
  1. 某一首歌能成为你的最爱可能是因为你把它和你生活中某个情绪事件联系起来了。

    Your favorite song is probably favorite because you associate with an emotional event of your life .

  2. 我做了你的最爱,小麦吐司加早餐三明治

    I made your favorite , breakfast sandwich on wheat toast .

  3. 我会是甚麽,如果我不能成为你的最爱。

    What am I , if I can 't be yours .

  4. 它的易于安装和进口你的最爱。

    And it 's easy to install and import your favorites .

  5. 我知道为什么玉米奶酪是你的最爱了

    I see why these cheese grits are your favorite .

  6. 爸爸,我把你的最爱给占去了,我希望有一天她能回到你的身边。

    Dad . I know I took your first love from you .

  7. 描述你的最爱(书、电影、广告、网站)

    Describe your favourite ( book / film / advertisement / website )

  8. 嘿,什么小吃是你的最爱?

    Hey , what type of food do you like ?

  9. 突然失去了你的最爱。

    Losing your first love like that so suddenly .

  10. 这个女孩,你的最爱…

    This girl , the love of your life ...

  11. 我以为秋天是你的最爱。

    I thought autumn was your favorite season .

  12. 原谅爱侣的错误,毕竟他(她)是你的最爱。)

    Forgive his or her mistakes , for he or she is your favorite .

  13. 哪个超女是你的最爱?

    So who 's your favorite super girl ?

  14. 我知道卡布奇诺是你的最爱。

    I know Cappuccino is your favorite .

  15. 平底高跟鞋是你的最爱。

    Platform heels are your favorite .

  16. 细鞋跟的高跟鞋是你的最爱。

    Stiletto heels are your favorite .

  17. 糖浆是你的最爱吗?

    Is syrup your favorite thing ?

  18. 让英语成为你的最爱。

    Make English your love .

  19. 花点时间多尝试一些不同的运动,直到发现你的最爱。

    Spend time at different activities until you find one you want to do on most days .

  20. 各式的开胃食物通常是你的最爱,这很符合白羊座喜欢深究的个性哦。

    When dining in a restaurant , try a variety of appetizers , which will suit your investigative nature .

  21. 妩媚的蕾丝装扮是你的最爱,如果再配上淡蓝、浅粉、嫩黄和浅绿这样柔和的颜色,就更能衬出你的时尚可爱。

    Feminine lacy dresses are your first love , and you look wonderful in the colors of pale blue , pink , yellow and green .

  22. 如果躺在沙滩上享受日光浴是你的最爱,那就去一个小岛吧!沿着泰国绵长的海岸线,有上百个美丽的小岛。

    If lying on the beach is your thing , head for one of the many hundreds of beautiful islands that rest along Thailand 's lengthy coastline .

  23. 当然,如果冲浪不是你的最爱的话,你应该会喜欢坐在沙滩上放松或者徒步行,去看令人屏息的瀑布,那么斐济当然是最值得去的岛国了。

    Well , if surfing is not for you and you love sitting on the beach and relaxing or hiking , seeing breathtaking waterfalls , Fiji is certainly the best island country to visit .

  24. 但是我可能还是你一生的最爱?

    I still might be the love of your life ?

  25. 也许它是你儿时的最爱,比如奥利奥、牛奶,也许是你按家传秘方做出的食物。

    Perhaps it 's a childhood favorite like Oreos and milk or maybe a secret family recipe .

  26. 和不要急着长大的道理一样,不要过早的认定这就是你一生的最爱。

    Along the same line as not trying to grow up too quickly , don 't fall into the trap of thinking that this is the best girl you 'll ever get .

  27. 你是我的最爱,没有任何你能把你代替。

    I don 't want leave you hold how much I love you .

  28. 在这里,我们列出了一些直到现在还没有结束的动画,其中可能有你童年时期的最爱:

    Here we list some cartoons that have continued up until now without an end , and among them there may be a favorite from your childhood :

  29. 因为我只有在看不见你的时候,才最爱你。

    Because I love you the most when I cannot see you .

  30. 梭罗是你的爸爸心中的最爱。

    Thoreau is your dad 's most favorite .