
yōu huì dài yù
  • favorable treatment;preferential treatment
  • give preferential treatment;offer special treatment;preferential treatment
优惠待遇 [yōu huì dài yù]
  • [preferential treatment] 国际商务中一国给予另一国较其他国家更优惠的待遇,如减免关税、放宽进口限额等

  1. 作为交换,利比亚在能源、基础设施和防务合同上给予意大利优惠待遇。

    In exchange , Libya gave Italy favorable treatment in lucrative energy , infrastructure and defense contracts .

  2. 外资国民待遇并不排除东道国基于主权而给予外资一定的优惠待遇,也允许一定的差别待遇的存在。

    However , these two definitions are identical in effect because even the host country has adopted the former model , it does not exclude that country to grant more favorable treatment to foreign investors and investments based on its sovereignty .

  3. 他已经保证富人和特权阶层不会再得到优惠待遇。

    He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment

  4. 税收支出是由于税收优惠待遇而放弃的收入

    Tax expenditures are the revenues forgone due to preferential tax treatment .

  5. 采取绿色壁垒措施必须遵循WTO的非歧视、透明度和发展中国家优惠待遇等基本原则。

    Taking measures of Green barriers must abide by the foundational principle of non-discrimination , transparency , preferential treatment of developing countries and so on .

  6. 持有吉祥VIP贵宾卡,您可以在天津很多商户享受优惠待遇。

    If you have a VIP card , you can get discount in several merchants in Tianjin .

  7. 无论结局如何,部分分析人士预计,由于手机厂商会担心谷歌可能给予摩托罗拉优惠待遇而求自保,微软可能会渔翁得利,其WindowsPhoneOS将赢得更多客户。

    Either way , some analysts expect Microsoft to gain clients on its Windows Phone OS as hardware makers protect themselves against possible preferential treatment for Motorola down the line .

  8. 指出对GATS中发展中国家的特别优惠待遇予以研究的必要性和现实意义。

    It indicates the necessity and practical significance of the re-search on preference treatment to developing country in GATS .

  9. 本文认为,我国加入WTO以后,应该逐步实现税收国民待遇的模式转换,即由优惠待遇模式转向同等待遇模式。

    This article shows that , after her entry into WTO , China should realize gradually the mode transformation of national treatment on taxation , which means the transformation from favored treatment mode to equal treatment mode .

  10. WTO对区域经济一体化(含自由贸易区)持肯定的态度并有关于货物贸易、服务贸易、发展中国家的优惠待遇等相对完善的规范。

    WTO holds a positive attitude towards regional integration including free trade area , and is framework consists of relatively perfect rules of trade in goods or services and preferential treatment on the members that belong to developing nations .

  11. 这是美国政府提供的最后几项优惠待遇之一,TSA的行政主管约翰·皮斯托尔(JohnPistole)上周在达拉斯-沃思堡国际机场(Dallas-FortWorthInternationalAirport)的注册中心开放时开玩笑说。

    ' It 's one of the last great bargains the U.S. government is offering , ' TSA Administrator John Pistole joked at an enrollment-center opening last week at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport .

  12. GATS中的特别优惠待遇体现了经济主权、公平互利和全球合作原则,同时也蕴含了自由、安全、公平和整体利益等法律理念。

    The special preferential in GATS embodies not only principles of economy sovereignty , equality , mutual benefit , and global cooperation , but also the law idea of freedom , security , e-quality and whole interest .

  13. 中国的投资政策为外国投资者提供了优惠待遇。

    China 's investment policy provide preferential treatment to foreign investor .

  14. 技术、智力、资本密集型享受技术密集型和知识密集型项目优惠待遇

    Enjoy preferential treatments as technology-intensive and / or knowledge-intensive enterprises

  15. 纳税人有享受税收优惠待遇的权利。

    Tax payers have the right to enjoy tax incentives .

  16. 人们发现有个小组得到了优惠待遇。

    It was discovered that one group got preferential trratment .

  17. 英联邦特惠税的优待关税和非关税优惠待遇

    Preferential tariff treatment of the Commonwealth Preference System tariff and non-tariff concession

  18. 目前,外国投资者可享受某些优惠待遇。

    At present , foreign investors were entitled to certain preferential treatment .

  19. 作为发展中国家,我国可享受哪些优惠待遇?

    What favorite polices can China share as a member of developing country ?

  20. 这项工作有那麽多优惠待遇,使我难以拒绝

    There be so many enticement offer that I can not refuse the job

  21. 马来西亚政府对马来人优惠待遇的问题比较敏感。

    The Malaysian government is sensitive on the issue of preferential treatment for Malays .

  22. 税收问题主要是欠税问题以及税收优惠待遇问题。

    Tax issues mainly include owing tax and the problems of preferential tax treatment .

  23. 处在亏损情况下的公司应该得到赋税方面的优惠待遇。

    Companies should get some tax benefits while they 're in a loss position .

  24. 其他补贴方式还包括直接分配信贷以及给沿海企业以优惠待遇。

    Additional subsidies have included direct credit allocation and preferential treatment for coastal enterprises .

  25. 积极行动则要求雇主在特定条件下,向少数族群或妇女提供优惠待遇。

    Affirmative action requests employers providing preferential treatment to minorities or women in specific situation .

  26. 他已经保证富人和特权阶层不会再得到优惠待遇。答应给予;

    He had promised that the rich and privileged would no longer get preferential treatment .

  27. 特别和优惠待遇原则

    Principle of Special and Differential Treatment

  28. 你们可得到优惠待遇。

    You 'd receive preferential treatment .

  29. 贸易同盟通过给予成员国的厂商优惠待遇减少贸易障碍。

    Trade agreements reduce trade barriers by giving preferential treatment to firms in the member countries .

  30. 但实践中,中国已经给予外资以诸多的优惠待遇,此即所谓的超国民待遇;

    In practice , foreign investors and investments have been given a super national treatment in China .