP .

  26. 本文讨论了知识管理系统(KMS)与企业信息系统之间的结构与功能关系,并构建了企业知识管理体系。

    The paper discusses the relationship of structures and capacities between KMS and MIS , and constructs a KMS of corporations .

  27. 本文讨论了分布式企业信息系统软件体系结构建模的基本问题和统一建模语言(UnifiedMOdelingLanguage,UML)的建模特性,并在此基础上提出了基于UML的分布式企业信息系统软件体系结构模型USAM。

    This paper discussed the essential requirements of modeling distributed enterprise information system 's software architecture and the feasible Unified Modeling Language constructs and techniques . A UML-based software architecture model of distributed information system ( USAM ) was introduced .

  28. 从我国物流行业的实际出发,构建了适用于我国整个物流行业的基于ASP的虚拟物流企业联盟信息平台体系结构。从总体架构,功能设计等方面对这一体系结构进行了详细阐述。

    Starting from the present situation of China logistics line , the paper constructs an information platform architecture of virtual logistics enterprise alliance ( VLEA ), which is available for the whole logistics industry based on ASP , and describes its general frame and function design .

  29. 企业信息资源管理系统结构模式的研究

    Research on the Structure Mode of Enterprise Information Resource Management System

  30. 基于产品供应链的企业间信息集成体系结构

    The Architecture of Information Integration Among Enterprises on the Basis of Product-supply-line